

2022-10-03 JoinedGlobal



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  • Nymian

    Obligatory 5 star author review, just gonna lay down some info here. If you got questions, you can leave them in the comments. -What's this story like?: It will be a slow story, with focus on worldbuilding and characterization. The plan is to build a world that could stand without this initial story, and a character that would be interesting without its world. I may not explain things right away, but please trust me to address them when the time is right. -So what's this story about?: It's about a guy called Rethys, his struggle and his journey through this world, as well as his journey as a person. -What's this Rethys like?: Former homeless street orphan, cynical and a survivor, a bit boring but becomes... more as the story progresses, and you get to see exactly how that unfolds. -Will he be overpowered?: Yes but Not really. The bulk of his powers would *need* to be hidden, effectively bringing his power down. He will still be quite powerful without them however, whether it be wits or magic. -Will there be romance?: Yes but it will be slow, and no harem. That's all I could think to address off the top of my head, about the story anyways. Planning to update with a chapter a day, but things may fluctuate. First 10 chapters are a prologue in which the MC plays a secondary role, that of an observer. This prologue introduces the world and set the stage, Rethys' personal story starts properly afterwards. That's all I think, this is the first time I try to write a story like this, so any and all feedback is appreciated. Nymian out.

    Origin Herald
    Fantasy · Nymian