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I enjoyed this a ton, please give it a read if you like one piece fanfictions that leave you excited for the next chapter to come. This story comes together really well.
This is honestly a good fan-fiction with nice sized chapters. The author is a great writer. I enjoyed this quite well, it does have amazing character introduction, and a great way for the crew to get stronger quickly.
Really really good it kept me hooked till this chapter that was a good ending of it does end if not I will enjoy the next chapters Suspicious issues
Nice work please mow I need it fuxnfisitshmsgmyksmgsktsktstkskgsmgektdlgtks. Wncskgsglkyemvwlydlhsy Btklyflgorarkjrylyywldlslysysylsyslglsydlyleyelydlhdlhdlylstskwfkwtkwktwkgwgkelghgelyelyllhdhdlrlkgelgl
It's so good thank you