


My name is Mr. Jeffrey Robert Palin Jr. . Born 02/27/1987. https://www.change.org/p/improve-means-of-regulation-enabling-disabling-of-ai-s-performing-tasks-being-accessed

2022-09-15 JoinedUnited States



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  • UpSide

    Grace puts on her smile and desguises her deep hidden hurt. The saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover” comes to mind. She has the rich, popular, and luxury reputation, material things, connections and etc. that her parents work hard to give her and their family. But their maintaining their work and status results in their sacrificing spending much time with Grace and they’re oblivious as to the effects that can result. That and the large lack of affection plus the large lack of their trying to have a close relationship with Grace is killing her softly. Grace has quite a way of dealing with her pain and also quite a way of keeping a record of that pain, and it definitely shows her lack of coping well. The first chapter paints a tragic scene and the second/third chapter begins to clue the reader in on what lead to that scene. I only read three chapters, and it makes me want to find out much more.

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  • UpSide

    Her parents really aren’t the “close, very caring, and understanding” kind of parents. If anyone else saw from a 3rd person perspective all that happened from when Grace got her mom’s attention to when Grace’s mom got into her car, they’d have to be blind to see how deeply Grace is feeling the hurt of not having her parents be there for her and how her mom is completely not caring enough. It’s a form of neglecting important things that aren’t obvious in appearance unless one is observant and is decently versed in “understanding via one’s own analysis”. Grace’s way of dealing with her despair is all messed up and things need to change in order for her not to cause her survival’s demise, despite her reasoning being that it is due to others, she has the ultimate hand at deciding her own survival when it comes to the particular way that she is dealing with her despair. I’m still hoping that at least a few good times with others end up happening for her before what ended up becoming of her happens as mentioned in Chapter 1.

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  • UpSide

    With an intro that presents a tragic scene that leaves the reader eager to find out what exactly transpired for this to be happening. The author’s execution of deliverering description and impact is entertainingly eloquent. I only read the first two chapters and the first chapter definitely draws the reader in and left me eager to read all that this story has to offer. The second chapter gives the reader a feel of the kind of lifestyle that is of the populace in the story and shows some of how royals can have fun and be mischievous. It definitely shows promise of having impressive things to look foward to reading and, from what I’ve read so far, it’s worth your while to read and find out the experience delivered from immersing yourself into this story. This story sounds like it might be a potent experience.

    Snow n' Starlight
    Fantasy · Sakura_Charmash
  • UpSide

    Ha, she had quite a few drinks. Festive scene, a playful wager, and the day sounded fun and pleasant. Disguise shenanigans done by young royal individuals is always an entertaining risk. The place sounds safe and almost carefree. Nice chapter.

    Ch 2 Trickster
    Snow n' Starlight
    Fantasy · Sakura_Charmash
  • UpSide

    The kid’s eyes has an ominous appearance. It makes quite an impact like an aura that causes an air of unease. The whole scene screams of a serious tragedy that has occured. What the emperor thinks of the kid is what I’m wondering. I’m thinking the kid either died or passed out from whatever ordeal he went through and, to me, it seems like, regarding whatever happened earlier, the kid’s intentions were to save the life of the one he ended up carrying or prevent the death of that person. There is definitely a hierarchy which makes me question how different hierarchy statuses treat other statuses in the same hierarchy. Well written and unpredictable as to what can be expected, that’s that element of mystery that this chapter also has. I’m definitely gonna find out what’s next so that I can find out what exactly took place. Well done

    Ch 1 Prologue
    Snow n' Starlight
    Fantasy · Sakura_Charmash
  • UpSide

    She has a luxury lifestyle but not the social company, interactions, and expressed love from her family. She is liked and has people who want to be her friend but, from the way she describes, their behavior and kindness are not genuine. She is in despair but she keeps that inside while her outward appearance looks like everything is stable and normal enough. I feel she’s a little overly focussing on the negative aspects of what her life is like. Judging from the first chapter, she either hung out and did things with the wrong kind of “friends”, which is like escapism, or her despair got the best of her and lead to her being self-destructive, or both. This chapter is showing how her life is luxurious but she is tragically not “handling well” the negatives that are part of her entire and even everyday life. I hope there’s something good she looks forward to doing and likes to do at least like once a week or so. I hope there are at least some good things ahead in the next chapters. As far as this Chapter, message received.

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  • UpSide
    Replied to Rainandstorm

    Much appreciated

    Gigged Up
    Fantasy · UpSide
  • UpSide

    That’s a heart-wrenching scenario. Had me absorbed and feeling pity for those affected by what happened. Grace seemed to have had her secrets that she was living while she also lived a desireable life. The desireable part of her life is maybe only all that everyone else knew she was living. I’m still not definitely sure if her death is actually a suicide but it sure looks like it is. This intro sets the story up to have plenty of options and mystery as to how the story can unfold. I’m gonna read more because I need answers. Your intro Chapter caught my interest.

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  • UpSide

    This is leading up to the Boss gathering event. Erica got the worst luck, her life is beyond messed up right now. I hope things get better for her. She’s tough and I’m wondering what she has in mind with whatever she’s got up her sleeve. Vincent is scummy. Every time I thought he might turn out to have any sign of a good heart, he shows that he is scummy. The way you wrote these first two chapters, I say reading more is seeming promising to be worthwhile. Good job drawing the reader in. I enjoy your work

    Ch 2 "They"
    Utilizing a mafia boss
    Realistic · Moonwriting
  • UpSide

    Seb is ice cold. Sounds like a wealthy and maybe even luxurious place despite the blood stained dungeon. I wonder what exactly the traitor did. It sounds like he runs things with an iron fist and through fear, dangerous environment. That probably makes things always tense and uneasy when they’re around each other. I’m not sure how pleasant such a life can possibly be but I think the story will give a telling description of their mafia life. Good writing and nice job with the descriptions. I definitely want to find out more, so I’m on to the next chapter.

    Ch 1 Traitor
    Utilizing a mafia boss
    Realistic · Moonwriting
  • UpSide

    Liz befriended the perfect friends suoted for her situation. They’re awesome to their cores! Liz’s brother is arrogant and conceited. Grimhild stepping in is exactly what anyone would have wanted to happen. The trio already have Liz’s hardship that they’re taking on together, I’m wondering if that hardship is going to escalate. Liz is in good hands but I’m wondering if people with some serious power are going to level up the trio’s struggles. Good chapter.

    Ch 4 The Rozenheart Family
    The Great Witch of Magic Academy
    Fantasy · HouseOfLee
  • UpSide

    Takes you into what feels like real school life with the Main Characters. It has the school setting and love interests. A story of trying to make things right with someone else and that the factors involved while trying to make things right can keep you taking guesses as to what to expect and have you picking sides or rooting for one over the other. It Flows good and I enjoyed it.

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  • UpSide

    John treated that girl kinda coldly. He could’ve handled that way better. I wonder if that means he’s got a ”not so great” side to his character. This project is John’s chance to try making a good impression to Shelly. It’s not looking likely that Shelly will change her mind about him. Something’s gotta eventually work the miracle that would make Shelly see John in a good light.

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  • UpSide

    Looks like John’s making a rise. Could change Shelly’s impression of him for the better, possibly much better.

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  • UpSide

    Normalcy...and now talk of drugs. Probably bad news. Should be interesting.

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  • UpSide

    Albino baby tortoise being an attention wh*re

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  • UpSide

    Great chapter! I knew he messed up by checking out more of the customer’s property. They weren’t as heartless as I thought they were gonna be. Since he’s the MC, I expected him to survive but I didn’t expect things to be playing out this way. Suspenseful. What’s next?

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  • UpSide

    An albino MC, that’s new for me. Cool so far. Sometimes story intros seem all good-natured and normal but then the Author hits you with surprise chaos and action. I’m curious to see how this story goes.

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  • UpSide

    I like the entertaining verbal back and forths. Getting to know their personalities. Seems playful but are they in an environment of seriousness? A place like that and their being armed, plus talks of missions pretty much sounds like the story is promising some good action is coming up. I’m looking forward to finding out what’s the case as to what this story turns into. This chapter builds up a lot of potential. Nicely done.

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  • UpSide

    Of course they’re gonna keep an eye on her, but is she really bad news since she doesn’t seem to have any bad intentions. Loving how well social things are well written and how the friendship forms between those three. Relatable and pleasantly inviting read of the next chapter.

    Ch 3 The Council of Magic Academy
    The Great Witch of Magic Academy
    Fantasy · HouseOfLee