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  • Livon_Saffron

    Its like he discovered the cellular structure or their unique DNA on what makes a 'werewolf' a 'werewolf'.

    It was not that no wizards had tried this idea before, but the internal body structure of the werewolf remained the same even after the transformation, so naturally, nothing worked. Now with the werewolf rune structure pattern, that Felix had discovered, the situation might be very different.
    Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)
    Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
  • Livon_Saffron

    One is Felix, other Hermione, whose the third one?

    Valen sighed, the popularization of the Niffler language has a long way to go, and only three people at this point can speak to her directly. Valen took out her exclusive wand and wrote in the air - she could write fast and neatly now: who is 'Dear Collins'?
    Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)
    Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
  • Livon_Saffron

    Yeah he is heading in the right direction of studying and yes he can prove himself and not rely on others. But its also so dangerous what this determination has manifested from. I hope that both Harry and Ron can grow their own independent ways and that the trio is not always together, as they especially Ron have always been associated with each other. I just hope this doesn't destroy their relationship.

    Ron opened his book bag and took out his textbook and parchment, he is paying the price for his actions, now he will have to write his own homework without a single reference, but he does want to prove that he can do it without relying on anyone.
    Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)
    Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
  • Livon_Saffron

    Yeah she must be not impressed

    Valen thought about the range of forms she had seen the Great Demon King take - the Thestral with bat wings, the Occamy that could turn big and small, the Demiguise that could become invisible, the Golden Snidget that would suddenly disappear and appear, the Thunderbird that could control lightning, the White Ferret that could split itself in two ...
    Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)
    Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
  • Livon_Saffron

    Great Luna your father is one of those crazy part of shippers. They are great.

    "My dad said that the You-Know-Who had an unusual relationship with a Dementor and that he could have disguised himself as one when he was younger and followed a couple of them around to steal a few kisses, you know, a Dementor's kiss ..."
    Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)
    Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
  • Livon_Saffron

    Aha yes close..😏

    "You guys are definitely exaggerating ... trying to make me happy," Hagrid chuckled, as he filled his mug with boiling water and continued, "Slughorn- -definitely has real skills, although I didn't learn anything from him ... you know, I got expelled in third grade." He said vaguely, "That Professor Bagshot isn't simple either, I guess he and Dumbledore are old acquaintances, the kind that has a relatively close relationship ..."
    Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)
    Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
  • Livon_Saffron

    Felix - Ye :D

    "I never saw your name in the announcement issued by the Animagus registry." Professor McGonagall said seriously, "So my teaching career has consisted of a succession of major blunders, with a total of four students who practised and became illegal Animagus under my nose?"
    Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)
    Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
  • Livon_Saffron

    Ofcourse he would 💀

    He would absolutely join the professor's side.
    Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)
    Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
  • Livon_Saffron

    She is a distinguished lady.

    "Aguamenti." A stream of water gushed out from the tip of her wand and Valen dutifully washed both her hands and feet, then rummaged through her pocket and pulled out a nice pair of little shoes and put them on herself.
    Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)
    Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
  • Livon_Saffron

    The Great Demon King...

    She looked at Harry and then at Hermione, wondering if she should tell them that the Great Demon King might possibly be planning something evil. ... But when she thought of the Great Demon King's words, "don't let them break my lab equipment," Valen puffed out her little chest and made up her mind to stand firmly in front of them to watch out.
    Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)
    Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
  • Livon_Saffron

    Valen has learned from Felix the Art of Manipulation and Bribery. Good for her

    Valen looked at the Moaning Myrtle suspiciously, and after thinking for a moment, she pulled a small jar out of her pocket containing a serving of ghost food. She screwed open the lid and Myrtle leaned in closer and asked incredulously, "For me?" After receiving an affirmative nod, she reached straight out with a chubby, transparent hand, and it passed through Valen's small hand and the jar, dragging out a bright silvery cloud of light.
    Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)
    Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
  • Livon_Saffron

    Ohhhh I am so excited!

    "If you want to stop him from falling into the darkness, you must not allow him to kill." Dumbledore paused and said in a quiet tone, "Once something goes wrong there is no turning back. I hope he will experience what it feels like to love and be loved, even if it is an illusion."
    Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)
    Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
  • Livon_Saffron

    Yeah that is very cool

    For example, once the bat's ultrasound is combined with thinking room magic, it allows Felix to quickly construct the real environment around him within his brain and overlay it with illusions. The effect of this magic is terrifying: when faced with Felix, enemies may never be able to tell what is real and what is an illusion.
    Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)
    Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
  • Livon_Saffron

    He's such an opportunist I love it

    Felix put away the branch of the snakewood tree that still retained its life, ready to take it to Professor Sprout when he returned to see if a transplant is possible. It would be best to get Severus on board as well ... Dumbledore had recently revealed his desire to recruit a second professor for the Defence Against the Dark Arts class, and he should be made aware of this.
    Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)
    Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
  • Livon_Saffron

    They have such a cute rivalry

    Professor McGonagall, who was sandwiched between them, and Professor Flitwick, who was sitting on Felix's left side, also noticed this, and looked rather indifferent to the little show of entertainment that was happening at the table, because it was not the first time it had happened since a while back and was not worth making a fuss about at all. The last time these two had even gathered a ray of magic from the thin air on the campus, and this level of magical mastery alone had made the professors at Hogwarts gasp in appreciation.
    Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)
    Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
  • Livon_Saffron

    Woohoo collab

    Felix had left some room for doubt, in fact, he had already solved all the technical difficulties and even the final product was out - only it didn't have much to do with him, it was old man Grindelwald who had worked on it.
    Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)
    Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
  • Livon_Saffron

    She's so proud of her boys

    "Oh, don't interrupt." Molly said, her eyes staring earnestly at the stage as she whispered, "Look how handsome they are."
    Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)
    Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
  • Livon_Saffron

    I love their relationship so much, its so complicated

    Felix was sitting idly at the school table, bickering with Grindelwald for some time now, especially after he had conveyed Harry's regards to the old man, and Grindelwald looked at him with nothing but distaste.
    Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)
    Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
  • Livon_Saffron

    I am crying inside I loved them so much 😭😭 Why couldn't we have this in the books, its just happiness and pain reading about all of these people who died in the books 😢

    Luna and her father were dancing merrily in the distance, dressed in goose-yellow clothes and gliding around the campfire like two dancing butterflies, and Cedric sat with his parents, smiling slightly as they watched.
    Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)
    Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
  • Livon_Saffron

    NOT THE STANS 😭 Actually no, he's probably talking about his usual friends, classmates and other people who are care about him.

    "Harry was sent to you for the reasons I stated earlier. He's not happy here, and although I'm in no position to accuse you, I would advise you from a neutral point of view, to restrain yourselves a little, after all, you won't be together for much longer. If those Fans of Harry know about it...
    Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)
    Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat