Weird ideas run through my head, weird ideas get turned into weird stories.
of reading
Read books
the fuck? how resilient is that thing?
ain't no way...
yeah like he didn't just fucking ripped his own arm off
no, es que el inglés no tiene diferencias de género tan obvias como el español y al traducirlo se hace confuso. Nayuta y Sophia son mujeres, Haruto y Touji son honbres
somewhat close, but no, you'll see why that happened later
Ceaseless Discharge is the only son of the witch of izalith, and younger brother of the chaos witches
I'm guessing this is the effect of dreadnought?
faith is stronger lorewise because it draws power from the gods while sorcerey draws power from one's focus
jsjsjsj ay no, la traducción literal lo hizo sonar muy estúpido xd small fries se traduce más como debiluchos que papás fritas xd