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he probably shouldn't be dead at this point. He died in the 2nd War.
Usually, it's the cabbage that's valuable hahaha!!!
Plagiarized!!! This is clearly Rhaegar the Ruthless by Leonelfallen.
Did Visenya become his paramour here?? Also, does he know this is Queen Visenya Targaryen (one of the conquerors)?? Because there is a line about marriage and Visenya's distate for it because of Aegon.
I mean you can't be NEET if you have a job. NEET is literally an acronym for Not in Education, Employment, or Training.
PLAGIARIZED!!! This is the same story as Sunrise (Quentyn Martell SI by Constellat1on. ps. disregard this if this is the same author (though, I don't think so)
it kind of has the same premise as a story on AO3... Rhaegar the Ruthless. Lyanna thumped his head so hard an SI occupied his body.
Most of the Chinese listing genre are like that... it's usually just reactions of the characters
I thought the SI was good at making friends. I mean in the past few chapters he is friends with Robert and Oberyn and now it's implied that he doesn't have any friends and is known to be a jerk.