Hello, I am Thomas Trainman, and I write shitposts.
of reading
Read books
The hottest story I've ever read. The story was so moving, and the characters were so vivid! 10/10
What would you do if you were told to kill? Actually, you don't get a choice.
Burger King.
Horror movies are just that, right? Movies. But soon, one class in Stonewall, Georgia is about to live through their very own - And the consequences are very, very real.
Do you love to read poorly written creepypastas? Do you go searching for internet horror so corny and not scary in the slightest? Well, entry number 4 in the Dollar Store Horror series, DSH: Statue is the novel for you! It's awful. And if you enjoy this entry in DSH, consider checking out other novels in the DSH series - They're corny too.
The mind of a drug addict is one of suffering and addiction, but for one of them, it's about to be much, much worse than that.
J-JOE was living a normal life, until one day he discovers his best friend Thomas murdered one of his classmates in cold blood. Now he must prove to the world that Thomas is responsible using the only he knows how - Journalism.
When the cops can do nothing to stop the recent murders happening in Grim, New Jersey, television host Shelley Hauswirth sets out to stop the killer, no matter the cost.