

2022-08-22 JoinedGlobal

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  • Brotherlazy

    After reading novels that i deem as masterpieces, i think this one is very good, it isn't a novel that you will have your head blown but its a good one a solid 7.5-8/10. Its the typical hard working protagnoist that beacomes strong and isn't fulled by anybody and likes to beat the "shit" out of people that antaonise him or his people from the start. He is a no "bullshit" protanoist, and that makes the novel very fun in a sense. What i really like about this novel is the power system, beacuse it kind of limits the types of power the caracter can have, and the stakes is really high, theirs a lot of stuff happening, so you sometimes feel a certain anxiety that the protagnoist has to hurry up. So i recomend this one, its very solid, not boring, easy to read, and very enjoyable.

    Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
    Fantasy · RealmWeaver
  • Brotherlazy

    Behold my potential readers you are about to read on of the best descriptions of a power system and a smart protagonist EVER. To this day, i have yet to find a novel that is so smart in describing the funcionality of the power system and of very complex concepts like "destiny, thoughts, intution, omniprescense, etc". You guys are in for treat beacuse the author gives a lesson in how to do this, so for potiental novel writters be ready to screen shot explantions of descriptions beacuse you will learn a lot. This novel starts hectic, in chaos, with a lot happening and in a sense it could be kind of overbearing but i plead you to continue, you dont have to understand everything at the start, enjoy this sense of not understanding beacuse this smart protagonist doesnt either. Its a story with a lot of mystery. I hope you enjoy this one.

    Fire Mage
    Fantasy · Ak02
  • Brotherlazy

    On of my favorite novels. Who is this novel for ? If you like a protagnoist that is super smart, paranoid, and in some way 'real' in a sense that personal growth isnt magical, and it demands time and various trys to change, beacuse the protagnoist is egotistical and a "asshole" (but you will feel sympathy towards him even if you kinda of hate what hes doing), this novel is for you. If you like a story, in which the magical system is really explained (like a hard magic system from a RPG), with a lot of detail and logic behind how it works and how it doesnt, in which you really understand why caracters use certains magics and their restricitions, this is for you. If you like the a story in which the protanoist has to study a lot, and everything is really hard, in a sense that he isnt a god the memorizes everything and is the best at everything, and supporting caracters are better then him in certain aspects, this is for you. If you like a story in which, the supporting cast you like a lot and they level up and actully helps and is important for the protagnoist in terms of friendship, mental healing and battle prowess, this is for you. If you like a story in which the battle scenes are really epic, detailed and you understand the risks and logic of the fight, this is the novel. If you like a story that will make you cry because you care and actully care a lot, and feel happy beacuse of th sucess of the carcater you root for, this novel is for you. This novel is excellent in making everything hard, you feel that the protagnoist is op but he isn't, cause in never trully gets easy. He doesn't become a god that oneshots eveything, he actully loses a lot beacuse the antagonist is really smart and isn't nerf or have that "protagnoist powerup". I could talk endlessly about this great novel, but it would be very long, this review is alrealy long kkk, i hope i can encorage you to read this.

    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Brotherlazy

    My FIRST REVIEW. Fully deserved for this novel. So lets start, what is this novel? The best analogy for this novel is its a "slow and steady roast to the best barbeacue you will have i your life". The protagnoist is super paranoid with reason, funny, and smart, the casts of supporting caracters are likeable and not plot devices or "stat checkers" (that only have a use for showing that the protagnoist is 'op'). The powerup for the story is very hard and slow. The protagnoist and the story in general has to do a lot to powerup, so we get to see the deveolpment of how that protagonist with his limitations of power resolves the problems he has to solve. The story i like it beacuse it has a theme of dread and mystery mixed in, you feel this hostile world and even when the protagnoist levels up, it stays. In which you and the protagonist are trying to figure out what is happening in the world and i assure you will be pleasantly supprised, the author is really good at world building, making the world filled with mythology and occultism that really enriches the story. For first readers, i would tell you to continue reading even if it starts kind of boring or you dont like the powers and limitations that the protagonist gets, beacuse the fun part comes in the first "nightmare" where you discover what really is happening in the novel. Then i assure you will like it alot.

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree