Im ne wto Webnovel and i enjoy primarily naruto fics and if ur reading this ur probably stalking my profile XD
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There not random and me reviewing a chapter the author reviews dosent make me his alt account thats like me saying ur someones alt account because u commented at the same time as him 🤦🏽♂️
Whatever man believe what you believe But if rhe author was teying to get a good rating instead of making 1 alt account he would make multiple which i dont see at all there is only 3 reviews from me the author and some random guy but other than mu account being made close to when this book released u have no justification to attack me over one coincidence but whatever idc have a good day
I can’t believe u think im a alt account do to a series of coincidences belive whst you will but dont attack me because u diselike the author of this story
Good chapter keep up the good work
What a weird way to get to know somone
Thanks for the chapter
Nice chapter
Good book i enjoy it very much keep up the good work
You dont know how deluded u soynd if u actually check my profile instead of assuming do to coincidences u would relize i have been active on this account for a number of days i would have no time robe active on this account and continueously update a story u pee brain wierdo and if i was his alt why wouldn’t he make more alts if he wanted a high rating? U sound deuded and ur probably just hating on the guy but leave me out of this because im no alt account u fucking dweeb
What are you talking about? Im not thw author of this book whatsoever dawg💀