Just a man who likes to read and come up with FanFic ideas let me know if you want to Collab on a story/want to write or give me prompts/cartoons and anime and I'll come up with something
of reading
Read books
I FRIGGING KNEW I RECOGNISED THAT NAME! my dad was obsessed with that show recently
eh, not too much of a fan of any brownie makes my mouth feel all gummed up, but that might just be my weird ass mouth - like I generate a weird amount of saliva
could be slightly later season Alex, so yknow Matt doesn't catch a case of "to catch a preditor"
hmm, fair enough. I'll be honest. The character of Alex is probably my perfect match, and I only started watching M.F. after seeing so many fics of it, but I've still arrived at that conclusion
so what you're saying is I don't have a life ? yeah, that tracks 😮💨 I work 8.30 till 5 Monday to Saturday, and the only thing I do in my spare time is read on here
awesome bro!! so is it really just a time spent reading thing ?
no, but like stop, you're gonna make me think about life at 2AM, and that's never good
bro I laughed so hard I'm almost puking
ayyy I read it in his voice by pure reflex
this shit is too funny bro