Murder of glass plates. Renowned prankster. Lover of all things Asian. Lonely extrovert. Over dramatic human being. Multi-linguist. Children's worst nightmare. High schooler. Two-faced dork.
of reading
Read books
Danag is so rude
Damn gurl
I am loving this already
I actually like the first and third offers It's believable that a man was murdered like that. Even in our current society, i won't be surprised.
Okay, I really have to apologize to all my readers for not updating. It Will take a long tine before I will get back online because: 1. My phone is toast (I'm actually using my mum's second phone to write this because she knows how much my writing and my fans mean to me.) 2. I can't uptade now since my phone has lots of my chapters on my notepad. I AM SO SORRY
Thank you
Can you all imagine an infant holding a gun? 😲😲😲😉😉😉😉
Tnx and I will ☺️☺️☺️
Guts girl, guts