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On chapter 11. I don't know much about Warhammer 40k, just the basics, but I am still able to enjoy the story. it is slow paced, and the MC doesn't have ridiculous cheats and soar to the apex of power he just seems to learn slightly faster and work way harder than normal. Overal great and I hope story continues!
it's probably not the time to worry about it but subpar antibiotics and people diluting doses to skim profits will probably cause the bacteria to develop resistance to antibiotics.
at least it's convenient to carry for every day life since it's light and compact. but if you are going to do a Japanese sword for the battlefield do a Odachi or nodachi. They're basically longer katanas
it just isn't for me. a bit of a spoiler but the whole supernatural thing becomes more prevalent the more you read causing me to drop this. I preferred the dangers to be more political and strategic, like in the original work with some magic and dragons to add some spice. it's like how good movies aren't necessarily the ones with the biggest special effects budget. Instead, the plot and good characters make the movie memorable.
there are also materials that shift their crystal structure to become polarized. like piezoelectric material
alternatively he could ask to be allowed to execute captured cosmopolitan mech designers and use the to grow fruits for free
I thought the plan was to disrupt the sugar industry? when did it become the target? also American cotton wasn't really big yet. the cotton gin wasn't invented that long ago and it's still patented (though people still use without paying). looking at an output chart the cotton output doesn't really kick off for like 15 more years. maybe they're targeting tabaco plantations?
did not know that. but you could also think of the potential cards you could get with high luck. so you can get money by selling the potion and take one to get a bunch of other good cards
because it just says "large trees" I assume it means mature trees (2+ ft in diameter maybe a bit smaller because earlier in the chapter it says half meter so 1.6ish feet). I agree this isn't well translated as can be seen from all the inconsistencies but I think this is far more likely the case of adding random nonsense as facts. thats part of the reason I don't read many Chinese translations because it's a common occurrence. I don't think it has anything to do with the world setting, just ignorance/laziness. my main complaint is that it's something that isn't important to novel and clearly something they weren't knowledgeable about or were too lazy to look up so why even write it if not to add to the word count. ps. thanks for the entertainment
Google says less than 5% of trees in old growth are 2+ ft in diameter (1% in normal forest). of that some won't be useful for lumber because of their species, not being straight for at least 12 ft (small room), and not having major branches in the section you want to use. beams are pretty picky on what trees they can come from the why if you go to buy them they're way more expensive than a 2x4 that could probably be pieced out of a hollow tree. so having 9/10 trees be excluded because theyre hollow on top of all the other reasons makes quality lumber scarce. plus there doesn't seem to be anyone managing a lot of the mountain forests so people probably chop non hollow trees down before they ever reach 2+ ft in diameter