

2022-07-28 JoinedGlobal

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  • Cerritulus
    Replied to Cerritulus

    But hey! If it is. Raise the sails! 😂

    I stood up with a flourish. "Immensely," I told Bilbo, who huffed and looked away with a blush.
    One Ring to troll them all
    Book&Literature · EyreDragneel
  • Cerritulus

    I think ppl here don't realize that there are other causes to blush than just romance...

    I stood up with a flourish. "Immensely," I told Bilbo, who huffed and looked away with a blush.
    One Ring to troll them all
    Book&Literature · EyreDragneel
  • Cerritulus
    Replied to Iros

    I'm late to the party but i would not say Scorch release is weak by any means. First any release's strengths comes from the wielder, example Madara's Fire vs the average ninja's fire. Pakura is basically a filler character and we know very little about Scorch release as well. Now Scorch release is all about controlling heat, and you could only imagine what you can do with that power. *Search for ''Heat Manipulation'' on superpower wiki, and you can see some of the cool possibilities. Not only that but you should be able to create absolute zero by removing heat from one location.

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    White Dragon Hidden in The Leaves
    Anime & Comics · Iros
  • Cerritulus
    Replied to BlackMoon2

    I really like this pov Author.

    Ch 7 Chapter 7 - Family Matter part 2
    Knull In Young Justice
    TV · BlackMoon2
  • Cerritulus

    Love this fanfic! :) I'm late to the party but that only means i can binge read ;)

    Ch 23 Knowledge Gap
    Reborn in the Warring States Period
    Anime & Comics · Pengincognito
  • Cerritulus
    Replied to Young_fruit_Smiley

    I ship them :D

    The Wyvern learned how to fix and tune-up the Soldier's metal arm, so the base mechanic could concentrate on the agents' guns and transports. It wasn't unusual to see the Soldier sitting, his blank stare aimed straight ahead, as the Wyvern poked precision tools into his exposed wiring. The Wyvern could service her own wings, but once an agent found the Soldier pulling a faulty section of wiring out of one of the moorings on her back, his gaze focused on the tweezers in his flesh hand.
    The Wyvern - MCU [COMPLETE]
    Movies · HellOfTiamat
  • Cerritulus

    Very excited for the next chapter!

    Ch 6 Chapter 6
    Reincarnated as Supergirl (DC / YJ)
    Anime & Comics · CaptaoCav
  • Cerritulus
    Replied to Tirell_Agarson

    ehm, it says 0.5% not 5%?

    In short, among the 1,000 gacha balls, 5 of them were ultra-rare items.
    Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!
    Games · DamnPlotArmor
  • Cerritulus

    Reverse limbo, instead of creating limbo clones the MC goes inside limbo. Only nature chakra can interact with him.

    Boruto : The Last Shinobi
    Anime & Comics · Uchiha_Ryo
  • Cerritulus

    freeze kinetic energy?

    Boruto : The Last Shinobi
    Anime & Comics · Uchiha_Ryo
  • Cerritulus
    Replied to GoldDragonMachina

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding? I took it as the Yautja always looks at the code when killing and hunting. Hmm 😆 Well, my problem was that he killed disciples (I'm guessing children?) and sleeping teachers (no way to react). But if the code does not matter when killing and only hunting? I guess it's fine 😳

    I decided to leave my mothership in orbit. I took a scout ship down to the city below. It was an hour into the night as I dropped from my ship in front of the doors to the school. I landed silently without a sound. The dark heavy clouds above thundered and a steady started. I had long improved my cloaking technology to work during rain or in water. I walked in through the doors cloaked. The only Cereans in the school were live-in disciples and teachers. I did not take out my plasma glaive for them. I stalked the halls of the school and killed Cereans using wrist blades. I did take the time to skin and hang them in rooms with high ceilings. I took out the ones on patrol first. Then the disciples doing chores. I finally visited the rooms of teachers. They were all sleeping, so I used my ceremonial dagger to kill them with a stab at the heart. They died silently with wide eyes. I hung them in their own rooms.
    Predator of Star Wars: Hunt
    Movies · GoldDragonMachina
  • Cerritulus
    Replied to Cerritulus

    (I don't really understand how he's able to modify himself though)

    Fighting Jedi or Sith is out of the question for now. I am confident in my martial abilities and hunting techniques, but their powers can be strange and unexpected. For now, I will hunt a Cerean next. Although they are an endangered race, that just makes them more desirable to add to my collection. Their dual brains in their skulls is also interesting. Their precognitive abilities are on par with jedi. Only strong jedi masters can match it through mastery in the force. It makes them excellent fighters. Their reaction times even exceed mine from what I know. I want that speed of thought and nervous system. Then I will go after the Twi'leks. They are a special race. To be seen as only a slave population is such a gross undervaluation of their true worth. I must find the location of Cerea though. It is not on the starmap I was given. However, Ord Mantell is on the map. The crime world should have the star maps I need to travel to Cerea.
    Predator of Star Wars: Hunt
    Movies · GoldDragonMachina
  • Cerritulus

    Why is the mc hunting easy pray? Since he's a yautja now, wouldn't he want to hunt something tough like maybe a Krayt Dragon! 😁 Well maybe that's a bit too tough for him right now, but maybe some Acklay, Nexu or Reeks?

    Fighting Jedi or Sith is out of the question for now. I am confident in my martial abilities and hunting techniques, but their powers can be strange and unexpected. For now, I will hunt a Cerean next. Although they are an endangered race, that just makes them more desirable to add to my collection. Their dual brains in their skulls is also interesting. Their precognitive abilities are on par with jedi. Only strong jedi masters can match it through mastery in the force. It makes them excellent fighters. Their reaction times even exceed mine from what I know. I want that speed of thought and nervous system. Then I will go after the Twi'leks. They are a special race. To be seen as only a slave population is such a gross undervaluation of their true worth. I must find the location of Cerea though. It is not on the starmap I was given. However, Ord Mantell is on the map. The crime world should have the star maps I need to travel to Cerea.
    Predator of Star Wars: Hunt
    Movies · GoldDragonMachina
  • Cerritulus

    I love the yautja language ☺️

    I should gleam some information from these spice farmers. I see an old Felucian walking around and approach them after deciphering their language with my bio helmet. I uncloak as I walk towards them wearing my black techno-suit with green visor and lights.. I do my signature predator clicking and popping noise that I will refer too as plicking.
    Predator of Star Wars: Hunt
    Movies · GoldDragonMachina
  • Cerritulus

    Thousands of years* 😀

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    Predator of Star Wars: Hunt
    Movies · GoldDragonMachina
  • Cerritulus

    That is kinda funny 😄

    Turning to Klaus I said, "see? I have restraint."
    TVD: Death is inevitable
    TV · Booggie
  • Cerritulus

    Well, the world is better off without him... He did kill like a million people. ^^

    Tyrant? Tyrant! They dare! Kill my father? MY FATHER!
    TVD: Death is inevitable
    TV · Booggie
  • Cerritulus

    Okay, your comments is making this story very confusing.

    This book has been deleted.
  • Cerritulus
    Replied to trudny1

    And especially since if he were to look at the pattern with peanut the zombies shouldn't go after him either. That way he can give the gun to a more experienced person and bash heads himself without risking lives.

    Seemingly that they were short on weapons for them to self-defense, William came up with a plan, "Alright, here's what we are going to do. Captain Grace and I are going to shoot those zombies on the foot to immobilize them, and both of you are going to finish it by bashing them in the head. We have to make count of our bullets, and this is all we have left, got it?"
    Reincarnated as an SCP To Save the World
    Book&Literature · Enachia
  • Cerritulus

    Some societies are so weird, that you do have to comment about this. But i guess the ''To acknowledge another man is attractive is to question their masculinity, which in turn puts a pink question mark over their sexuality or at least it does in their minds.'' problem comes up.. ''Macho'' countries man. 🤣

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