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I don't know whether the author will see my message or not ,but I will just put out, first please bear with me because I am a bit dumb in both EQ and IQ ,but I feel the friend of the author is right.after all it is his choice whether he wants to continue writing it or not. second of all this for the people who is saying the they are going to stop reading because of there" toxicity "the author isliye showing,just be glad he informed us,other wouldn't even say anything and just stopped it suddenly, finally this is for the author ,I just read the previous chapter and wanted say "do what you want to do " sometimes in life we always have to sacrifice something in order to succeed and I hope that your true fans will listen and will be waiting if you stopped and later in life if you want to continue ,we will definitely read with our heart . PS: I believe when you started writing this story ,It was with pure intent
yes,in a sense you are right.but the thing is if i remember correctly is that both ark and zea can only be in touch if the person is wearing the zero -one belt.i would like to apologise if I am wrong
let me tell you some thing,they are wrong. it's actually good without the final forms well because lets's be honest,those who watched the shows and movies know that the special and final forms can easily defeat any villian in a moment .the fact they are criticising you ,shows that they don't know anything about kamen rider properly . for example kamen rider chronos from ex-aid can Stop time and defeat any villian .another example is gaim, i Mean dude becomes a literal god,him doing one move is enough . finally the last thing I Want to say is ,that you are keeping it interesting ( means that you are a great writer ).hope you take care of yourself .one another example is below 👇.
well well well! you have my interest in your fanfic.
well!it's time to vote
the prodigal son retuuurrrnnns!!!!!
this is the third time I am reading the book and i didn't notice the comments i thought maybe he joins Portugal or Croatia or some other country but okay . i respect your decision author .
reanimation jutsu