

2022-07-21 JoinedGlobal

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  • Shawna_Voss

    "I don't want to end up in a looney bin. So, nope, never going to happen. Not worth trying," Kuro said really fast back.

    "I don't want to end up in a Looney him. So nope never going to happen. Not worth trying." Kuro said really fast back.
    The Woman No One Knows
    Fantasy · Writer_Shi
  • Shawna_Voss

    Josh nodded, "I think that is a reasonable request. Now, where to start..."

    Josh nodded" I think that is a reasonable request. Now where to start...
    The Woman No One Knows
    Fantasy · Writer_Shi
  • Shawna_Voss

    "Ok, first off, I want the full truth and you are to hold nothing back from me. If I find out you held anything from me then we are over forever. I won't be with someone who can't tell me the full truth. Do I make myself crystal clear?" Josh stated, in an almost yelling tone of voice.

    "Ok first off, I want the full truth and you are to hold nothing back from me. If I find out you held anything from me then we are over forever. I wont be with someone who cant tell me the full truth. Do I make myself crystal clear?" Josh stated in a almost yelling tone of voice.
    The Woman No One Knows
    Fantasy · Writer_Shi
  • Shawna_Voss

    "Do not open that thing near me, ever, or I will kill you all. Keep that foul thing sealed in that bag until you go away. You hear me?"

    "Do not open that thing near me ever or I will kill you all. Keep that foul thing sealed in that bag until you go away. You here me?"
    The Woman No One Knows
    Fantasy · Writer_Shi
  • Shawna_Voss

    "Here is a silver for your appraisal."

    "He is a silver for your appraisal."
    The Woman No One Knows
    Fantasy · Writer_Shi
  • Shawna_Voss

    We walked into the market. It was amazing, so many colorful things, most I couldn't even name. Food, colorful clothes, trinkets galore... They were trying to sell their wares to all passerby. I heard things like "come this way and get a magical fire stone and now have an easy way to start a fire. It's reusable and has no limit. Only 2 gold pieces, you won't find it cheaper anywhere!" I flinched when I heard the price. That was expensive, but I could understand the price as it would help an adventurer with making a campfire forever. I thought about it for a sec but realized it would be stupid for me to get one as I can breathe fire naturally. I am Dragonkin.

    We walked into the market. It was amazing so many colorful things most I couldn't even name. Food, colorful clothes, trinkets galore... They were trying to sell their wares to all passersby. I heard things like come this way and get a magical fire stone and now have an easy way to start a fire, Its reusable and has no limit. Only 2 gold pieces you wont find cheaper anywhere. I flinched when I heard the price. That was expensive but I could understand the price as it would help an adventurer with making a campfire forever. I thought about it for a sec but realized it would be stupid for me to get one as I can breathe fire naturally. I am Dragonkin.
    The Woman No One Knows
    Fantasy · Writer_Shi
  • Shawna_Voss

    We walked into the market. It was amazing, so many colorful things and most I couldn't even name. Food, colorful clothes, trinkets galore... They were trying to sell their wares to all passerby. I heard things like "come this way and get a magical fire stone to have an easy way to start a fire, it's resuable and has no limit. Only 2 gold pieces, you won't find cheaper anywhere!" I flinched when I heard the price. That was expensive, but I could understand the price

    We walked into the market. It was amazing so many colorful things most I couldn't even name. Food, colorful clothes, trinkets galore... They were trying to sell their wares to all passersby. I heard things like come this way and get a magical fire stone and now have an easy way to start a fire, Its reusable and has no limit. Only 2 gold pieces you wont find cheaper anywhere. I flinched when I heard the price. That was expensive but I could understand the price as it would help an adventurer with making a campfire forever. I thought about it for a sec but realized it would be stupid for me to get one as I can breathe fire naturally. I am Dragonkin.
    The Woman No One Knows
    Fantasy · Writer_Shi
  • Shawna_Voss

    I looked around; to the left was a huge stone castle wall with a path beside it.

    I looked around to the left was a huge stone castle wall with a path beside it. In front of me looked like a tradesman row. To the right is what looks like a market with lots of fresh fruit, veggies and meats. The smell of fish and cooked meats wafted towards us from that direction. It made me glad I ate before I put on the VR set.
    The Woman No One Knows
    Fantasy · Writer_Shi
  • Shawna_Voss

    I thought to myself, 'oh good, now I know what the timer is.' "So

    I thought to myself oh good now I know what the timer is now. "So what did you get for your welcome package? I haven't opened mine yet."
    The Woman No One Knows
    Fantasy · Writer_Shi
  • Shawna_Voss

    I walked over to the other sign and read, 'The mayor can be found in the middle of town. You must go there before you can shop, obtain any skills or obtain any quests.'

    I walked over to the other sign and it says, The mayor can be found in the middle of town. You must go there before you can shop, obtain any skills or obtain any quests.
    The Woman No One Knows
    Fantasy · Writer_Shi
  • Shawna_Voss

    It said, 'Welcome back, please visit....... Welcome and good luck.'

    I arrived at a location that apparently is where people who log off in town come back to. I walked over to a sign right next to the exit. It said, Welcome back, please visit the mayor to learn how to play. Don't forget to visit the shops and skill trainers to pick up your much needed skills. Your race can only have so many skills and can not be replaced or changed once accepted. You have 3 days from when you create your avatar to pick your skills, failure to do so means you will not get skills anymore. Welcome and good luck.
    The Woman No One Knows
    Fantasy · Writer_Shi
  • Shawna_Voss

    reach 100%.

    The text scrolled across the screen then everything went black. I saw a loading icon circle in the bottom right hand corner of the screen and waited for it to reached 100%.
    The Woman No One Knows
    Fantasy · Writer_Shi
  • Shawna_Voss

    It's an old and almost never seen color combination, too. No idea what exactly that means but I do know it's odd as the NPCs game me a warning about choosing it. Now as for the name, yeah, it means Death, but I can't do anything about it now. I am still the same person you know, Sam."

    "Yeah I know but the race just called to me and I went with my gut completely both in color and race. I do hate reptiles with a passion but I don't know how to describe it. I looked at the race and didn't even realize that I walked over and was touching it. The wow factor was just that high. I looked deep inside me for my coloring and that was the only set of colors that just felt right. Its an old and almost never seen color combination too. No idea what exactly that means but I do know it's odd as the NPCs gave me a warning about choosing it. Now as for the name yeah it means Death but I cant do anything about it now. I am still the same person you know Sam."
    The Woman No One Knows
    Fantasy · Writer_Shi
  • Shawna_Voss

    out of game," said Sam.

    "Wait a sec!!! Doesn't S H I mean Death in an Asian language? Why would you choose that name since you are so sweet? Couldn't you at least change the spelling to not be so dark? Also why black? You look better in so many more colors. Dragonkin, why pick that race? Its so eww and expensive just to be it. You hate reptiles yet you are now one forever in the game. Hmmm I don't know if this is still my best friend sitting next to me or not now. So much is just wrong from the difference in game and out of game." Said Sam.
    The Woman No One Knows
    Fantasy · Writer_Shi
  • Shawna_Voss

    As for the crystal part I have no idea at all where that will come into play other than that it is my enraged color, whatever that actually means, I have a clue yet. .....I am so upset about that but I can't change

    "Well I know you wont approve but I went with the Dragonkin race. My colors are black and crystal. I know my avatar is solid black and shines just like that black stuff we used to see on the roads that the sun would shine on and make it look like a rainbow. I think it was called oil. I wasn't intending to go with those colors but it just called to me so I went with my gut feeling. As for the crystal part I have no idea at all where that will come into play other then that is my enraged color whatever that actually means I haven't a clue yet. As for my name it was an accident in our speech vs what the game is used to. I said she as in S H E meaning female and it took me for saying S H I instead so I ended up named that. I am so upset about that but I cant change my name ever so I am stuck with it."
    The Woman No One Knows
    Fantasy · Writer_Shi
  • Shawna_Voss

    "Marie, so that is her name. Thank you, Sam, for saying it so I can remember it since she will be something now. I have 2 years to profit as much as I can off this child before she can leave my orphanage and need to play this right," thought Sister Amy.

    "Marie so that is her name. Thank you Sam for saying it so I now can remember it since she will be something now. I have 2 years to profit as much as I can off this child before she can leave my orphanage and need to play this right." Thought Sister Amy.
    The Woman No One Knows
    Fantasy · Writer_Shi
  • Shawna_Voss

    Now, my child, please wash up and come have a seat. You are the guest of honor, after all," said Sister Amy.

    "Oh good I timed it right. The other children will be here shortly. This is to celebrate you winning the lottery and getting a VR head set. You will have 2 years to save up before you get your own place. Now my child please wash up and come have a seat. You are the guest of honor after all." Said Sister Amy.
    The Woman No One Knows
    Fantasy · Writer_Shi
  • Shawna_Voss

    I thought to myself, "I should have charged my set while I was reading the booklet. Oh well, 4 hours sure went by really fast."

    I thought to myself I should of charged my set while I was reading the booklet. Oh well, 4 hours sure went by really fast. I plugged in my set and went out looking for food. I saw what looked like a feast being laid out on the table.
    The Woman No One Knows
    Fantasy · Writer_Shi
  • Shawna_Voss

    chance to get it," Wise Cloud said loudly.

    "Hurry up and get your welcome package before you sign out or you will lose your chance to get it." Wise cloud said loudly. Quietly she whispered to me, "Black and red with gold pack."
    The Woman No One Knows
    Fantasy · Writer_Shi
  • Shawna_Voss

    to charge and eat, chimed my VR set.

    *Time is up* You have been in game 4 hours please log off to charge and eat. Chimed my VR set.
    The Woman No One Knows
    Fantasy · Writer_Shi