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  • Dead_T
    Dead_T2 years ago

    Probando probando.... 1 2 3 pasito pa adelante maria 1 2 3 monja tetona samurái con una mandarina en la mano atras. -traducido del dialecto iberico-aleman por un mono taquicardico comunista traido por un gobernante jujeño. also known as english. hello again, first of all thank you very much for continuing to write this novel. As you surely read my review of the first comment, I have to tell you that it went very well for you, but that does not mean that I stop being harsh with the criticism. To begin with, Mr. Alfredo Gutiérrez was right, if he was Mr. Masked Sausage, he made me feel quite good, his weapon, THE SALCHICHOTRON 3000, is definitely one of the best weapons I have ever seen, surpassing the main character's weapon, which is literally the sword. of the infinite vegetable capable of cutting papers as if they were... PAPERS! So I am patiently waiting for his fight. following the story I loved the jump in time of 98974718 seconds that it took the main character's friend to master his noodle, the mini arc of the harem was very good, the fact that they are the cliche girls of the standard series makes you know where goes the plot and boom total change of roles, plans, etc. The fact that the main character gets serious and goes with the great pijudo monkey of the mountain-swamp to face the hour of salaried Japanese barbers to obtain the treasure chest of a monotributista although it seems stuffy, it is good enough to ignore it and keep reading. I hope that in future chapters we can see the main waifu doing what she does best (wink, wink) which is obviously facing the powerful swordsman of SALCHICHOTRON 3000, my theory is that the space-time salad thief that appeared in the legends told by the drunk grandfather to save the waifu but at a very high cost (which makes it possible to remain in a fairly defined arc) With all this in mind, I give it on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is roasted tripe and 5 is fried gummy cocoa. I give a 7 for suckling pig to the fat Swedish meatball.

  • Dead_T
    Dead_T2 years ago

    Things to keep in mind: First of all I want you to know that everything is very good, I would have liked to see in depth the sub-plot of the sausage warriors, but I understand that it is not the main plot, continuing with this I think everything is in order, although I do not understand the fact that the king of the pralines allied himself with the samurai master noodle, I see great potential. I think the true sword of the divine tuco could come out of there, but that remains to be seen later, I suppose. Moving on to the harem, it seems pretty cool to me even though I didn't understand why the crazy monkey from the mountain-swamp joined XD I guess it was for comedy, but the background story is very good and doesn't leave loose ends that could be inconvenient In the future, going to the levels of power, it seems to me that the mentor from the beginning is as broken as possible, that is, he could only break the sacred cardboard rod and that was... Impressive, I think the main character could become very strong having take into account that mentor and Mr. Alfredo Gutiérrez who I definitely think is the masked sausage. But that's my theory... Anyway, a very good first chapter, it had everything and I hope you continue to crack