Love You in My Dreams
Aubrey suffering from an Insomnia for almost 3 months. She keps it on her parents to make them not worry. Later on she must move on a boarding for a college study. Although she fears it might get worse, she still has too because, finishing study is a way to achieve her dreams .
She keeps it secret on her board mates to avoid chaos. But one day the old lady who owns the hause found Aubrey strolling the house. She told the landlady about her illness, and she wants her keep it as a secret. Instead she was surprised when the lady offered her a book that might help her, but she warns her not to take it cause it might take her life.
Finals are coming and Aubrey was having difficulties on her studies due to her insomnia. In order for her to keep her illness and cure it herself, she stole the book the landlady told. It's an ordinary book with a french writings because Aubrey was not familiar about french, she dispose the idea of taking it.
Then her eyes lits up in a golden light found on the book it translated on front of her the words she could read and understand. Then she takes it and wonders what's in it. As she started to read a very strong light flashes her eyes and boom she was already on the land of magical.
Somi_Souls · Fantasy