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Make his death truly horrific and outright so violent it seems like it shouldn't even be allowed to be written. Hate him and the only good version is from Percy Jackson.
I hope he runs a rampage on those who infiltrated his organization and slaughters everyone related to them. Everyone who split off to do their own thing in his absence needs to be punished severely.
I just want to get back to his original time and see him utterly destroy everyone for getting out of line. This whole Camelot scene got old a lot faster than I thought.
Rest up and be healthy.
Ima need at least 250 more chapters of this length. My drive to/from work is 24 minutes and this chapter wasn't finished until after i parked my car. Keep it up, love the evolution of characters and their motivations. Keep Han ruthless and pervert, no wishy washy decision making please. Charlotte is an amazing character and I can't wait to see her develop
As much as I like Arthur and Merlin. Daniel needs to take a step back and chill. His attitude and possessiveness towards Envy are beyond rational, let alone can be called affection in any normal form. In a way it can even be abusive. Merlin was supposed to be a wise man. Which is what the word wizard me means, it doesn't mean magic user. Hopefully Daniel realizes his obsession with beating Merlin is not normal at all.
Not really feeling it. He shouldn't have even wanted to be alone with an enemy. As the saying goes "once an enemy, always an enemy."
Oh how on the nose is he without knowing it
I dont think he went far enough. He should vaporize cities, release a plague that destroys vegetation making it unable to grow for 20 years (war on terror timespan), making them solely reliant on others good will.
Soldiers do not go on ships. They are either Marines or Sailors who are on Naval ships. This is what they are for the US.