


Call Me Daddy and I’ll tel you whatever you want. 🙃😉 Henry Cavill is the face claim for all of my OCs. If I write a female I’ll have to choose someone else. 😊

2022-07-05 JoinedGlobal



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  • CallMeDaddy69
    Replied to DragonslayerKnight

    I don't like Twilight - I like the world built around Twilight. I don't like Bella, Edward, or Jacob. I never said I hated the other Characters. Twilight is trash built around unhealthy relationships, co-dependent behavior and a slew of other nonsense. The world Stephanie created is not. I'm a "loser" but I have nothing to explain to you or anything one else - it's my story and if you don't like it as I saif before don't let the door hit you on the way out - you literally took the time to write a comment I give no "fs" about. On a story that you supposedly "think sucks". No one held a gun to your head bro, quit while you're ahead and go somewhere else. Next time I won't politely tell you to "F-OFF" Ill do it more bluntly while reporting you for being a pathetic keyboard warrior.

    Again, Theo blinked rapidly at the sudden quietude of his mind as he pulled out of Rosalie's thoughts. He was touched by her concern and felt a sort of ... brotherly care build inside of him despite himself. He also noted that she hadn't called him Edward, not after stating that when he was missing, she realized she cared for the brooding vampire. She had accepted him as Theo and the fondness he had already had for her, increased unwillingly. He hated to break her heart in regard to their being no actual cure, though he supposed he could see why that would be their assumption. Her thoughts only strengthened his resolve - Rosalie would be one of his first hybrids.
    Reincarnated in Twilight as....Edward Cullen?!
    Book&Literature · CallMeDaddy69
  • CallMeDaddy69
    Replied to DragonslayerKnight

    Hilarious that people already like my story and for someone who "doesn't like it" you sure took the time to read through the entire thing and comment "hate" to get "attention" as if I, or anyone else, care for your opinion. LOL Pathetic isn't exactly the word I'd use to describe you, more like desperate. ;)

    This story is not going to be super-fast paced. I'm taking my time and enjoying the flow. I've read a few of the Twilight fanfictions on here and while there are actually a few good ones; most of them are very... rushed. If that's the sort of story you enjoy, then you won't like this one.
    Reincarnated in Twilight as....Edward Cullen?!
    Book&Literature · CallMeDaddy69
  • CallMeDaddy69
    Replied to Austin_Gage

    I erased the chapter that had the update but about 2 months ago I was working (I'm a Chef) and cut three of my fingers open on my right hand. They were bad; chef knives cut through things like sliced butter, and I was bumped into hard. My pinky was cut to the bone. I had to get stitches - it was pretty brutal.

    Ch 8 Long time, No See.
    Reincarnated in Twilight as....Edward Cullen?!
    Book&Literature · CallMeDaddy69
  • CallMeDaddy69
    Replied to PurgeExclusive

    Nah there is a reason, he isn't panicking for nothing. Just read and find out.

    Ch 7 Forks, Here I come... (Revision)
    Reincarnated in Twilight as....Edward Cullen?!
    Book&Literature · CallMeDaddy69
  • CallMeDaddy69
    Replied to Carlos_Henrique_4295

    Nah there is a reason, he isn't panicking for nothing. Just read and find out.

    Ch 7 Forks, Here I come... (Revision)
    Reincarnated in Twilight as....Edward Cullen?!
    Book&Literature · CallMeDaddy69
  • CallMeDaddy69
    Replied to Zuesofolypus

    I'm back baby! lol starting the chapter today, so couple days?

    Ch 8 BRB...
    Reincarnated in Twilight as....Edward Cullen?!
    Book&Literature · CallMeDaddy69
  • CallMeDaddy69

    I wrote a review awhile ago and was really irritated that it didn't stick so I am risking a hurt finger to type this lol I loved this. Its good and unique and the personalities are funny. I'm looking forward to how this goes. I didn't read the original, i wasnt on WebNovel at that time but eh, this is perfect!

    Lost Motivation - wish I could delete
    Book&Literature · Twiussy69
  • CallMeDaddy69
    Replied to Paulo_D_Manoel

    You’ve clearly never used a proper chef knife. Those things cut through anything like butter. It’s why my brother loves them so much. Lol

    Long story short - I cut three of my fingers on my right hand open and they hurt like a fucking bitch. (Pinky, Ring, and MIDDLE.)
    Reincarnated in Twilight as....Edward Cullen?!
    Book&Literature · CallMeDaddy69
  • CallMeDaddy69
    Replied to kingblade

    It wasn’t on purpose!

    Long story short - I cut three of my fingers on my right hand open and they hurt like a fucking bitch. (Pinky, Ring, and MIDDLE.)
    Reincarnated in Twilight as....Edward Cullen?!
    Book&Literature · CallMeDaddy69
  • CallMeDaddy69
    Replied to Kevin_Pollard

    Knife but cut straight through to the bone with my pinky.

    Long story short - I cut three of my fingers on my right hand open and they hurt like a fucking bitch. (Pinky, Ring, and MIDDLE.)
    Reincarnated in Twilight as....Edward Cullen?!
    Book&Literature · CallMeDaddy69
  • CallMeDaddy69
    Replied to Rexburn12

    Because other people don’t. Someone asked for a vote, and when it got so many likes - I offered up options for the face claim, I included the original Tanya but this one got more votes. 🤷🏼‍♀️ can’t please everyone

    Tanya 4 got the most votes - NGL, I would let her hit me with her car. xD
    Reincarnated in Twilight as....Edward Cullen?!
    Book&Literature · CallMeDaddy69
  • CallMeDaddy69
    Replied to Gh0st00

    It’s not dropped. It’s jus really hard to type atm. My sister is replying to comments for me xD

    Ch 8 BRB...
    Reincarnated in Twilight as....Edward Cullen?!
    Book&Literature · CallMeDaddy69
  • CallMeDaddy69
    Replied to Rexburn12

    It was a vote. Blame the majority, bro. I prefer the original too.

    Tanya 4 got the most votes - NGL, I would let her hit me with her car. xD
    Reincarnated in Twilight as....Edward Cullen?!
    Book&Literature · CallMeDaddy69
  • CallMeDaddy69
    Replied to AnnalyciaAnne21


    Long story short - I cut three of my fingers on my right hand open and they hurt like a fucking bitch. (Pinky, Ring, and MIDDLE.)
    Reincarnated in Twilight as....Edward Cullen?!
    Book&Literature · CallMeDaddy69
  • CallMeDaddy69
    Replied to luke_holmes

    Or if you mean that you dropped it then...

    Ch 7 Forks, Here I come... (Revision)
    Reincarnated in Twilight as....Edward Cullen?!
    Book&Literature · CallMeDaddy69
  • CallMeDaddy69
    Replied to luke_holmes


    Ch 7 Forks, Here I come... (Revision)
    Reincarnated in Twilight as....Edward Cullen?!
    Book&Literature · CallMeDaddy69
  • CallMeDaddy69
    Replied to Invoke_Static

    Nope. Just taking a bit of a mental health break for a few days. I was uploading everyday and didn't want to risk getting burnt out.

    Ch 7 Forks, Here I come... (Revision)
    Reincarnated in Twilight as....Edward Cullen?!
    Book&Literature · CallMeDaddy69
  • CallMeDaddy69
    Replied to AvaxxDarhk

    They have no other explanations on why he can't remember so it's some form of Amnesia.

    "Son of a - okay, fine I can work with that. I won't go to Denali - I'll just disappear and do my own thing and when they eventually find me, I'll let them think I have amnesia. It will explain the changes."
    Reincarnated in Twilight as....Edward Cullen?!
    Book&Literature · CallMeDaddy69
  • CallMeDaddy69

    You could just slaughter the wolves *Shrugs* lol

    Ch 5 Chapter 5
    Werelion In Twilight
    Movies · TheOnlyAlpha
  • CallMeDaddy69
    Replied to Young_fruit_Smiley

    No one has no weakness's. Theo is the most powerful in Twilight, but a weakness can be anything - just look at Klaus. When they went after him and failed because he was more powerful than they were, they went after the people he loved. Even if Theo had asked to be immortal with "no weakness" as you say - he would still have had a mate who was vulnerable and the Cullens who are sorta slowly becoming people he cares about, as a weakness.

    Natures horrifyingly irritating habit of always needing to create a balance…
    Reincarnated in Twilight as....Edward Cullen?!
    Book&Literature · CallMeDaddy69