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  • Amal_Bint_Kala

    Oh no mageeees, noooo.

    Maxi soon noticed the absence of the young, silvery-blond knight who always shadowed him. His name was Vinther, if she recalled correctly. The loss of someone she had unconsciously become accustomed to seeing around weighed on her heart. He was not the only one missing; most of the knights who had accompanied the mages to the Pamela Plateau had fallen.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Amal_Bint_Kala
    Replied to Hana_mii

    But that's so unrealistic in real life situation, don't you think? Death is common especially with knight life style. The writer wanted to make Remdragon knights superior which is fine but making them untouchable is more like fiction fan shooting.

    Her smile quickly faded as she noticed the Remdragon Knights' reduced number. By a rough estimate, it seemed at least thirty knights had fallen in battle. While those close to her, like Ruth, Hebaron, and Elliot, had returned safely, several familiar faces were missing.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Amal_Bint_Kala
    Replied to Azucena_4933

    Yeeeees, finally someone with the same opinion, it's the same what I thought, Maxi has water and earth, but she never used water, truly lack of imagination from author

    Revitalized by her order, the soldiers sprang into action. Archers let fly fiery arrows from the battlement, and sentries loosed cannonballs from the catapults toward the undead horde. Behind them, Maxi summoned a wind to deflect the ghouls' arrows. Princess Agnes, evidently deeming it unnecessary for two mages to be there, redirected herself north.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Amal_Bint_Kala

    What is surprising fot me that she as a princess leads army, fights, goes to war while her brother who is a crown price and her father who is the KING sit in their comfortable castle. Honestly I would be rooting for Agnes to be a ruling monarch, she is literally fighting for her people. Bravo!

    "Archers, take your positions! Defense unit, ready the catapults!" Princess Agnes bellowed at the cowering troops.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Amal_Bint_Kala

    And not just that, but Ruth has been on expeditions for how many times and years!? I'm certain he is the only mage who has longest experience on field. And being with Riftan he went through many trials, shortage of supplies is the least troubled thing for him.

    Ruth's unfazed response alleviated some of Maxi's concerns. He seemed completely undisturbed by their precarious supplies or the impending battle. It dawned on her that his calmness stemmed from his unshakeable faith in Riftan. He focused solely on his duties, confident that his commander would resolve any problems that arose.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Amal_Bint_Kala
    Replied to Arielleea

    How do you know that information? Do I need to read another book before this one?

    "Good day to everyone present here in the Council court," Reuben, the head of the Council greeted everyone, "I believe everyone we require to go ahead with today's meeting is present here with us. As we all have come to know Lord Herbert has stepped down from the title of Lord after a hundred years of ruling over the North region."
    Valerian Empire
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Amal_Bint_Kala

    I know everyone is fangirling over Riftan but I'm completely over the heels for Ruth.

    Maxi's face turned grave, and she turned to seek out Ruth. The sorcerer stood on top of a supply wagon, firing wind arrows at any undead that managed to break through their line of defense. At the same time, he maintained a tracing spell and an extensive shield around the wagon. Executing two spells at once was difficult enough, so Maxi doubted he was casting all three effectively.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Amal_Bint_Kala

    I wanna say thank you for this book. This is my first of your books to read and it's absolutely masterpiece. I read it like a starving dog. Vincent and Eve are my top favourite couple, now I want my Vincent 😂 look what you did to me 🌻 Keep doing a great work and all the best

    Ch 546 Epilogue (The End)
    Allure Of The Night
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Amal_Bint_Kala

    Saay whaat

    "I do have an inkling," Ruth said stiffly. "But before I tell you what I've discovered, I would like to request a private audience with the pope."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Amal_Bint_Kala

    I knew it, I had a feeling that all of this fighting so far was just a distraction.

    Turning his head to look at her, Ruth continued calmly, "The invasion three years ago was likely a strategic move to lay the foundation for this."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Amal_Bint_Kala

    Aaaand ladies and gentlemens this concludes why Ruth is my favourite character. Whaaaat a brain, absolutely love him. Such a shame for mages not being able to use purification magic.

    "Those highly intelligent monsters have multiplied significantly," Ruth said gravely as they stepped out of the building. "The dark mages conducted various interbreeding experiments to increase the number of monsters with superior intelligence and magical powers. As a result, a legion of monsters with intelligence comparable to humans was born, and they developed their own religion and culture based on the knowledge left behind by the dark mages."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Amal_Bint_Kala
    Replied to NatsumeRikka

    Hi I tried to find it on the rain of snow but it doesn't have this book, is the name diffrent?

    Ch 115 Chapter 115
    How To Get My Husband On My Side
    Fantasy · hopeless_witch
  • Amal_Bint_Kala

    Actually I kind of like that he is provoking the pope 😂 but still I don't like him.

    "Oh, I would never dare mock the subjects of God," the King of Balto said, sneering. "Didn't the previous pope proclaim this a holy war? Those who perished in battle should be basking in their heavenly rewards by now, so I fail to see how dividing earthly gold among us would insult them."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Amal_Bint_Kala

    I always liked Livadon, and had a feeling that their king will be nice and warm person.

    Riftan then turned his attention to the others. King Reuben, as usual, wore a facade of boredom. On the other hand, the King of Livadon had a proud smile stretched across his face as he looked at Sejuleu Aren. The elderly ruler appeared genuinely pleased to see his royal knights returned safely.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Amal_Bint_Kala

    The recors are completely useless in the hand of church they don't even speak elvish, GOD I can't stand them. Protect my mages

    There was a hint of bitterness in his last sentence. Clearly, he was displeased by the Temple Knights' unannounced seizure of the records a few days prior. There was little the mages could do as mere aides in the expedition, however. The Basilica of Osiriya had funded and led the endeavor; put bluntly, the church had the right to all of the records.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Amal_Bint_Kala

    Uuuu what a great offer

    "I ask that you allow me to finish first," Calto said firmly. "It is not my intention to keep you in Nornui forever. I am merely suggesting a year of training. Once it is over, I shall send you to whatever post you wish, be it Drachium or Anatol. It goes without saying that highly dangerous magic will not be a subject of study, but I shall grant you leave to learn any spell that is permitted outside Nornui."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Amal_Bint_Kala

    I would go back to tower, I'm such a magic geek.

    "Once this business is over," he began, carefully selecting his words, "most of the mages, including Celric, Anton, and myself, will return to the Mage Tower. Will you not consider coming with us? I would assign you the best mentor if you wished to start training to become a senior mage."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Amal_Bint_Kala

    Honestly at this point Maxi and Riftan are both pitiful, I know that environment and whole experience is not doing anything good for them but it's turning to be quite bad relationship for their mental health. In marriage you should show more respect and understanding in hardship, but they are just breaking apart. It has been nothing but running around in circles with the whole plot since the beginning of the book two.

    Ch 344 Chapter 105
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Amal_Bint_Kala

    Oh boy

    Suppressing the defiance rearing inside her, Maxi said with feigned gentleness, "Perhaps… he was taking pity and being considerate… because my husband has been neglecting me."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Amal_Bint_Kala
    Replied to Forgotten_Knight22

    I don't think he is a dark mage, but I like the idea of him being on a secret mission. Truth be told I don't like how temple knights are treating mages. They were the ones to seek them and ask for help, lot of things in the war would be impossible without mages, and now they are not letting them come near any magical devices( and etc) that are left behind, thinking that mages will use that against humanity. Church will probably try their best to give mages at least as possible of any documations and ect. It's just making me like them less and less.

    Finally, Maxi reached the end of the room. When she straightened and turned around, Anette and Armin were still working on the other side while Anton was nowhere to be seen. He must have moved on to another part of the castle, Maxi reasoned. She retraced her steps to where Kuahel was leaning against a wall.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim