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The supernatural world once lived in harmony with one another until the witches attacked the Angels and Demons and wiped them all out under the authority of their High Witch Sapphira. Sapphira came from a long generation of High Witches who have been known to grow power hungry which always drives them insane but none of them had ever committed an atrocity as big as this. The witches are loyal creatures that could never disobey a command given to them by their leader so they had no choice but obey Sapphira and sacrifice their immortality in other to perform the blood magic spell that wiped out the Angels and Demons. The Dark Fae were angered by this act of treason and waged war on the witches and they would have wiped out all witches in existence if not for the interference of the Gods. To appease the Dark Fae, the Gods made a decree that no witch would ever rule over their kind again but the Warlocks were now tasked with the duty of ruling over them. This story has been passed down from generation to generation as a warning of how power corrupts the mind and can make even the kindest of all turn evil. The werewolves, not wanting to risk the wrath of the Dark Fae and the Gods, ended their monarchy knowing how hotheaded and easy to provoke they are and divided into five packs all spread across Europe and created a Council that governed them. The Council and the castle based in Austria. The Vampires, being the prideful and level headed, sometimes,   creatures they were, decided to leave their monarchs Dominico  and Constance Morone in power and claimed most of Romania and Italy as their territory but split up into four colonies, each with a leader that reported the happenings to the royals. The Light Fae fled Europe and settled in Australia in fear of the wrath of the Dark Fae for siding with the witches in the war against the Angels and Demons. The Dragons, being the reclusive creatures they are, cut off their connections with the outside world and retreated to their homes in Africa because they believed if the witches, who were supposed to be the guardians of the Angels and Demons, could turn against them because of power, then what's to stop other creatures from turning against one another. The Dark Fae returned to their homes in North America after the war and grieved for the loss of their friends. The Witches were kept under the watchful eyes of the leaders of the other supernaturals in Asia where they found a way to merge their blood magic with new technology that they made and created techno magic. The world was peaceful again, if only for a while, until the Council got word of a new witch that was looking to come into power and overthrow the Warlocks. Scared that they might be next on the kill list for siding with the Dark Fae, they started an experiment with the genetics of the Angels and Demons and thus the Lycanthrope were created. They tried to make normal pack members lycans as well but the experiment only worked on the Alphas and Betas and it was not without the consequence of losing the mate bond. Lycans have been made for the purpose of restarting the mornachy to unite all five packs to prepare for the inevitable war to come but the question on the minds of the packs is which Alpha and Luna will be chosen as the new monarchs.

Seiyefa_Opia_5612 · Fantasy
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