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  • _Redevil_
    Seeing his mother's pain, Azy tried to comfort her. "Then have faith in me. I'll grow strong, and you'll return, even stronger too. We have that promise, don't we, Mom?"
    Hellbound Heart
    Fantasy · KazzenlX
  • _Redevil_

    Waouh she really did overpass that quickly !

    "Good morning Mr. Knight." Raine said timidly. 
    The Love of a Lycan
    Fantasy · jikanyotomare
  • _Redevil_

    What a terrible advise…

    "Oh, you naïve little human." Serefina groaned in frustration. "In time, you will learn to hide many things from him whether you like it or not. You will confront Torak because you have a different view from him. And in the end, both of you will be standing on the other side of the bridge because of what you believe. That's life, girl. Everybody changes, that's the peak of growing up and it applies to some hearts too."
    The Love of a Lycan
    Fantasy · jikanyotomare
  • _Redevil_

    And how do you know that?!

    "With dozens of creatures out there, wanting your life, don't tell me you are really hoping for Torak to kill them all. Because the truth is, he will end up getting killed or... dying in the process of protecting you." Serefina gave a dramatic shrugged as she said that. 
    The Love of a Lycan
    Fantasy · jikanyotomare
  • _Redevil_

    Ho ? and why is that ?

    "You should have guessed it when you disrespected my mate." Torak said callously. "You know that I'm immune to your curses." He added when he saw Serefina tried to curse him.
    The Love of a Lycan
    Fantasy · jikanyotomare
  • _Redevil_

    What training ??!

    "I have told you, she needs to focus on her training!" Serefina said through her gritted teeth, she shot a dagger at the Alpha without hesitation. "And you are always on her back, and calls will not help at all!" The witch tried to make Torak see her point desperately.
    The Love of a Lycan
    Fantasy · jikanyotomare
  • _Redevil_

    she really had anger issues....chill girl

    From afar Torak could see a red Chevrolet speeding fast towards him, even from the way the driver drove the car, one could say that the driver must be very angry or just mad. 
    The Love of a Lycan
    Fantasy · jikanyotomare
  • _Redevil_

    please explain that to her....

    "When that particular time comes, don't disturb her." Torak only reminded Raine that. 
    The Love of a Lycan
    Fantasy · jikanyotomare
  • _Redevil_


    "And there will be one specific time in a month when I don't want you to disturb me. You are not allowed to knock, or call my name during that time. No matter how urgent the situation would be." Serefina warned her. "No matter what you will hear, don't disturb me. Understood?"
    The Love of a Lycan
    Fantasy · jikanyotomare
  • _Redevil_

    A witch allergic to flowers??!

    "Come outside, there is something we need to talk about. I am allergic to flowers." Serefina mumbled her last words acrimoniously. 
    The Love of a Lycan
    Fantasy · jikanyotomare
  • _Redevil_

    Well…she is not wrong here

    She couldn't stand the way Torak spoiled Raine, and kept this issue secret until today while their departure was so close.
    The Love of a Lycan
    Fantasy · jikanyotomare
  • _Redevil_

    How are you going to help her in fact?!

    "After many days, finally you have courage to look at me." Mockery was clear to hear from the way Serefina said it. 
    The Love of a Lycan
    Fantasy · jikanyotomare
  • _Redevil_

    That’s what is worrying …

    "You see yourself how I fixed her." Serefina shrugged nonchalantly, wasn't even bothered by the fact Torak's eyes had turned black. "I didn't say that you can't get close to her, just reduce your interaction. And for your information, if you didn't notice yet, I came with my own volition to help."
    The Love of a Lycan
    Fantasy · jikanyotomare
  • _Redevil_

    Who cursed her for a start ?!!

    "It's not like that—" She shook her head. "—your mate is in a vulnerable state, spiritually, being with you weakened her already weak spirit. And now, there is someone who cursed her.Then as a result, she couldn't resist it. So, that explained why she ends up like this." Serefina waved her slender hand to Raine's condition.
    The Love of a Lycan
    Fantasy · jikanyotomare
  • _Redevil_

    Hum, it is Said in the first chapters with bellinda that she is not a Lycan 🤔

    Serefina was Belinda's older sister from a different father. Meanwhile, Serefina was way more powerful than Belinda because of the fact that her father was also a witch, when Belinda wasn't able to grasp the magic like Serefina did due to her father being a Lycan. 
    The Love of a Lycan
    Fantasy · jikanyotomare
  • _Redevil_

    Isn’t it related to her Angel side?!

    Torak kept his hand atop of Raine's as he fixed his eyes on her face, her cheekbones protruding as she lost another weight. Her initial shining long black hair was dull, scattered on the white pillow, as if they were losing its brightness.
    The Love of a Lycan
    Fantasy · jikanyotomare
  • _Redevil_

    « Enjoy my house by the way »

    Belinda gave Torak a timid look, no matter what, being under the Alpha's intimidating stare wasn't a pleasant thing. "Bye Raine…" She waved at Raine, who was peeking through Torak's arm, before she took her leave.
    The Love of a Lycan
    Fantasy · jikanyotomare
  • _Redevil_

    It is not you but the reminescence of her past…

    "The thought of hurting you will never cross my mind, even if I lost myself over my beast, the beat in me will continue to protect you." Torak's eyes slightly dimmed, the angst in his heart ate him alive. "But, I think in the end, I still hurt you in one way or another and I am sorry for that…"
    The Love of a Lycan
    Fantasy · jikanyotomare
  • _Redevil_

    So you know her better now?!

    Belinda shook her head. "Raine is not ready to meet him yet. She will be frightened with the Alpha's presence."
    The Love of a Lycan
    Fantasy · jikanyotomare
  • _Redevil_

    Uuuuuh bad idea

    "Torak, why don't you see Raine?" Raphael suggested. "You know, to calm yourself down."
    The Love of a Lycan
    Fantasy · jikanyotomare