

2022-06-13 JoinedColombia

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  • Deuteragonista
    Replied to Draugzel
    Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC)
    Anime & Comics · Draugzel
  • Deuteragonista
    "It was your choice. Every action has a consequence." I said and pulled at his wing again.
    More than a Dragon Warrior
    Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn
  • Deuteragonista
    "It's beautiful."
    I Reap Souls In DC (Bleach X DC comics)
    Anime & Comics · Saintbarbido
  • Deuteragonista
    And more guns.
    I Reap Souls In DC (Bleach X DC comics)
    Anime & Comics · Saintbarbido
  • Deuteragonista
    And lots of guns.
    I Reap Souls In DC (Bleach X DC comics)
    Anime & Comics · Saintbarbido
  • Deuteragonista
    I Reap Souls In DC (Bleach X DC comics)
    Anime & Comics · Saintbarbido
  • Deuteragonista
    They were always on him.
    More than a Dragon Warrior
    Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn
  • Deuteragonista

    Honestly, I had forgotten the gun. But hopefully it still has one or two shots left, maybe repair it to have them?

    AN: I'm not sure about this chapter, to be honest. I didn't want them to have an actual fight since it wouldn't make sense for Harry to even scratch Grindelwald, so I decided that this would make a good encounter. As for the Colt, I'm also not sure if it was a good idea but I think that destroying it was kind of necessary. It was just too overpowered and it would have stifled his growth if he kept relying on it as a safety net. As usual, please let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions.
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Book&Literature · athass_prkr
  • Deuteragonista

    Alastor vibes...

    The Dark Champion grinned, "Why does anyone do anything? You've grown blinder in your old age, Albus. When I came to you, when we were teens, terrified of my visions of war machines, weapons of mass destruction created by muggles, and saw them for the threats they were, you comforted me, but you dismissed my visions. And now, look at what the Muggles are doing. They created thousands of weapons capable of wiping out humanity. They destroyed our planet with their inventions and polluted the air we breathe, and the water we drink, in their greed for more power. I was right, Albus."
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Book&Literature · athass_prkr
  • Deuteragonista

    Oh really? I thought it would be manipulated by Snake Boy. I thought everything would be a meticulously prepared plan to possess him, I guess I got carried away... or maybe not?

    The only positive thing that happened was that his mind became a lot clearer since the crest was removed. He felt more controlled, and less brash, but also less prone to anger and rage. Oh, they were always there in the back of his mind, ready to be unleashed, but he held it, gripped it tightly and never let it control him.
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Book&Literature · athass_prkr
  • Deuteragonista

    Fiuu... For a moment I thought it would be Grindelwald

    There, looking back at him, was a face that he wanted to forget about. Armando Dippet, the former Headmaster of Hogwarts, looked older than any wizard had a right to be. If it wasn't for the Isle, the man would have probably died of old age, instead of being bound to this place.
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Book&Literature · athass_prkr
  • Deuteragonista

    Excellent, however, I can't get the idea out of my head that Voldy had a Keikaku where Neville's shield was removed.

    AN: This was pretty hard to write. As usual, please let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions.
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Book&Literature · athass_prkr
  • Deuteragonista

    I wrote it before and I will repeat it here: It's cinema. These small fragments, not totally focused on the MC, are some of my favorite moments. I'm not saying that history is boring, just that from time to time it is necessary to see others as well.

    AN: Let me know what you think about this chapter. I thought that Harry's perspective about the Court would have been boring, and wanted to see Draco finally getting some character development. If you have any comments or recommendations, please let me know.
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Book&Literature · athass_prkr
  • Deuteragonista

    D*mn, now I'm starting to worry about him.

    No, he was all alone.
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Book&Literature · athass_prkr
  • Deuteragonista

    Good good good. Looks like the pair of idiots weren't such idiots in the end. Although you also have to keep in mind that this is an AU, so one could argue that in this universe they are more insightful. Now speaking of Pansy (Hahaha, I was reading it as Panty) she is supposed to be the leader of the Slytherins, meaning she is basically a female version of Draco, and although her interactions with Draco are supposed to lead to her downfall. in love with him after her Since the 4th year I understand that she abandoned him quickly, after all He would do the same with her. Finally, and actually the least important of these reactions, we have Millicent. Oh poor thing, she is a filler character with no more importance than fighting with Hermione to be able to have her hair and make a potion, then she was discarded. Poor Draco, even a filler character ignores you now. Definitely... it's cinema (Or Book?)

    However, it was all for nought. No one cared about him anymore. Crabbe and Goyle left him like they hadn't been friends for years, just to follow Nott. Pansy barely paid him any attention. Even Millicent stopped trying to get his attention.
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Book&Literature · athass_prkr
  • Deuteragonista
    The crowd roared in approval, and for the first time, Neville looked at the spectators. There were hundreds if not thousands of faces just looking down at them from the stands at the edge of the lake. He stifled his nervousness and looked towards Harry, "Scared, Potter?"
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Book&Literature · athass_prkr
  • Deuteragonista
    When Professor McGonagall came to get them around thirty minutes later, the room was far more relaxed than it was just an hour previously. The idea that the worst they could get was a few bruises and fall into the freezing lake was more than enough to calm the students, who thought that they were going to fight a dragon or something as ridiculous. Who would make thirteen-year-old wizards and witches fight Dragons of all things?
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Book&Literature · athass_prkr
  • Deuteragonista

    Annoying pests, I remember that a large number overwhelmed the "De la Fleur" girl in the second test. I have a bad habit of always thinking about the worst possible scenario for any situation. When I was in the theater watching the previous scene I imagined for a moment that they got out of control and ended up biting her too much. When the test was over they went to look for her, but they only found parts of her body and Murcus (The Mermaid who kept the three "Treasures") tried to justify herself... Yes, my mind is very screwed.

    There were a few floating wooden platforms near the starting line, where the lake wasn't frozen yet. A couple of brave students – or was it stupidity? – decided to run forward and leap towards the wooden platforms. Most of them slipped or just didn't land their jump and fell into the cold water. They tried to get up to the platform. A few succeeded, and a few just gave up and released some red sparks into the air, forfeiting the task. The truly unlucky ones were attacked by Grindylows, small green water demons, that liked to overwhelm trespassers with their numbers.
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Book&Literature · athass_prkr
  • Deuteragonista

    I remember this boy. Although he does not appear in his Quidditch suit in the film, he wears a tuxedo. Just looking at it gives me the impression of being unpleasant... Now that I think about it, with the modifications that were made to the Tournament the scene that we all know will not appear... or at least the one I wanted to see

    "I know him. My father has complained about him a lot," Daphne responded, "His name is Ludo Bagman. He used to be some big-shot Quidditch player years ago, and he's now the Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports. A complete buffoon, according to Dad, and he has a gambling problem, but he is charismatic enough to make enough friends to keep his position."
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Book&Literature · athass_prkr
  • Deuteragonista
    Replied to LongSongGolden


    As for Africa, it barely counted, especially with the countless warlords trying to get more territories, every decade or so. The only stable governments were already part of the ICW, but the rest were on the brink of collapse, and the ICW was one move away from forcefully invading their magical society or even just wiping it off the ground at the chance of the Statute of Secrecy being broken.
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Book&Literature · athass_prkr