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  • Scoutside
    Replied to Scoutside

    Nah. Leaving this up, and only adding a comment to further clarify -- Every single one of my complaints got turned up to 11 within the next two hundred chapters. By 802 I literally *had* to quit because each chapter was leaving me with nothing but a sense of frustration and borderline anxiety at the pointless repitition. EIGHT HUNDRED chapters in, and this "Boundless, Limitless, Impossibly Gifted Prodigy Above Every Prodigy In The Universe" reached Half-King Rank, which is still several ranks away from the middle rank of his weaker wives. He only managed to accomplish that because he literally *called his mom* in the middle of his tribulation to have her fix it for him, because "It was too hard." He has accomplished literally nothing for himself in this novel, and everything has been done through either his maids, or his wives. The author keeps reminding you that Lith has never had to fight for his life a day in his life, and that he's "really starting to mature", but every time he is in danger, someone saves him. He also "finally comes around to being a vampire" around 700 chapters in, and why does he do that you may ask? Because he has firmly made up his mind to fall as deeply into debauchery as he can and sleep with any woman that catches his eyes, personal ethics be damned. And that's not including how he literally spends like one hundred chapters just randomly molesting the women around him in the middle of conversations. So every other sentence has to be a vivid description of the woman's genitals, because apparently that's overwhelmingly the most important part of this novel. Jesus. Save yourself the drama. Again. Unless you actually find that kind of thing fun to read. In which case .. I don't know. You do you, I guess.

    Vampire's Slice Of Life
    Fantasy · SocialHippo
  • Scoutside

    Alright. This is the third novel I've ever taken the time to review, but hopefully people who are considering whether or not to read this come by here and see my assessment and have some help in figuring out whether or not this is their kind of bag. There are obvious spoilers, so if you don't want that, you shouldn't continue reading. I am 600 chapters in, and there are several hundred that I have not read, though I intend to do so. If at the end of those chapters I feel that this review was unjust, unfair, or incomplete -- I will edit it appropriately, or remove it entirely. The story starts off pretty amazingly. For people like me, who love OP MC's, this was a great thing. He had everything handed to him in the first few chapters and was set up for a golden road experience. Unfortunately, around one to two hundred chapters in, the quality in my opinion takes a turn for the worse. There are several contributing factors for this, but the major problem is a lack of actual follow through on any of the things that are set up. There are numerous examples of this in the novel, but the two most prominent ones are the Pet he gets in the beginning, and the Elven Continent arc. He gets an insanely rare wolf breed in the early chapters and it's set up to be his growing companion throughout his adventures, and then you never hear anything about it until five hundred chapters later when the author goes "Yeah, I changed my mind about that, so you won't see her again." The Elven Continent was set up to be this sprawling adventure arc where he would make insane amounts of money and grow independently alongside his best friends. Instead, he gets kidnapped by a friend of his mothers when he gets to the continent, gets tortured for a few days so she can "teach him a lesson in morality", then he goes to sleep for like a year, skipping everything that happened to his friends and their project. Why did he go to sleep, you ask? I am glad you inquired. Because despite being told he had literally limitless potential and the fact it took him like three hundred chapters to get out of the starter ranks of cultivation, he did so slightly faster than his friends and put too much strain on his body and was forced to NOT cultivate for one hundred years. ... So apparently being gifted in cultivation in this novel is a bit of a curse, because if you do it too well, you end up having to slack off while everyone else catches up to you. Admittedly, he'd still be one or two ranks above the norm by the time he can begin again, but that's still a weird choice to go with just because you didn't want to write about cultivation for a while. So yeah, narratively the author has some pretty severe attention spam problems. But beyond that, the most important characteristic is whether or not his fits your definition of a true harem or not, or what you consider acceptable in it. If you think of harem like I do, where there is a central figure managing multiple honest and open relationships with different people who are all dedicated to him and only have intimate moments with him, then this novel will frustrate you. The wives do in fact mess around with one another when he is not present, despite the fact the author repeatedly asserts that they are all straight as an arrow. That's .. not how heterosexuality works, but whatever. Similarly, the MC talks about his devotion to his wives and how he has no reason to seek anyone else out, but he ends up fingering his aunt within two chapters of meeting her because he doesn't want her to think of him as a baby. ... Yeah. Similarly, there is plenty of general smut that just has nothing to do with the MC. Other characters fucking random other characters, loads of Yuri-centric content in a novel that repeatedly asserts there are no gay or bisexual characters, etc. If this isn't up your alley, I'd dip. Obviously there are plenty of justifications that can (and I am sure will be) made regarding the things I've brought up, but it is an objective fact that they all occurred the way I've said, and if you're not interested in those qualifying reasons then I'd recommend you look elsewhere. But if you're into a novel that has plenty of violence, torture, hypocritical "anti-hero" worship, and open smut for the sake of smut while there is a shocking lack of Slice of Life in a novel *named* Slice of Life, then this is definitely for you. I will say, if there is truly one redeeming quality of this novel, it is in the characterization. All of the women are genuinely unique and appealing and have their own traits they lean into, and are not the copypasta cut-outs that a lot of harems rely on. Well, at least until Lucifer shows up. She's kind of the worst.

    Vampire's Slice Of Life
    Fantasy · SocialHippo
  • Scoutside

    I tried. I really did. The novel was going so well, for so long. And then it came. Over 500 chapters in, and despite the "Don't worry, guys! There is no yuri here!" warning in the beginning of the captions, they introduce the character of Claire, who shits all over that. Not only is she romantically involved in a *clearly* non-platonic way with the Mermaid Princess that Lucien is actively trying to romance, but the Mermaid Princess herself is also interested in her in the same way. So despite the "Don't worry, guys! NOOOO YURI!" comment, the Author had the great idea over 500 chapters in to be like, "Weeeeeell. I mean. A little yuri. Why not. Surely people didn't actually rely on the things I said at the beginning of the novel to know whether or not there would be things they didn't want to read in it. I mean, why would they? It makes perfect sense that if I say one thing, I might clearly and inexplicably change my mind 500 chapters into it. They should expect that."

    Lust Knight
    Fantasy · LamenThief
  • Scoutside
    Replied to invayne

    "This isn't NTR because I said it isn't NTR." This right here is a dead giveaway when an author has no clue what differentiates a harem from a polyamorous relationship. One has all roads romantically leading to and from the MC, and the other is a tangled and inner-connected weave of relationships independent of any singular focus. So if this is a "harem", but the women all sleep with each other and love one another, then it's NTR. If it's not NTR, and the MC is aware of their actions and fine with it, then it's not a harem, it's polyamory. Pretty basic equation, regardless of how adamantly you want it to be something else.

    RE: My Dragon Girlfriend In The Dragonic Apocalypse
    Fantasy · invayne
  • Scoutside

    This is a place-holder review, frankly. As of now, it's a decent novel with a relatively well written format and enjoyable premise. But there are some major narrative "ticks" and flaws that I need to address. Keep in mind that I have only read up to chapter 80, but this is enough for form an initial impression and have the questions that I have. One, this character eats a lot. I mean, constantly. It will be mentioned at least two to five times a chapter what he is eating and when he is doing so and where he gets the food from. I realize some people like the immersion of experiencing these kinds of events with the character to add an element of reality to it, but there is a reason authors don't describe every single time a character goes to the bathroom either. Certain actions and activities are so bland and monotonous and repetitive that having to read it chapter after chapter is grating. It comes across as a transparent Word Count filler, and should be avoided. Hopefully this eases up in future chapters. Two, at what point will this character stop getting the shit kicked out of him by every major conflict he comes across? He can effortlessly slaughter hundreds of nameless mook goblins, but the Goblin King basically pushes his shit in. And that's the motiff of every fight he gets into -- he slaughters countless little dudes and basic monsters, then gets steamrolled by the equivalent of the leader. He's been brutally knocked unconscious and left for dead a half dozen times at this point, and it's boring to read. You constantly remind people of how his stats are growing at an insanely rapid pace, and he just SPRINTS through the levels, but nothing actually changes with him. He gets new evolutions, that then do not lead to any advantages in the fights he gets into beyond new ways to describe eviscerating more weak mass cannon fodder. But he has not fought and won against a single major enemy yet. It's just .. depressing. I realize not every author wants to make their MC OP right out the gate, but if he doesn't get some wins under his belt, it stops being realistic and starts being downright pathetic. Also, the harem aspect of things. He has ONE girl he is even remotely interested in, and we're nearing 100 chapters in. There was the dark elf chick as well, but she's off doing God knows what, and he has been around her for a grand total of about 6 hours at this point. If you're going to go this slowly on the topic of romance, it's often times better not include it at all -- people like me, who start reading because of the Harem tag, are going to be disappointed when we realize that it's a shoddily thrown together addition with no real work being done on that front. Regardless, as I said, this is a placeholder. I fully intend to finish what has been released, because outside of those complaints, it's an enjoyable dig. If the things that I mentioned improved in the content that I haven't been able to check out yet, I'm happy to delete this rating and replace it with something more appropriate to the quality at that time.

    A Journey That Changed The World.
    Fantasy · NegansPalace
  • Scoutside
    Replied to Scoutside

    Let's add in this *amazing* bit of writing the Author decided to throw at us to really make us hate the MC to our very, absolute core (massive spoiler) .. .. halfway into the novel, he finally gets a sizeable power upgrade after "training for an infinite amount of time" basically in a pocket dimension. All for the sake of a single fight he was actively engaging in, in the real world. He was trained, and drilled, and tutored by five overwhelmingly powerful entities SPECIFICALLY on how he was to defeat his enemy. And after he comes back to reality .. after all of that training .. the FIRST thing he does, is fucks it up and does the one thing they told him not to do. This is not an exaggeration, it's *literally* what was written in the novel. So his enemy escapes. Why? Because the author wanted to keep him alive, so he made the MC braindead and incompetent. You'd think that would be the worst part, right? Nah. Apparently the author unlocked Deus Ex BS Tier, because he revealed that the new fighting style our braindead protagonist uses instantly burns ALL of his good karma to fight these enemies, which leaves him with such negative karma that the author can justify doing things like summoning impossible large God Sharks to maul his harem and swallow the MC whole directly after he fucked up the fight with the Big Bad. Hey, it's KaRmA, RiGHt?

    Taming my Monster Girl Harem from Scratch
    Fantasy · SeraphWedd
  • Scoutside

    Man, I *really* wanted to make this novel One Star after getting to chapter 178 .. but I just can't bring myself to lie about the writing quality or stability of updates section of the review. There will be major spoilers throughout this review, so read it at your own peril. I had previously ranted endlessly about the drawbacks I had seen in this novel early on, but stipulated that I had high hopes they were flaws set up intentionally to allow character growth. Allow me to summarize some key points: Under no circumstances should you read this novel if you want to enjoy a bit of escapism and watch an MC in a slice of life get to enjoy a lovey-dovey harem with monster girls. He barely spends any time with his harem, and when he does, he has been "intimate" with them a grand total of once by chapter 178. And he's only been that close with one of them. Outside of that, the only time he's been "intimate" with anyone was when he was attacked by a woman who he was forced to contract with, and fixed the problem of her insubordination by immediately drugging and raping her. So that's cool, I guess. Yay for ethical MCs. Beyond that, he is being controlled and guided by forces outside of his control, so when he tried to make a decision on his own and kill a HUGE ENEMY that tried to murder him and everyone he cares about, some cosmic force (not joking) will abduct him, threaten him with overwhelming power, command him to behave a certain way, and kick him back to reality. That's not including that the first tournament he joins, he *loses* (sO uNIqUE), or how every fight he gets into is always with The Most Powerful Enemy In The Universe apparently, some random, different, overwhelming foe that is literally legendary and shows up randomly to beat him half to death (or all the way.) And that's not mentioning how the first woman he falls in love with *dies* like seven chapters later. Or how the people around him manipulate and threaten him into accepting positions and responsibilities he actively hates and is trying to avoid. In summary, his life is hot garbage. Once again, if you like watching an MC get horribly railroaded by forces beyond his control, get endlessly abused by the worst luck possible, be pulled into "calamity after calamity" with *zero* time in between, die repeatedly because he's always some combination of Overwhelmingly Weak or arrogantly letting his guard down, not getting to expand or spend time with his actual harem (who he constantly sends away to train rather than using the minimal time they are around each other and not in a crisis to enjoy the benefits of an actual *harem*) ... hey, maybe this is for you. Go for it.

    Taming my Monster Girl Harem from Scratch
    Fantasy · SeraphWedd
  • Scoutside
    Replied to Scoutside

    Massive spoilers ahead, but this is my update to the review at 125 chapters into this novel, so almost half of it's current release of chapters: One, the author clearly hates his own MC. He fell in love with a woman who then IMMEDIATELY died and he was unable to do anything to stop it or fix it. He joined a tournament originally to come out as the star newbie trainer, and lost (although the author would likely defend it as 'WELL, HE DIDN'T HAVE NO GOOD PETS YET.' Yeah, that's why it would have been impressive for him to win. Winning after you have the strongest tames would have been lame as hell.) He finally got a single sizeable power-up, and then immediately forgot everything about the event that made him stronger, keeping him super weak but with "better reflexes" apparently. This upgrade came at the cost of the MC literally dying millions of times. He later remembered SOME of that training he did during the upgrade, but all of the things he remembered are forsaken techniques that basically kill him to use them, so -- useless, by and large, except in cases where he'd die if he didn't use them anyway. And these situations happen on a chapter to chapter basis, since the MC has the worst luck I've read about in months. He gets manipulated and threatened into accepting a position in a family he had no interest in, and then immediately gets challenged to a duel to the death by an enemy of another family. Then, when he wins (because he used a technique that shaved time off of his own life), a God Tamer for the family walks in and tells him that since he won he can ask anything he wants, as long as he doesn't want the life of the person who just tried to kill him. That would have been bad enough, but she then denies his NEXT request. Eventually they settle on being servants, but she still threatens to castrate him if anything happens to them, so now he just has the extra responsibility of protecting a few hateful women who actively hate him and will make his life worse. Now you may ask yourself, "If this novel isn't for you, why would you keep reading it?" Well, I have run out of other things to read, so why not. I am honestly curious just how deeply the author intends to torture his own character before it's all said and done. I am assuming he has done so because he, like certain other authors, is *terrified* of writing an MC who actually becomes overpowered regardless of the circumstances, but he's erred on the side of just kicking the shit out of his own character for 125 chapters basically.

    Taming my Monster Girl Harem from Scratch
    Fantasy · SeraphWedd
  • Scoutside

    Honestly, I'm genuinely enjoying this novel, but I have two complaints -- one is a minor, subjective thing that I personally am not a fan of, but I am only including it for the sake of honesty because it should be noted that most people would disagree with me. This first criticism is that the development of the harem itself is extremely slow given the limited available content. If there were three thousand chapters out, the speed of their inclusion and the development of the relationships would be fine. But 130 chapters in, he is only technically with a single person. There are two others who are "potential" members, but there is no knowing when they will make that happen. Most people like slow developments, and I am not criticizing it as objectively wrong, but it certainly is a slow burn. The second criticism is a real one, however, and I feel most people would agree with that. The author's writing style became, VERY quickly, extremely repetitive. He will repeat the exact same sentence in several variants back to back to back, as though the reader was incapable of grasping his point without having it forced down their throat. This is the perfect example, and a true outtake from the book in chapter 131: After talking with Ace for several minutes, Layla suddenly felt sleepy. "Ace, I'm sleepy." It was raining heavily, and it felt comfortable in Ace's arms, so she suddenly felt sleepy. "If you are sleepy, you can sleep now." Ace told her to sleep if she was sleepy. " That's a real series of sentences really pulled from the real novel. And that's not an outlier moment, there are examples of that style throughout the entire thing -- frankly, it becomes extremely annoying, but given the positive aspects surrounding it, it's bearable to a degree.

    Binding System
    Fantasy · Shooting_Star
  • Scoutside
    Replied to Scoutside

    Let's also not forget to point out how deeply and profoundly I hate it every single time this manchild of an MC refers to the sexual parts of their partner by such endearing terms as "Sausage Wallet" or "Custard Launcher" or, and I shit you not, "His Purple Headed Yogurt Slinger." Just a small thing, but Jesus does it make me cringe hard enough to snap my own neck every time I read it.

    Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess
    Fantasy · Pendulum_
  • Scoutside

    I am 60 chapters in, and I had to take a break long enough to vent about one single facet of this novel. While there are numerous "flaws" I'd personally like to correct, the overwhelming disappointment is -- surprisingly -- the MC himself. I don't know if the author is just self-inserting his own awkward teenage personality into this novel, or if he is recalling the most passive person he's ever met, but it's rough. He is 18 years old when the novel truly "starts." He's been on a mission with the Kingdom's knights and watched his companions die, he's murdered goblins when he was a child .. but the moment his summons and first potential harem members show any physical interest in him, he immediately freaks out and pushes them away because he's scared of going "too fast." Despite the fact he has been engaged with one of them since he was a literal child, he tells her "I think we should get to know each other better." You've known her for 12 years, how much better do you need to know her? Just admit you're scared. Secondly, he's a complete pacifist. And I mean that in the truest sense of the word, but more importantly, it comes from a place of hypocritical cowardice. He refuses to "murder" someone at one point in the novel, despite being ACTIVELY at war with him, and has someone else do it for him because he's scared of going through with it. Despite having killed, again, numerous goblins as a child in the most brutal manner possible. And let's not talk about the power scaling problem. He's OP as all hell, apparently, but actively hates it. As in, he literally cries when he gets any stronger. Why, you may ask? Because "he doesn't want to stand out too much." Despite the fact his FIRST acts as a semi-independent adult is to band numerous tribes of Beastmen under his banner and proclaim that he is actively working to fix the world and all of it's problems. A goal that might, you would think, benefit from being stronger as a person. But apparently not. He wants to stay weak and nondescript, while simultaneously challenging the rules and authority of everyone in power in this world to restructure their beliefs. Again, the rest of the novel is fine .. not A-Tier, but not worse than B-Tier. The author needs to work on his naming conventions, and remember who's name is what (He repeatedly refers to one of the MC's subordinate by the wrong name in one of the chapters.) And the writing format of labeling each sentence with the speaker is a bit weird, but that's fine I suppose. But the MC is just unbearable, in my book. That's just my opinion, and maybe some other people who love timid, short, cowardly beta MCs that let people disrespect and speak down to him repeatedly (while spending 50% of the time apologizing for misspeaking or misreading EVERY situation he is in) will love this MC. Either way, I'm going to continue to read on and see if this is just the author making the MC as dislikeable as possible before forcing him to undergo a major character growth .. but fingers aren't exactly crossed for it, from what I can see.

    Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess
    Fantasy · Pendulum_
  • Scoutside

    Let me begin by clarifying that my review has a lot of spoilers, and I don't feel like tagging every sentence that alludes to some event in the novel. So, I don't like people who only read the first thirty or fifty chapters before criticizing an entire novel -- because of that, I read 373 before I finally came to post my thoughts. I also don't believe in being unnecessarily critical, out of respect for the author's efforts -- but these reviews are not meant to be accolades for the author, they're meant to be critical assessments of the novel, whether that be positive or negative. In light of that fairness, allow me to fully express that this MC has to be one of the most idiotic, weak-willed, short-sighted doormats I've ever come across. But first, let's discuss power scaling. A lot of people don't like novels with OP mcs, but in a SYSTEM novel titled "I CAN TAME GODS", you somewhat expect the MC to be an absolute banger. What about in this novel? Well, it should be titled, "In THEORY, My System Would Eventually Let Me Tame Gods." Because 400 chapters in, and he has not tamed a single one. In fact, the two Gods he's met have completely brow-beaten him and pointed out how weak he is and how incapable he is of protecting the people he cares about, only to give him a gift at the end. Woooo. What about what else he can tame? Well, his best tame up until the point I read has been .. a plant, of some type. That allows him to control insects and spores. This makes his information gathering more effective. So far, that's it. It's overwhelmingly the pet with the highest potential, but 400 chapters in, he's still using it to mindmeld with mosquitos to spy on people that are several times stronger than him. He has a bunch of wolves, and a bird, and a flaming horse .. and so far, they're tantamount to useless. The most they've accomplished is tearing up a few super low-realm bandits. He managed to tame a literal dragon, but it's an actual baby who is absolutely no stronger than he is at any given moment at this point and rarely contributes in a meaningful way. So what about his own PERSONAL power, then? Surely, since his tames are either extremely weak or completely useless, HE must be insanely strong, right? Well, by chapter 377, he's still in the Foundation Realm. That's one realm higher than the lowest possible form of cultivator. One of his harem members is Golden Core, two full realms above him, and should be strong enough to handle 90% of the things he faces .. but she's a complete idiot, and rarely gets used for anything. Everyone else in his harem are still in the lowest realm of cultivation and provide zero assistance for anything but business management. TLDR of the power scaling: The MC is weak as water, and constantly finds himself either outright dying (which he has, twice) or just being forced to serve someone stronger than himself. And as far as the harem goes, don't expect much. This is the part of the novel I came for, if I'm being honest, and hooo boy. He "tames" these women in absolute record time, most of the time, which forces them to have a good opinion of him and the things he does. Now, he doesn't "enslave" them because that would be wrong apparently .. but using a cosmically provided reality altering meta-system to manipulate the opinion of people around him is just normal and ethical behavior, I suppose. Now the worst part of the harem .. they rarely get mentioned, after their introduction, and when they do they are usually either thinking about how blindly their trust in this man overwhelms their decision making process (yay, ethical taming system) or they are horribly criticizing him and neglecting him and pushing him out of their discussions because he is, in their words, not the brains of the group and would contribute nothing. The first woman he was ever with hasn't traveled with him or helped him or even had a single private conversation with him, it feels like, in almost two hundred chapters. The second woman he gets with is met when she manipulates and uses him for her own means, but he is fine with that because he wants to get laid and fell in love with her huge chest. Don't get me wrong, those are literally his words in the novel basically. She proceeds to run every aspect of his business and political enterprise, after begging him to let her do so, but spends every waking minute complaining about how unfair it is that he puts all of this work on her. She rules the harem with an iron fist, and every time a new member joins she indoctrinates them through either subtle manipulation or outright intimidation, because "she knows what's best for him." And the member of the group I had the highest hopes for, a super hot milf maid, decides to get with him by literally drugging him with an aphrodisiac to make him more susceptible to her advances. If you're wondering, yes, that is 100% rape. The author keeps clarifying that it isn't, but regardless, that's rape. The harem criticize him constantly for being too naive in the beginning, but when he starts hardening up and adapts to life in this new world (a huge character progression moment I approve of) they snap at him for "losing his kindness" and he literally slaps himself after going full dogeza to apologize. But that's okay, right? Because in the bedroom, he balances it all out by being hyper-dominant and forcing every single woman to submit to him completely and beg for his *comically* large endowment. Regardless of their age, or body type, or mentality or background, he gives them all the same domineering BDSM treatment -- literally from the moment he takes their virginity. In summation, this novel .. is honestly F-tier for me, personally. The writing is fluid and grammatically structured well enough to indicate that they are more than capable of writing a novel. But the content itself leaves a huge amount to desire. I gave it a two star rating specifically because a 1 star is reserved for novels that are lacking in all of the regards I mentioned, while also being illegible trash one step away from a poorly programmed translation. That isn't the case here, and if the things I mentioned don't bother you to the same extent that they did me, I can honestly say you'll probably be able to truly enjoy this novel. But these ratings and reviews are about subjective experiences, and these were mine.

    With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods
    Fantasy · DXHaseoXD
  • Scoutside

    Christ. What an absolute simp our boy has become.

    Seeing the interaction between the two, it was Vahn's turn to give Eva a look of mock incredulity, his eyes asking, 'should I leave the room?'. To this, Eva just rolled her own at him before gesturing toward Karin with a, effectively communicating, 'get on with it'. He was pretty sure she even tacked on 'idiot' at the end, but, as that was pretty common when it came to Eva, Vahn just ignored it as he manipulated the energy in the surroundings to condense a Soul-Transferring Formation out of thin air.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Scoutside

    Jeeeeesssuuuss Christ. "There will be NO NTR in this novel! Except later, when this one woman Vahn is inexplicably obsessed with decides to make out with a woman in front of him and force him to watch her as she engages in intimacy with this woman who was NEVER mentioned in the entire novel before about three chapters ago."

    In order to finally convince Karin, Eva had, quite literally, pushed the taciturn woman down, sealing her lips to form a Pactio. This had been something Karin coveted for hundreds of years, so, rather than complain, Vahn nearly had to excuse himself when it seemed like the two were going to do a lot more than simply kiss. It felt like he was trespassing on something he wasn't meant to see, and, though Eva was his fiancee, he wanted to give them a chance to strengthen their bond without his interference.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Scoutside

    Seriously? This is the Vahn we've experienced for 1600 chapters? Cowed and used as a seat by a dominating woman who has to have her way? What happened to his "I don't like to relinquish control in relationships of intimacy"? Let me guess. She gets to wear the pants throughout the day and snap her fingers whenever she wants her Vahnservant to behave a certain way, but she'll be hyper-submissive in the bedroom and that's supposed to balance out her controlling nature.

    Feeling guilty about the situation, Vahn was tempted to commute Asuna's sentencing, but, before he could utter a single word, Eva silenced him completely with a gaze shaper than any spear. After that, he found himself back in the library, and, though he wasn't exactly complaining, Eva elected to use his lap like a throne as she explained the situation to Karin. The latter had yet to be informed of the existence of his Harem, so, as could be expected from someone that admired Eva as their most important person; Karin wasn't at all enthused by the presence of Asuna and the mention of others associated with her Master's fiance.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Scoutside

    Funny. Because I feel like if he was actually as harsh and unyielding in his own ethics when it comes to the women around him, she wouldn't want that to apply to her or the abusive liberties she gets to take with him on a day to day basis.

    Shaking her head, Eva turned her attention back to Vahn, her arms akimbo as she maintained her accusatory glare and said, "You're too much of a pushover...tell me, how do you go from being one of the most domineering people in the entire world to a floundering idiot who gets tyrannized by a little girl? I know you don't want to hurt the feelings of the people you care about, but letting them do whatever they want just isn't healthy! You are supposed to be the one in control, Vahn! Where is your dignity as a Master and an Emperor!?"
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Scoutside

    Man. I .. really didn't think I could hate Eva anymore than I already did in this record. Besides repeatedly being a one-dimensional "tsundere" that verbally abuses Vahn at every opportunity to literally lashing out and snapping his bones, she has been nicer and more honest in a single chapter to some woman we've never heard of (including intimately) than the man who spent two hundred years adamantly clawing his ways through the records to find and save her.

    Before she realized it, a tiny trickle of blood had started to run from Eva's nose, startling both girls and sending Karin into a concerned frenzy that involved bombarding her Master with several high-ranking healing spells...
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Scoutside
    Replied to RuberDF

    This whole record has soured this for me. I went from reading 2-300 chapters a day to like .. ten, if I could force myself. I know your comment is 2 years old, but did you drop this novel or keep going? And if you kept going, do you recall if it recovers at all from this 'development'?

    Seeing the conviction in Karin's gaze, Eva felt even more awkward since it almost sounded like the woman was anticipating the day when their lips would lock. This caused various thoughts to run through Eva's mind, but, while several involved just her and Karin, the vast majority had additional participants...
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Scoutside

    God .. I know, deep in my heart, that he won't handle this in any other way than a ceaselessly patient simp for Eva and endure every assault and offense this new woman throws at him because Eva can do literally no wrong in his eyes at this point .. but how desperately I wish he wouldn't, if this new addition is going to be staying with them.

    Though it wasn't enough to erase the burgeoning hatred rising within her heart, Karin breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Eva's words. Her opinion of Vahn also improved slightly, but, until she had determined his worth for herself, she was unable to fully accept the man her Master had come to love. Rather, part of her felt like something precious had been stolen from her, and, though she would never claim ownership over her Master, Karin's life had been given purpose by being allowed to follow and support her...
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • Scoutside

    I've liked Asuna quite a bit so far -- she's actually been my favorite of this verse, which is odd since I disliked her character immensely in the anime. But she is being unbearably selfish at the moment. And rather than go "Vahn can stop her whenever he wants", it isn't unreasonable to point out that if she was actually being considerate, she wouldn't put him in a position to have to act extremely out of character when he is as exhausted as he already is after taking care of her throughout the fight with Nagi and the recovery period.

    Hearing Asuna readily acquiesce, Vahn felt like he had avoided the worst-case scenario, a feeling of relief washing over him as he watched the young girl scamper away to grab something to cover her bottom. Unfortunately, when he reached the bedroom shortly thereafter, his smile promptly froze, as, demonstrating just how 'clever' she was, Asuna shimmied out of her panties before donning the thinnest silk pajamas she owned. Then, with the characteristic grin of someone who had completed a prank, Asuna turned around to face him, asking, "Anything else~?" with a twinkle in her eye.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion