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Obrigado pelo capítulo. Eu gostei de como o capítulo aconteceu, principalmente esse modo de comentários do CHAT e os emojis de texto.
Man, please don’t make him be subtle. Besides not making sense, I don’t think it fits the character. P.S. : Is there any spell, something that forces someone to tell a joke?? (This idea came up when I tried to think of a joke Voldemort would make, and I couldn’t come up with any)
While reading, I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable with the way Muggles seem to be treated. It seems to imply that everything related to wizards is superior and that any Muggle advancement is due to wizards. For example, when Percy was talking and said something along the lines of, "You may find it outdated and wrong, but we wizards have always done it this way and will continue to do so. Go study our culture." It seems like he's saying, "Forget what you know; ours is the right way. Go study the correct way." Overall, I kind of understand where this is coming from, but it doesn't stop me from feeling uncomfortable. So I came to comment to see if this is just something unique to me. (Forgive me, English is not my native language, so the comment might be a bit confusing.)
A new and fun idea, I liked how the author tells the story. I'll be watching as it's released. English is not my native language, sorry for any grammatical errors or short comments
Thanks for the chapter
Hey, I really like the story, especially Devas and the (CHAT) interactions. :-D
Hey, realmente gosto da história principalmente Devas e as interações do (CHAT). Ps: Nunca vi RWBY, mas se for algo escrito por vc, darei uma chance. não sei o que achar da opção 3, mas seria um não.(mas nunca vi RWBY :p) Pss: Escreva a história no seu tempo
Simple russian, go and come back in peace, may the Force be with you... or something like that. <3
This is one of the few stories that, even when busy, I still try to make time for, even if it's just once a week, to read <3. I hope you get better from the cold. As for your thoughts about being gay, I hope everything works out, whether it's accepting yourself or being heterosexual.
Mrs. Slime <3