characters name: Timmy Harper.
date of birth: 1st of November.
age: 14.
height: 170cm.
dressing: baggy style.
parents: Mr and Mrs Harper.
brother: Alex Harper.
sister: nil.
best friends: Peter and Becky.
talents: thinks she can draw, really good at making voices, dancing, singing and also thinks reading novels is a talent.
dislikes: Amelia (but for some reason can converse with her openly), parents jobs, word problems or basically anything that makes her think too hard.
likes: music, movies, books, food, talking.
relationship status: cursed to be single.
disabilities: none but some people say that there's something wrong with her brain but the truth is that she just has a wild imagination.
alleges: none that she knows of.
attributes: kinda messy, loud, always thinking way too far away from the box, gets easily distracted.
things done alone: she talks to herself
Tessy_paws · Teen