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You can't go wrong with a mystery novel that focuses on crime and vampires... such a guilty pleasure! I was dying to know more about River from the moment he was introduced. Highly recommend!
What if they listened to her instead of making her relive her rejections all the time? Also this is really cruel, seeing her have no one to turn to. Sometimes parents create monsters, anyway, I'll continue reading and see how it goes.
the story really has the potential for smooth reading, I wish more interactions with the other characters were also (hopefully) well written. for other characters I mean not just dickriders also people who don't like him/have business with him etc. Overall good potential definitely read it and I hope the updates keep coming steadily
I usually never write reviews but I had to after reading this story because it was so good. What I like about this story is especially the language which is easy to understand in my opinion.
I usually never write reviews but I had to after reading this story because it was so good. What I like about this story is especially the language which is easy to understand in my opinion.
Sebagai guru sejarah, saya sangat senang dan mengapresiasi adanya buku ini. Sebuah buku yang mengingatkan kembali tentang kejayaan kerajaan-kerajaan di negeri ini di masa lalu. Sebuah masa yang telah banyak dilupakan oleh generasi muda kita. Tidak masalah mengenai kebenaran dialog tokoh-tokohnya, yang penting nama-nama kerajaan serta raja-raja yang berkuasa pada masanya sesuai dengan kenyataan sejarah. Penggambaran kehidupan masyarakat pada masa itu sempat pula diulas meskipun tidak secara detil. Saya sangat berharap buku-buku semacam ini lebih banyak lagi diciptakan. Tidak hanya kerajaan-kerajaan di Jawa saja, tetapi sejarah kerajaan di seluruh nusantara sebaiknya diungkap kembali. Sukses untuk penulis.