


"When I was a kid, there's group of boys that caught stealing from candy shop." "My father was furious when he find out." "I'm trying to defend myself by **But I'm not taking anything, father!**" "Maybe not" He said. "But you were there..." Discord : rysss_qyii

2022-05-26 JoinedIndonesia



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Ancient Myth Upon the Legendary Seas : Great Sage Equal to Heaven

The mystery of the void century has indeed made many people try to uncover the truth of the century, however, all of them will find the result of a bad ending, even the World Government seems to be covering up the truth, even they will not hesitate to get rid of anyone who intends to uncover the truth in the void century. But behind it all, in fact, the void century holds all the truth about this world, let alone the truth about world government, and justice that is the symbol of every one of their backs. Even the truth of the legend of the world's first pirate, Joy Boy who had long since been overthrown by the world government, was kept very tight, waiting for someone to come and uncover it. However, not many people know about a legend, who also played a role in the void century that became the greatest threat to world governments, whose existence was erased from records and history for a very long time. The legend has long since died, however, its spirit and consciousness still exist in this world, forming a form that awaits the arrival of someone who will inherit it. "Who cares? Let's go forward!" After centuries, the form continues to wait for the arrival of someone to inherit everything that exists in the void century, until finally, a red-haired pirate arrives and intends to take the devil fruit from the world government warship. It was Gomu-Gomu No Mi, but who would have thought, there was another form that he found, choosing it as an intermediary for the heir that form had been hoping for. This is the beginning of the journey of a young pirate, who accidentally eats a strange fruit that gives him a superpower to conquer the ocean in the latest fanfic story: °•Ancient Myth Upon the Legendary Seas : Great Sage Equal To Heaven•°

Maulana_Skyiz · Anime & Comics
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The Strongest Emperor : Beyond the Limitless

Satoru Gojo, is a second-year student at Kuoh Academy. Satoru used to be one of the pawns of the Rias Gremory family, but not anymore. After he was betrayed by all his friends, Satoru was determined to become a very strong person in this world. But without Satoru realizing it, his family's blood ties are actually holding a secret. A secret that will make the world crumble just because it wants that power. In the past, the Gojo family was hunted because of its powerful strength. However, in centuries' time, there was only one who would inherit that power. The ancestor of the Gojo family, once inherited that power. Making him a very strong person in this world and making him one of the World Emperors or better known as the Emperor of the World. However, the other Emperors were unhappy that one of the Human races known to be weak, became one of the Emperors. Eventually, they conspired to bring down the Emperor of that weakest race. After the fall of the Gojo ancestors, that absolute power was not passed on to the Gojo family afterwards for centuries. However, for centuries, the power patiently waited for the arrival of the legend who would inherit its power. Is Satoru Gojo the legend that the power has been waiting for centuries? Or is he just one of his family who will never inherit it? Watch Gojo Satoru's journey to become the strongest in the latest fanfic story : ×The Strongest Emperor: Beyond the Limitless× •I don't have any characters in this story, they all belong to the original creators.•

Maulana_Skyiz · Anime & Comics
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Celestial Swordsman : Conquering The Seas

In the past, when the Pirate Era still dominated almost all seas around the world. The Pirates are well known for their brutality and crime, which makes the Pirates always hostile to local people and residents scattered all over the world. Along with the rampant Pirates, an organization that claims to be the form of absolute justice, suddenly appears and fights the Pirates. They are better known as the Navy, which is under the command of the World Government. At the same time, a young man had just sailed the seas to become a Legend that would always be known by all humans in this world. The young man is named Gol D Roger, which, the young man will later achieve his dream. When Roger was captured by the Marines, and was about to be executed in front of the public, a miracle happened. When the Pirate King said that the biggest treasure in this world, One Piece, really exists and is waiting for the next Pirate to find it. After the miracle is revealed, it will be a marker if the Pirates Era will develop very rapidly. People who are curious about the treasure, competing in sailing the ocean to just find the treasure. This is a story of the past that full of miracles, a miracle that will bring great changes to the Pirates Era, and also great changes to what is in this world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • I don't have anything in this story, including the illustrations in the story.• • One Piece © Eiichiro Oda ©

Maulana_Skyiz · Anime & Comics
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Essence of Creation : The Godly Destruction Emperor

He is only an ordinary human being who lives with his bad destiny. All the sadness and pain kept coming into his life, making him think that maybe he was someone God didn't want him to live in this world at all. But, actually, behind all the sadness, suffering and misfortune that continuously befell him, there was an unimaginable "Blessing" that was residing within his own body. However, that "Blessing" does not reside alone in his body, but there is a "Curse" that accompanies the "Blessing". When he first saw the long, blood-red hair of a very beautiful girl, he realized that something was going to happen to him, and to his entire destiny. Just as he was taking his last breaths, a girl with blood red hair who he had seen before, suddenly appeared in front of him. Her beautiful face, her long red-blood hair, will be a sign that this girl is not an ordinary girl. Being Given a second chance to live, will he continue to live with his bad destiny for his entire life? Will he change all his bad fate into a path of life that is full of miracles? Or instead, will he fall into a "Blessing" and also a "Curse" that resides within himself? Watch the story of Kazuma Araki's life journey which is full of miracles that have been hidden by the Universe for an infinite amount of time in the latest Fanfic Story: ×Essence of Creation : The Godly Chaotic Emperor× © Highschool DxD • Ichie Ishibumi ©

Maulana_Skyiz · Anime & Comics
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Essence of Creator : The Godly Chaotic Emperor

This is the original version of my story ×Essence of Creator : The Godly Chaotic Emperor× ----------------------------------------------------------------- Setelah peperangan besar yang melibatkan semua kubu untuk bersatu dalam melawan sesosok Makhluk yang mempunyai dua kekuatan Absolute, membuat tatanan dunia dan semesta menjadi tidak stabil. Makhluk tersebut sangat sulit sekali untuk dikalahkan, karena di tangannya, ia mewarisi dua kekuatan yang bahkan mampu menyamai kekutan dari Tuhan yang menciptakan alam semesta itu sendiri. Tetapi pada akhirnya, peperangan besar nan dahsyat tersebut pada akhirnya mencapai puncaknya, ketika makhluk tersebut berhasil dikurung untuk waktu yang tidak terbatas. Dengan segala kemuliaan dari sang pencipta, dua kekuatan Absolute tersebut masih diturunkan kepada makhluk-makhluk yang istimewa, sebagai upaya untuk mencegah akan terjadinya hal yang sama. Mereka yang dipilih adalah makhluk-makhluk yang berhati mulia, mereka akan diberkahi oleh kekuatan yang sangat luar biasa, tetapi di lain sisi, akan ada suatu kutukan yang menyertai keberkahan tersebut. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pada Kota Kuoh, hidup seorang pemuda berambut putih dengan wajahnya yang tampan. Pemuda tersebut sedari kecil sudah mendapatkan takdir yang buruk, entah kenapa banyak sekali takdir buruk yang menimpanya dalam kehidupannya, tidak ada yang tahu. Akan tetapi, takdir hidupnya yang buruk, berubah sepenuhnya ketika ia pertamakali melihat rambut panjang berwarna merah darah milik seorang gadis yang begitu sangat cantik sekali. Pada puncak takdirnya yang menyedihkan, pemuda tersebut harus mengalami kematian yang begitu sangat pedih dan menyakitkan. Tetapi pemuda tersebut juga merasa sedikit senang, karena pada akhirnya, ia akan mendapatkan ketenangan di dunia sana. Akan tetapi, takdir sebenarnya sama sekali tidak mentakdirkan pemuda tersebut untuk beristirahat dengan tenang dengan begitu cepat. Karena sebenarnya ia adalah sesosok makhluk yang paling beruntung juga sekaligus yang paling tidak beruntung, dikarenakan, ia adalah satu-satunya pewaris dari kekuatan mutlak yang pernah menggetarkan alam semesta ribuan tahun yang lalu. Dengan kekuatan mutlak ditangannya, apakah pemuda tersebut akan merubah nasibnya yang menyedihkan menjadi nasibnya yang begitu menakjubkan? Atau malah, ia akan jatuh kedalam kekuatan mutlak tersebut untuk selama-lamanya? Saksikan perjalanan pemuda tersebut yang akan dipenuhi dengan aksi yang luar biasa dalam cerita Fanfic terbaru : ×Essence of Creator : The Godly Chaotic Emperor× Highschool DxD milik © Ichie Ishibumi © × Gambar yang tertera dalam cerita ini sama sekali bukan milik saya, semua saya dapatkan dari internet. ×

Maulana_Skyiz · Anime & Comics
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