


"If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." - Toni Morrison Books: The Ascending Angel: Trials of Faith (ongoing)

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The Ascending Angel: Trials of Faith

Convinced by his brother, Dr. Reno Schneeberg set out to explore ancient ruins, but what began as a simple expedition soon turned into a nightmare. Lost within a twisted city, Reno found himself trapped in a labyrinth filled with unspeakable horrors—creatures no mortal should face. As his sanity frayed, Reno was pushed to his limits until death's icy grip finally claimed him. He thought it was the end, but fate had other plans. Reno awakens in a strange, Renaissance-like world teeming with kingdoms, enigmatic beings, mythical creatures, and the wonders of magic—beautiful, mysterious, and terrifying. But with this new life comes a disturbing but miraculous legacy: a power deeply intertwined with his soul, spreading its roots within him. Unsure of its purpose and unable to trust it, Reno struggles with impossible trials, unresolved ambitions, and the dark emotions that still haunt him. Is this new existence a blessing or a curse? Will the forces that led to his demise continue to hunt him in this world? As Reno embarks on a perilous journey of discovery and redemption, he must confront the question: will he find peace and balance, or be consumed by the darkness that seeks to destroy him once and for all? Only time will reveal the answer. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -Chapter length: 1500 to 2000 words- -Release rate: 7 or more times per week- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ### Copyright Notice: The official cover art for ‘The Ascending Angel: Trials of Faith' was created by the author and is the exclusive property of the current owner. Unauthorized copying or use of this artwork is prohibited. Unauthorized Reproduction: Any unauthorized reproduction, reupload, or distribution of the book is prohibited. Permitted Use: You may use content from ‘The Ascending Angel: Trials of Faith’ under the following conditions:              -Attribution: Clearly state the origin of the content.              -Creative Use: Incorporate the content into new, original works (such as reviews, reactions, articles, videos, etc.). Monetization: Generating revenue through these creative uses is allowed and encouraged. However,                    reuploading the content without adding new, original context and then monetizing it is not permitted. Applicability: These guidelines apply to all media formats and physical representations of the work. ###

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