

2022-05-12 JoinedGlobal

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  • crystal_kalem

    "Oh my, how powerful, wow, I can't believe it, are you seeing this? Wow, He really did that! I oh my god, what's that, Did you see!, Wait, he can't do it, oh my, he did! no way. Wow. That was increadible. I will never forget that stuff that just happened. Don't you agree?" This is the entire novel in a nut shell. The MC does stuff off screen 99% of the time and the writer writes Thousands of paragraphs of other people saying they saw "something" happen. If you're lucky, they may give a half assessed explanation of what they saw. In total. The MC has had 5 fight scenes in the ENTIRE novel. I do not count any scenes where we don't get descriptions of him doing things explicitly. Almost encounter or fight is just you reading about people telling other people about what they saw, and that's if you're lucky. The writer will actually more often then not do "And then they explained" Even though we the readers never saw what happened in the first place. so Nothing gets explained and you're just sitting there like.... What the f*** is happening! You can turn away for literally 5 seconds and the story goes from "MC talking to a person in a store" to "oh my god did you see that thing that happened!" So you go back, and literally nothing happened.... This novel is absolute epitome of every bad thing a writer can do. Show don't tell: The writer ONLY tells. Keep it simple stupid: The writer over complicates simple things. Make important things interesting. The writer over simplifies and makes it boring. Describe only what needs describing. The writer gives either no descriptions or over describes unimportant things. Every possible thing that a writer can do wrong this writer did. And they didn't even do it well. This is not satire. This is their best efforts. This is the level their mind is at. This person should stop writing and start reading. Maybe in 10 years they can give it another go.

    Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive
    Fantasy · One Punch Cute King