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that's the whole reason why there is 3 choice really, 1st choice is zero to hero, 2nd choice is overpowered, while the 3rd choice is still a mystery, i am planning to make it an adventure but who knows what will happends
yes yes of course, i am always open to sugestion because i believe 100 people thinking together is better than one, and you are right. i don't have a concrete plan right now, don't worry i am not thinking wrong of you, i know you just wanna help and i apreciate it, but we need to make this story make sense, being stupidly overpowerd from the start will destroy the theme i am trying to build in this one (zero to hero) i am however planning to make an overpowered one on the JP, while the ID will be focused on adventure, that's my only plan really. if you have sugestion that are lining with the zero to hero theme, please do share with me, as i said, i am always open to sugestion
if we need to wait until he becomes god for him to join the girls then it will be too long, he can however be a warlock and join the same sect like Ina, or something, then again this is just possibilites, i mean who am i? the author? oh right i am.
i think it's just a people thing, some does it some did not, i mean you can't expect all of them to do it right?
it depends, what is considered eating? is it just swallowing it or is it ingesting it to your body? if somehow he can ingest the poneglyph that are already shrunk by luffy, then imagine the kind of power he would have?
so he can be double the good boy? yes please!