


I love reading♥️

2022-05-02 JoinedMexico

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  • Stephanie9913
    "Now, give it a try."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Stephanie9913
    Maxi carefully gauged their distance, searching for an opening. In her mind, thrashing the knight seemed easy enough, but her body refused to cooperate. Her strikes were weak, and she faltered whenever she attacked. She also always ended up on her rear when she tried to back away from an incoming swing.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Stephanie9913

    What I can’t wrap my mind around is how dangerous dark mages are already known to be. Why risk your army’s lives so stupidly? The mages have left back to Nornui and the others are in the north. You reap what you sew, and I have a feeling Kuahel and army are about to feel it to it’s full extent for keeping everyone in the dark🫠

    Clutching his reins, Kuahel fixed his eyes on the large forest at the foot of the mountain. Undead monsters emerged from the misty woods, their white bones rattling with every step. There were thousands of them.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Stephanie9913

    Scowling at a man from the strongest order of the kingdoms! Maxi’s evolution makes me giddy🥹

    His calm reply only deepened Maxi's scowl. Though she longed to grab the man by the collar and give him a piece of her mind, she refused to stoop to such unladylike behavior in front of everyone. With a piercing look directed at Ursuline's well-groomed face, she turned away, determined to show that she had no intention of engaging with him. Ursuline sighed and chased after her.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Stephanie9913

    I’m sorry, the mages, reserved and composed? When?😂

    Intoxicated by their recent victory, the soldiers reveled in their success, swaying from drink and their voices filled with boasts. Most of their superiors turned a blind eye to their unruly behavior, understanding the impossible task of reining in the desires of men who had faced hunger and death in the unforgiving wilderness for months. Even the mages, usually reserved and composed, seemed caught up in the lively atmosphere.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Stephanie9913
    Replied to Stephanie_Kwok

    When Riftan left for the campaign he sent some of his men to go bring Maxi to Anatol. The Duke basically told them she didn’t want to go, which she never even knew about them showing up. What gets me a little upset is that in Riftan’s POV, Riftan goes back to Anatol before leaving for the campaign. I understand there was probably a time stamp, and he wouldn’t to be able to afford Maxi the luxury of stopping every 5 minutes, but it would’ve saved her from 3 extra years of abuse.

    "The duke pushed the campaign onto Sir Riftan despite being fully aware of the dangers. Sir Riftan received a wife in exchange for his troubles, but even she failed to fulfill her duties."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Stephanie9913
    Replied to Kalikasparks

    True, but all the temple knights have divine magic. Healers aren’t necessary in the investigation.

    "We all know how skilled you are in offensive magic, Miriam, but honestly speaking, your skills in other areas are not much to speak of. Neither offensive nor healing magic will be of much use in this assignment. Both can be covered by the Temple Knights' divine magic. It was decided that only those adept in search, tracing, communication, and concealment would be chosen. Considering the provisions that will be allotted to the scout party, it would not be prudent to add more people arbitrarily."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Stephanie9913

    I wish she would have accepted just to hook Riftan with a little jealousy🥹

    The young knight looked afraid of being supplanted from his post. Maxi bit her lip. She was sorely tempted to accept the offer, but she knew she was not the only tired mage. Though she was by no means a star contributor to the expedition, she did not wish to be seen as inferior or lagging behind either. With that thought in mind, Maxi stubbornly shook her head.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Stephanie9913

    One of the most dissappointing paragraphs in the two books this far. Even if Maxi agrees with some of their points there is no way she should let any of them feel comfortable enough to voice them around her. It’ like brother and sister. If I tease that’s because it’s my family, but no one else could do it. Ruth was her first friend and mentor, helping her through a lot of difficult times. I can’t imagine the hurt Ruth would feel at learning that Maxi didn’t even come to his defense, especially seeing how much she vouches for others.

    Unable to deny her point, Maxi laughed awkwardly. Regardless of the truth, Ruth was still her first mentor. It pricked her conscience to speak ill of him with the others. She quickly tried to change the subject.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Stephanie9913
    "I-I would like to ask you the same! How long are you g-going to ignore me? Why can't you… tell me what you're so upset about? You petty man! You're a fool and an idiot!"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Stephanie9913

    Everyone is enraptured by Gabel noticing Maxi’s adorable habits, while overlooking the fact that there are missing liquor casks(barrels of alcohol) 😂 this may be the reason behind Hebby’s disappearance

    The Lady of Anatol was counting a stack of liquor casks, her face drawn in a grim expression. From the way she was pulling at her hair, he mused that something must not be adding up. He suppressed a laugh. She had a habit of tormenting her hair this way but always seemed perplexed by the state of it whenever she caught her reflection.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Stephanie9913

    I said Hebaron was temptation himself, but they say the devil was a woman😈

    Riftan looked as if the devil himself were tempting him. He regarded her with hopeful eyes, then squeezed them shut.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Stephanie9913

    I think Vince cares a little bit about Marcy, but I feel most of his sadness comes from not being able to fulfill his mothers wish. Yes, family is everything we have, but all siblings are not the same. Some have different traits that don’t coincide with the other and become toxic and draining making it difficult to maintain a relationship. Especially the way Marceline degrades and disrespects the person Vincent loves most. Vince shouldn’t carry all this guilt when Marcy isn’t putting an effort to be a better person.

    'Being her big brother, you should help her. When she cries or when something bad happens, I want you to be there for her. To help her,' Lady Katherina tried to convince her son. 'Your sister looks up to you, Vince, and I tell you that because I know she wants your approval. We are a family, and if we don't help each other, no one else will.'
    Allure Of The Night
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Stephanie9913

    Seeing Maxi start to complete some of her goals really fills my heart with joy. She envied Riftan, Agnes and even the knights for all of their experiences as far as war, traveling, seeing new places, being “useful”, etc. but now she’s on the other side and I’m sure it fills her with pride!

    A strange sense of awe filled Maxi as she gazed over the vast, glistening snowfield. She felt as if she were standing on a blank parchment made for giants.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Stephanie9913

    Hebaron is temptation himself

    He cursed Hebaron in his head and willed himself to turn around. He feared he would snatch her up and drag her away with him if he did not.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Stephanie9913
    "Ruth Serbel." Staring into the dark forest, Riftan took a swig from his flask. His voice was soft as he said, "Is it your wish to die?"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Stephanie9913

    If only she knew she is asking the wrong person🫠😂

    Marceline yelled, "NO! I am not cutting my leg!" She then looked at her brother with pleading eyes, "Please help me! Bring me back my leg!" 
    Allure Of The Night
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Stephanie9913
    "I love you."
    Allure Of The Night
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Stephanie9913
    Replied to luceroc

    This was my exact reaction😂 I think everyone in the car with me looked at me as if I was insane🫠

    "Meet your future sister-in-law, Marcie."
    Allure Of The Night
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Stephanie9913
    Replied to privateproperty


    Vincent's eyes subtly narrowed before a cheeky smile appeared on his sinful lips. Catching up to her, he questioned, "Do you want me to be jealous?" 
    Allure Of The Night
    Fantasy · ash_knight17