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I love this story and I’m sorry but I’m not a big Pokemon fan.
That is stupid it’s not a priority it would be something COMPLETELY foreign to the people of the North, the whole world really so the only way it could happen is with direct Interference of the MC when there are a WHOLE LOT of other more important things to do when they are just starting to build a settlement, hygiene was something people did on their own trimming nails hair and the like was done every day by people in their own homes they would never make a salon for it as one of the first buildings in a new settlement
Ahhhh okok I a just didn’t get that also “Edward” is hardly a Northern name but…
Even an honorary position would be an insult after all even they are just servants maybe a position as an external advisor/ambassador cold be given to Gandalf or some noble of Arda but never the King, that is an insult after all is akin to calling that King a servant to the Iron Throne.
See this is nonsensical why would a foreign king of a kingom that far far FAR surpasses the 7 Kingdoms and is NOT a vassal to the Targaryen crown serve key word “SERVE” the crown in the Small council?? I would understand as I said someone like Gandalf given a position as ambassador or some kind of supervisor after all they are a VASTLY more powerful neighbor and could realistically just invade if they so wished, I know they don’t want to but still non readers can’t know that.
Exactly I just don’t think belief is a good standard for it after all we have Wargs and Bran and their magic too.
Well the series didn’t end after all it was a pity it was cancelled after his death and the books are still not finished. A true pity 😂
Not necessarily if he started as a 10 year old and you take the show age aka 17 then you have 7 years and also a LOT can be done for the North in a few years with the right ideas and enough money to invest. It’s better to keep things plausible of not you could have made an OC that was the Son of Brandon and the Ryswell girl who he married and then she died giving birth to that son, I mean it’s a 1000 times more believable age that by paying super high prices and having thousands of workers work could be made faster than a one year old commanding respect as a Lord.
So they are 3 brothers and two of them are named Eddard?? It’s still a bit weird
Yes I understand and the women could work the fields or as I said make clothes that are vital for the cold weather, have them carry the firewood when the men are working to make the walls or shelter they cook and prepare what they kill after all food needs to be prepared your prey skinned the pelts require their work too, the fields need tending, washing of clothes the hearths kept burning along with other things for day to day life of the smallfolk. A house requires it’s own work, especially a medieval one.