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Its a translation you perverts just because we westerners only see loli in hentai doesn't mean it doesn't have its own meaning where it comes from although the phrasing is weird you should be able to understand the actual meaning.
Does bro need to reread the holy magic description
Well he used it successfully on one of the most powerful wizards in the world so...
I see well sorry anyway since I still felt it was a little rude after cooling down a bit I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of changes you are going to show in the future chapters since your clearly a skilled author, at least skilled enough to make me even care when a character isn't changing how I expected (which isn't a bad thing) thanks for being kind enough to even bother entertaining my comment and replying I wish you all the best.
That does kind of make sense to me especially if you made the moment specifically to show some struggle and deepen backstory but the way you built up to that moment made it feel like it was going to be a big changing point in his personality that we were going to be able to easily see which is why at least for me I was little more disappointed that I maybe should have been so sorry if my comment was harsh or came off as being unnecessarily rude for no reason I was a little heated in the moment .
As for advice maybe you could try showing his transformation in his actions a little more even if there subconscious like after the big time skip you mentioned all though it took a while he learned some things from lucky but it didn't really feel like that with the actions he made and naturally after that he went on a bender so not very visual in this transformation. Especially when all these big achievements he had like killing that one gang boss and taking over the bars/pubs happened completely on accident when he was drunk/high.
Quite a good story so for keep it up Author I personally liked how fast you transitioned his poverty to somewhat rich as some authors that have money systems in their novel take to long to get out of the poverty stage with the MC always stressed out trying to make money in shameless ways. I also like how ironically he made way more money from the cashback system simply from caring about a friend he feels gratitude towards instead of the girl he got with specifically to make money which is quite funny and I don't know if you did it on purpose or not to foreshadow a realization the MC will have in the future but I liked it so kudos to you author :)
Surprisingly well written grammar wise and tons of plot for a story that I didn't expect to have any seeing as I clicked on a novel that has impregnation system in the title unfortunately the MC is a deadbeat loser in his previous life and the author doesn't wash that away like at all in his next life which would be fine if it was a ongoing process but it really isn't seeing as were already 35 (long) chapters in and he still acts like a total ass and has zero self control. Sorry for being harsh author but it really disappointed me when you seem to be putting a lot of effort into the story but you won't just speed up this transformation process I mean the dude was severely mourning one of his only friends and rethinking his life/decisions and 15 minutes later he starts hitting on his dead friends mom and accepting the quest to have sex/impregnate her like seriously man he went there specifically to apologize and own up for his mistakes and yet he does this?
Seriously? Bruh what was the point of this whole coming to jesus moment talking to his friends grave moment even for if he's not gonna change even a little.
I wonder if Uncle Ben would still say that iconic phrase if he knew it basically ruined Peters life.