


I speak honestly

2022-04-05 JoinedGlobal

of reading


Read books

  • Honestwords
    Honestwords3 months ago

    So either this guy has super hearing that he can hear all that from where he was or his position to his target is so close that he could have just stabbed the guy instead of sniping him. At least give some excuse like the guy planted a listening device on his target to be able to hear that conversation instead of being this lazy.

  • Honestwords
    Honestwords3 months ago

    No one cares. This information in unnecessary and completely breaks immersion.

  • Honestwords
    Honestwords5 months ago

    The story, the synopsis, the author's thoughts and the author's intro on his page are all AI generated. Even the reviews are all fake where he use alt accounts. You can see where he screwed up where one of the reviews was talking about updating his book like he's the author but it's just another account, dude probably forgot to sign out of his fake account when he posted that. It's one thing to generate AI content and post it but don't try to act like you wrote this all by yourself and that it's some masterpiece because it's not.

  • Honestwords
    Honestwords6 months ago

    You know holding your chapters hostage from your readers 'unless I get support' don't usually end well right? We aren't obligated to read what you write. You don't want to release the chapters? Sure. I'll go somewhere else. What now? Oh you released it anyway? Too bad, I'm not interested anymore. Yeah, what a smart move right? You want to threaten your readers and hold your story hostage? Then why should we put ourselves in that position? I'll just go read something else now. Bye.

  • Honestwords
    Honestwords7 months ago

    If a person needs to read the auxiliary chapter in order to make sense of or even be able to continue the story, that should not be an auxiliary chapter... Auxiliary chapters are meant to supplement and add to the main story, not be a hard requirement

  • Honestwords
    Honestwords7 months ago

    AI generated story. This 'author' even deleted my comments where I called him out on it. He tried to shame me and demanded that I prove it was AI generated. When I did, he deleted everything to hide it. If you're that ashamed about people finding out that this is AI Generated, how about learning how to write yourself instead of making use of AI and pretend that you wrote it yourself? To know that you yourself do not have the skill to write it yourself and resort to using AI, then claim that you wrote this yourself before shaming other people for calling you out for it... That's just sad bro.

  • Honestwords
    Honestwords8 months ago

    This is a translation of 养成反派女主后,他们追来了

  • Honestwords
    Honestwords8 months ago

    The writing in this story can be summed up completely in one word: Pretentious. The author tries harder to sound overly sophisticated and 'mysterious' rather than actually telling the story. There is no direction in the story telling and the 'no actual main character' is just an excuse to hide the indecisiveness of the author because they're afraid that the main character they create might not interest the readers, thus he shifts the responsibility to the readers instead so that the author can blame us for disliking the characters because we were supposed to be the ones to 'choose the main character'. You are the author, you are here to tell us the story; We are the readers, we are here to follow your story. Don't make me decide the story for you, I am not the one writing it. So stop being so wishy washy and actually tell a story instead of worrying about how to make yourself look smarter than you actually are. I would rather a dumb but interesting story than a 'smart' but boring story here.

  • Honestwords
    Honestwords8 months ago

    Seriously, this would suggest that your book is even worth someone else using it. Frankly, it's not.

    This paragraph has been deleted.