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    Whenever there is a word of suspense, the author never disappoints us.

    Ch 17 Catastrophic Awakening
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan

    Phantom is Vivek Khatri in multiverse. Chaotic yet poetic.

    Phantom smiled, "You have only told me your side of the story, but what if things were different on your wife's side of the story? I'm not blaming anything on you, but love is a strange thing and it never stays the same. Her love was not with money as she ran away with a pastor who certainly is not very firm in terms of financial stability. Her loneliness devoured her and the light she searched in God turned into love for a pastor. She lost her heart the most when you returned home in a paraplegic condition. She chosed to sit on pastor's lap than to sit beside you all her life. She was pregnant when you killed her." Ralph asked, "How do you know that?" Phantom smiled, "I have the power to see back in past." Ralph asked, "What else does you see?" Phantom said, "The love and misery in her eyes the night when she eloped. She kissed your lips one last time and disappeared in dark." Ralph started crying and Phantom patted his shoulder and said, "She loved you more than anything. She just didn't wanted you to feel useless when you would have seen her sitting next to you in torn clothes and starving." Ralph said, "Take back these bangles. They have ruined my life." He threw away the bangles and it landed on Assayah's feet who picked them up. He looked at Ralph and said, "Disrespecting these bangles will have dire consequences. Your wife won't return if you renounce your power. Wear them."
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan

    How can you put so many emotions in a single chapter?

    Ch 16 Dead Yet Alive
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan

    Gongamtei after waking

    Alice pulled her outside and said, "Have some fresh air, Elena. I will come in a few minutes from the bathroom." Alice hurriedly went away and entered the bathroom. Aliyah looked at her and said, "I have something to tell you." Alice said, "Be quick. Elena is getting hyper." Aliyah said, "I saw Gongamtei in the Church a few minutes ago." Alice asked, "Gongamtei? Who is that?" Aliyah replied, "Gongamtei is a mercenary. An undead mercenary and seeing him in a funeral ceremony is not a good thing." Alice asked, "But if he is so bad for the moment, why don't you catch him?" Aliyah said grimly, "Because he is like air. Catching him is not possible without a vessel that means we can only capture him when he is in someone's body." Alice was about to say something, when screams and sound of people running started to echo all over the Church. Alice ran towards the room and saw that everyone was running here and there and the next sight made her pupils bigger. She saw Ryder was standing there looking at everyone like a newborn baby. Alice went near him and touched him to ensure that it was not a dream. The touch sent shivers all over Alice's body and she fell a few yards away on the ground. Alice looked at Elena who was standing like a statue and Trisha was lying unconscious on the ground. Ryder walked near Alice and said, "Nice to meet you. I'm Gongamtei." Alice and Aliyah both felt shivers running all over their body, as Gongamtei slowly walked outside the Church....
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan

    Drunk tales are always the most inspring tales of the stories

    Phantom smiled, "You have only told me your side of the story, but what if things were different on your wife's side of the story? I'm not blaming anything on you, but love is a strange thing and it never stays the same. Her love was not with money as she ran away with a pastor who certainly is not very firm in terms of financial stability. Her loneliness devoured her and the light she searched in God turned into love for a pastor. She lost her heart the most when you returned home in a paraplegic condition. She chosed to sit on pastor's lap than to sit beside you all her life. She was pregnant when you killed her." Ralph asked, "How do you know that?" Phantom smiled, "I have the power to see back in past." Ralph asked, "What else does you see?" Phantom said, "The love and misery in her eyes the night when she eloped. She kissed your lips one last time and disappeared in dark." Ralph started crying and Phantom patted his shoulder and said, "She loved you more than anything. She just didn't wanted you to feel useless when you would have seen her sitting next to you in torn clothes and starving." Ralph said, "Take back these bangles. They have ruined my life." He threw away the bangles and it landed on Assayah's feet who picked them up. He looked at Ralph and said, "Disrespecting these bangles will have dire consequences. Your wife won't return if you renounce your power. Wear them."
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan

    So, Xao Lin is basically an evil version of Hades and Zeus.

    Alice sat on the sofa and Alice dimmed the lights. Aliyah said, "Many centuries before my birth, five men gathered around the mouth of a volcano to sacrifice a young girl to the greedy and evil demon god, Xao Lin. Legends say that Xao Lin awakens from sleep every year and desires for a young girl with whom he does intercourse and then eats her. If he satisfied by the sacrifice, he grants the man infinite life and invincible power and capabilities. The leader of that group was Xao Chang, who had already sacrificed hundreds of young women from neighbouring places and gained enormous power and youth. Holding the girl was Bacca, who like Xao Chang was an evil tribe chief who forcefully takes away young girls from the other tribes and kills anyone who stands in his way. The other three were Xao Chang's brothers, Xao Wan, Xao Min and Xao Hwang who were less powerful, but equally evil. Xao Chang was chanting some mantra sitting near the mouth of the volcano and Bacca was tightly holding that girl. Xao Hwang looked at that girl and whispered t o his brother Xao Min, "It's a shame that every year we have to sacrifice the most beautiful girl. Look at her. She is surely a good collection to any lord's harem." Xao Chang threw some lava on Hwang's feet and said, "The power that you have got from Xao Lin is far more appealing than any beauty." Xao Hwang said, "Yes. But, you and Bacca takes away all the rest and we are left with the prostitutes and farm girls." Bacca smiled, "A good man never complains about his lady." Xao Chang said, "Feed her some food. She will need energy to withstand the pain." Bacca grunted and brought a piece of half cooked leg of a wild boar and put it in front of her and said, "I don't have much of the boar anymore. I was planning to give it to my favorite girl tonight, but you can have it." The girl looked at the leg and said, "I don't eat meat. Please, take it away from me." Chang looked at Bacca and said, "Give her some fruits and throw away this leg. I don't want the place to stink of any blood."
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan

    Kenchi isn't giving me any good vibes?

    Kayuba asked, "Didn't he reject your offer several times already?" Kenchi said, "I want you to talk with him and make him understand why your companionship is harmful for him." Kayuba asked, "My companionship is harmful?" Kenchi said, "Yes, it is. You have done nothing but wastage of his enormous talent. Because of you, he is sitting on some fucking tree and watching his rivals advance past him." Kayuba smiled, "Just like I advanced past you years ago. Why don't you admit that you are just jealous of me?" Kenchi said, "That is why you are so toxic to your students. You are just an arrogant, undisciplined rogue who likes to blow his own trumpet." Kayuba said, "Phantom is free to choose any side and I know he is wise enough to chose the right side." Kenchi said, "Tell Assayah that I want to meet him." Kayuba said, "We don't meet too often, but I will try to tell. No guarantees whatsoever." He disappeared in the red mist and Kenchi sighed. He mumbled, "Fly high, my friend. Once, Abigail brings back the spear, I will personally trap you in the sphere of demolition." He started laughing as the whole monastery echoed with his laughs...
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan

    So he just lives on a tree?

    Phantom, one of Kayuba's elite students and one of the stigmatized souls in the monastery looked at the sky and saw Abigail and his little gang of souls flying outside of the monastery. Even, from miles above, he could easily see Abigail's smirk and him blowing raspberry, which made Phantom very furious. Phantom looked at him and showed him the middle finger. Abigail smiled and went away as fast as he could. Phantom looked at one of the rocks and punched it hard and broke it into pieces. Kenchi saw this and came near Phantom and smiled, "What's the point of punching lifeless things when you cannot defeat Abigail in a fight?" Phantom ignored him and climbed back on his tree. Kenchi said, "Kayuba stays mostly outside of the monastery and will not give a single glance on you if you ever fell into trouble. I'm still saying that you should come to my side and join my clan." Phantom said, "You already have Abigail. Why bother bringing me? It will only upset your precious student's sentiments." Kenchi said angrily, "I don't understand why do you not see the reality? Abigail was far lower than you when he came here and now he is beating your ass like a drum. Kayuba is just a drunk and selfish demon who didn't even say a word when you were secluded from the monastery."
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan

    There should have been more names. Make it more detailed.

    Deep inside the mountains, there is an old and hidden monastery unknown to humankind and nature for centuries. The bloodthirsty and enormously powerful soul demons have turned that silent mountain into their home. Everyday, thousands and thousands of bloodthirsty souls arrives in the monastery seeking shelter from the burning fire of Hell. Xao Chang has hidden himself in the womb of the mountain, meditating for the search of the ultimate power and the way to reach his master in his tomb. The reins of the monastery is in the hands of Xao Chang's most trusted and sly demon, Bacca who controls it with an iron fist. It is his duty to keep the monastery and the souls out of the reach of the humanity and annihilate anyone who in his worst day comes to know about the monastery. Bacca has two generals, Kenchi and Kayuba who keeps the lower souls in control and also trains them. Kenchi is brutal just like Bacca and punishes the souls severely even for meek mistakes, while Kayuba stays mostly out of the monastery wandering around in the disguise of humans and has a liking of human flesh. Apart from them, Assayah works as a recruiting expert who chooses people who are either depressed or mentally tensed and tricks them into sacrificing their souls in return of money and fame; and after their death he collects the souls and sends them to the monastery.
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
    The Demon Monastery
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
    Ch 120 The End?
    The Night Before Death
    Action · Rakib_Hassan

    I am waiting for the villian

    Ch 4 The Sweet Salt
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan

    Aliyah on seeing Alice

    Maya smiled, "Yes. Cynthia has talked with Principal Shepherd and made arrangements to take us to the Museum tomorrow and she will be expecting you specially." Alice said, "I'm telling you that one day I'm going to make Cynthia history." Maya smiled, "Okay. But, now let's go out and eat some ice cream." Alice and Maya went outside the campus and stopped near the ice cream parlor. Alice ordered two blueberry cream and then they started to gulp it down their throat. Alice said, "I know that you will get quite excited on seeing those naked dinosaurs and dusty paintings." Maya smiled, "Actually my interest is on something else." Alice asked, "What?" Maya pointed towards a poster hanging near the college gate. It reads, "After years of vigorous research and hard work, we finally found the lost treasure of the Manacan tribe. The Blood Spear. Come to the Museum and see the age old wonder of the Manacan people." Alice looked at the picture of the spear and a strange current ran inside her body. Maya asked, "What happened? Isn't the spear beautiful?" Alice came to her senses and said, "Nah. It's just some wooden stick with a red diamond on its end." Maya smiled, "You are saying this because you haven't heard of the legend associated with this spear." Alice said, "And I don't even want to know. Goodbye." Maya asked, "What about the money?" Alice smiled, "You are not that poor." Alice quickly went inside a cab and soon vanished out of the sight. Maya glanced on the poster once more and went away, as the sun started to hid behind the horizon...
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan

    Alice after seeing the spear

    Maya smiled, "Yes. Cynthia has talked with Principal Shepherd and made arrangements to take us to the Museum tomorrow and she will be expecting you specially." Alice said, "I'm telling you that one day I'm going to make Cynthia history." Maya smiled, "Okay. But, now let's go out and eat some ice cream." Alice and Maya went outside the campus and stopped near the ice cream parlor. Alice ordered two blueberry cream and then they started to gulp it down their throat. Alice said, "I know that you will get quite excited on seeing those naked dinosaurs and dusty paintings." Maya smiled, "Actually my interest is on something else." Alice asked, "What?" Maya pointed towards a poster hanging near the college gate. It reads, "After years of vigorous research and hard work, we finally found the lost treasure of the Manacan tribe. The Blood Spear. Come to the Museum and see the age old wonder of the Manacan people." Alice looked at the picture of the spear and a strange current ran inside her body. Maya asked, "What happened? Isn't the spear beautiful?" Alice came to her senses and said, "Nah. It's just some wooden stick with a red diamond on its end." Maya smiled, "You are saying this because you haven't heard of the legend associated with this spear." Alice said, "And I don't even want to know. Goodbye." Maya asked, "What about the money?" Alice smiled, "You are not that poor." Alice quickly went inside a cab and soon vanished out of the sight. Maya glanced on the poster once more and went away, as the sun started to hid behind the horizon...
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan

    Alice inner self

    Alice stopped near a railing and said sadly, "That bitch Cynthia always asks me the hardest questions and when I answer them wrong, she insults me in the dirtiest way." Maya said, "It's okay. She is just angry than your father married your mother, instead of her. But, you are a strong woman and I know you won't get offended by such small things." Alice said sadly, "I truly hate history by the deep of my heart. I cannot even see a history book on my table and have burned down all the books of my father just days after his death." Maya said, "Then, I think you won't like a trip to the Museum tomorrow." Alice asked, "We are going to the Museum?"
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
    Alice stopped near the gate of the college and took a long breath. She paid the cab driver and went inside the compound. The security guard said, "The class today is canceled due to majority of students demanding a day off today." Alice went inside the college and saw that most of the classes were empty and the sound of cheering was coming from the indoor stadium. Alice went towards the stadium and entered inside, where there were many people cheering the name "Rocky". Alice pushed her way ahead and saw that Rocky and Ryder were fighting each other like mad dogs. Rocky was the local bully here and also the boyfriend of Cindy Watwell, the daughter of business tycoon, Carter Watwell. She is that type of person who likes to show her might of wealth on others and expecting them to be her servants. Rocky was the same like her and like to brawl with anyone who doesn't lower their eyes on seeing him. Ryder and Rocky always fights on every small detail, especially when Rocky calling Trisha a 'whore'. Alice looked at Cindy who was not even looking at them fighting and was busy cutting her nails. As usual, Ryder fell on the ground unconscious and Rocky went away giving him a pity look. Eventually, the crowd dispersed and Alice went running towards Ryder and sprinkled some water on his face. Ryder slowly opened his eyes and looked at Alice and asked, "Where is Trisha?"
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan

    I like the Prologue

    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
    From the start of the world, a battle between the good and the evil forces has been perennial. Thousands of innocent people has sacrificed their lives in order to imprison the mighty demon, Xao Lin and after many years of tormenting wars and enormous bloodshed, the tribal people of Manacan have succeeded to imprison the evil soul of Xao Lin. All the people overjoyed as they enjoyed the freedom from him and his bloodthirsty army of evil soul demons. There were celebrations and happiness everywhere as the Manacan people placed the urn inside the tomb and sealed it with numerous holy threads and then finally buried it deep inside the hell from where he came from. But, little did they knew, that Xao Lin's evil apprentice, Xao Chang has escaped and was waiting patiently for the Red Moon to avenge his master's death and bring back his soul from the depth of the Earth.
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan

    Alphonso and Charan right now

    Remains of burned trucks and guns were also found there with mostly still red hot and melting on the ground. The policemen went inside and saw a burned graveyard there with a melting gate mixing with the body of a young girl whose eyes were still open. The paramedics carefully separated the melting iron from her body and then took her inside the van. The police looked around and saw two bodies lying on the middle of the graveyard and went towards them. They were the least burned as they were in the middle where the grass were the least and thus the fire couldn't reached that much. Both of their faces were burned beyond recognition, but one can easily see the satisfaction they had on their faces and that they died peacefully. The police chief said, "Take them and clean the place. I don't want any carelessness now." The paramedics took the bodies and put it in the ambulance and soon all of them speeded outside of the forest, as the tale of two of the most powerful and ambitious criminals of the Underworld came to an end....
    The Night Before Death
    Action · Rakib_Hassan

    Jale pe namak silakna got a new meaning

    In the evening, Alphonso and the people were standing near the pyres of Bablu and Vanaram. Alphonso went and lit the torch and set fire on both of the pyres. The people started praying for the salvation of both the souls and then each person threw a handful of salt on the fire. Alphonso was taken to the chief's room and two guards were stationed outside the room. Alphonso went inside the bathroom and dipped himself in the warm water to relax his body. He smiled, "Stupid Vanaram. He thought that he could trick me. Little did he know that I have made my whole empire betraying and looting people. He not only erased that moron Bablu from my way, but also gave me a whole army of loyal and blind supporters who will do anything on my command. Looks like even God wants me to rule the Underworld." He smiled and closed his eyes and started humming as the sun finally hide behind the horizon.....
    The Night Before Death
    Action · Rakib_Hassan