

2022-04-01 JoinedUnited States



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  • Almost_a_Shadow
    Replied to PartyCannonPirate

    The game classifies it as such, but I think that's more so to allow players to carry two sniper rifles if they want to. It has a long scope, decent range and hits like a Mack truck, so calling it a sniper rifle felt more accurate.

    Troy, however, got the winningest end of the deal. The sniper he'd picked up was an M-99 Saber. He said the thing damn near blew his arm off every time he fired it, but the clip held twelve shots that could apparently cut right through a Marauder's shields and pop its head like a melon in one blow. Adjustable tactical scope for close or long range engagements that could also display enemies on the HUD from a hundred meters away. With him on scout duty, we'd never get caught unaware by Reaper ground troops unless they dropped on top of us.
    Mass Effect: Instability
    Video Games · Almost_a_Shadow
  • Almost_a_Shadow
    Replied to AinzO0alGown

    Ah, that explains it then, thanks! Yeah lol WebNovel is a weird platform with a lot of erm . . . quirks, I guess we'll say XD

    Mass Effect: Instability
    Video Games · Almost_a_Shadow
  • Almost_a_Shadow
    Replied to ZephurosStormheart

    She's not standard femshep.

    Shepard's face was dead. No emotion whatsoever. That usually means one of two things: the person is completely uninterested in what's being said, or they're so goddamn angry they have to deadpan because that's the only way for them not to lose it. She was a rather good-looking woman despite having blonde hair too short for my tastes (I know, I'm part of the minority that generally isn't attracted to blondes) but the cold glare she was giving me destroyed any thoughts of attraction. Forget being thrown in an asylum; I'd be lucky just to leave this room alive.
    Mass Effect: Instability
    Video Games · Almost_a_Shadow
  • Almost_a_Shadow
    Replied to Adde_1997

    There's this thing known as a typo. Shocking, I know.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Mass Effect: Instability
    Video Games · Almost_a_Shadow
  • Almost_a_Shadow
    Replied to Invictus6

    In the Indoctrination Theory, yes, but the developers have stated that while that theory is cool, it isn't canon.

    They were gone. All of them. Including that little boy.
    Mass Effect: Instability
    Video Games · Almost_a_Shadow
  • Almost_a_Shadow
    Replied to Bobnog13

    Yet another reason not to go with the obviously bad plans.

    Troy and I had agreed to tell her we knew things, although we'd yet to come up with a realistic story explaining how we obtained that knowledge. Claiming that we were highly classified government officials was one option, but I threw that one out the window due to lack of realism. No one would believe that coming from two guys in their twenties. Telling her we were hacker-geniuses was another, and that we'd gleaned all this information from the Catalyst. Of course, we would then have to tell her what the Catalyst was, and she'd no doubt throw us in the loony bin. Breaking the ice slowly and with one revelation at a time was the only way this was going to be believable.
    Mass Effect: Instability
    Video Games · Almost_a_Shadow
  • Almost_a_Shadow
    Replied to Bobnog13

    Depression is never that simple, unfortunately.

    Wait—my lungs? What the fuck?! Was she telling me I wouldn't have lived past thirty back in my time? Holy shit! Just . . . fuck!
    Mass Effect: Instability
    Video Games · Almost_a_Shadow
  • Almost_a_Shadow
    Replied to Bobnog13

    Good :)

    "Commander," I said, "I can't force you to accept my help, and I can't make you believe that I'm telling the truth in a single conversation. I despise Cerberus just as much as you, and I have no reason to ally with them or the Reapers. I'm not as blind as Saren; I have no illusions about what will happen if we submit instead of fight. You can probe me to see if I'm indoctrinated. We all know the effects aren't quite so . . . well, effective, without constant intervention from a Reaper handler. All I'm asking is that you give me a chance to prove I'm sincere."
    Mass Effect: Instability
    Video Games · Almost_a_Shadow
  • Almost_a_Shadow
    Replied to Gabbu_Xul

    I did think about that, but I also thought that the more time that passed in the story, the less relevant it became. At this point a lot has happened in the span of a few weeks, to the point that his knowledge of the games doesn't really factor in any more. With that being the case, he doesn't see what good it would do to tell anyone.

    Ch 16 Chapter Sixteen
    Mass Effect: Instability
    Video Games · Almost_a_Shadow
  • Almost_a_Shadow
    Replied to Bobnog13

    The all-too familiar thoughts of someone who's smoked for way too long XD

    Damn, I was a dead man. And with not even a cigarette in my mouth to alleviate a bit of the pain.
    Mass Effect: Instability
    Video Games · Almost_a_Shadow
  • Almost_a_Shadow
    Replied to Gabbu_Xul

    Nope, these characters were taken from 2016, well before Andromeda came out. It would definitely help had that been the case, but alas, fate is a cruel mistress.

    It only hit me then how drastically different things had been since we'd arrived in this universe. There were flashes of it here and there; brief moments where I looked around and soaked in what was happening, mostly when the Citadel had been destroyed, but for some reason that was the moment I truly understood. Everything was different now. I had nothing to fall back on, no superior knowledge of what was to come courtesy of having played it in a video game. True, I had knowledge that most didn't, but it was nothing that wasn't readily available to Shepard. The course of the galaxy had shifted so dramatically since my arrival that there was nothing left for me to predict. Everything from there on was breaking new territory.
    Mass Effect: Instability
    Video Games · Almost_a_Shadow
  • Almost_a_Shadow
    Replied to don0808

    Thanks! A long time ago I actually did write a Mass Effect fanfic that was exactly that: just trailing behind Shepard while she did her thing. I had fun writing it, but I decided to make this story much more involved than that. I'm glad you're enjoying it!

    Mass Effect: Instability
    Video Games · Almost_a_Shadow
  • Almost_a_Shadow
    Replied to testerer

    Thanks for the encouragement! I'm just happy to know that the small audience I've found really appreciates the story :D

    Ch 13 Chapter Thirteen
    Mass Effect: Instability
    Video Games · Almost_a_Shadow
  • Almost_a_Shadow
    Replied to Fito

    Adrenaline, shock, and the fear for one's life are powerful motivators. Plus, he's a pretty fit guy.

    Ch 1 Chapter One
    Mass Effect: Instability
    Video Games · Almost_a_Shadow
  • Almost_a_Shadow
    Replied to Lukas_Wagner

    Good instincts!

    Ch 12 Chapter Twelve
    Mass Effect: Instability
    Video Games · Almost_a_Shadow
  • Almost_a_Shadow

    Hey there everyone! So I'm new here, and it seems weird to me that WebNovel would allow me to leave a review on my own story, but hey it is what it is. It's also weird that when I look at the story, it says that I'm my own top contributor in the Power Ranking even though I don't have any stones to contribute. If someone would like to explain that to me, I'd greatly appreciate it [img=recommend] Anyway, I sincerely hope you all enjoy the story, and I look forward to sharing it with you! Feel free to leave a review, comment, or what have you, and I'll be sure to see/respond to it just as soon as I get to my computer! Stay safe, stay awesome, stay sober.

    Mass Effect: Instability
    Video Games · Almost_a_Shadow
  • Almost_a_Shadow
    Replied to tetlay

    Well, typically it's to ensure continuity and believability. If someone you'd never met before showed up and said, "Hey, this thing you're doing won't work, so figure something else out," would you even stop for a second to take them seriously? Most people would brush them aside, especially in the middle of an apocalyptic war. So, only presenting information on an as-needed basis usually seems like the better option.

    Ch 3 Chapter Three
    Mass Effect: Instability
    Video Games · Almost_a_Shadow
  • Almost_a_Shadow
    Replied to SpaceGori

    Ah, well, you'll just have to wait and see ;)

    "That is for you to determine."
    Mass Effect: Instability
    Video Games · Almost_a_Shadow
  • Almost_a_Shadow
    Replied to Lord_Balerion

    Different universe, separated from canon continuity. I know, it's an unpopular move, but I didn't want the story bogged down by canon or Legends lore. So technically the conventions they use to measure time don't even include BBY, but rather a system known as the Coruscant Standard (CS). With that in mind, it's roughly 7921 CS. In this universe, known history only goes back about 8,000 years, with the year 1 CS being the first year they began measuring time.

    Ch 1 Prelude
    Star Wars: The Will of the Force
    Sci-fi · Almost_a_Shadow
  • Almost_a_Shadow
    Replied to Na1gel

    Thanks, I think?

    Ch 5 Chapter Five
    Mass Effect: Instability
    Video Games · Almost_a_Shadow