I'm an author unhealthily addicted to stories and a crazed fan of my husband and two little boys. My giant cat, Jim, is the lone viewer of my madness.
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Oh goodness, thank you! :D I'm so happy you enjoy it! So very very happy!
My son gets mad at me too, but I tease him anyway.
I'm glad you like it. It's the name of my friend's first born, except it's short for Gustave not Damascus. But I got Damascus from Damascus steel, which is a steel of legend as well as a kind of steel made by layering and hyperheating layers of steel ontop of one another, over and over.
Probably an unwanted adventure.
I was thinking depressing, but I'm glad I did that right. XD
Thank you for reading!
I just gave them chapters up to 181 yesterday. I write a chapter everyday, SO it should be up soon.
I tried to incorporate the Christianity in a way that someone who is agnostic would still be comfortable with, but it's really meant for someone who needs it. ^.^ I'm glad my story found you. I hope it gives you the break you need from life and whatever comes your way.
Yay! You found my story! :D Thank you so much for leaving a review, and such a nice one too. I'm working hard for you!