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I get what you're commenting. And this is one of the reasons why I commented, if you have good control over the element wind. You can put out fire. Like think a scenario where an enemy attacks you with large fire ball attack. You can simply put it out by either wind-blade/compressed-air-bullet/causing a sonic-boom attacks… And if you have complete control over the element wind, you can even use the wind/air around the attack/fire to dispel/redirect the attack. For example, removing air around the fire/attack like creating an vaccum of space to put out the fire. You can also redirect the attack/fire by guiding the projectiles with the help of wind/air around them. I mean forest fire spreads quickly if the wind is blowing in a perticular direction meaning wind is guiding the fire to spread that direction. Similarly, when fire get caught up with tornado, the fire will also follows the wind as a medium to form a fire tornado. Wind is like a guide/can be used for brutal attacks.
Have you seen the movie “The Incredible Hulk”? In that movie, Hulk uses can attack by clapping his hands with enough force to produce “wind” which puts out the fire/explosion. Saving the life of his lover and her father. So yea, if you have good control over the element “wind”, you can do what Hulk did with ease. Without even lifting a finger. you can control/redirect attacks/projectiles etc…