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  • Mr_Tyrone
    Replied to RoMa_Carlos

    I think the memory description for the lantern if I’m remembering correctly

    Perhaps that was a unique skill of a Transcendent with a high affinity to shadows — shadows never existed on their own, after all. It was their nature to be cast by someone. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Mr_Tyrone
    Replied to faiz_sharif


    Using the longsword he had given her, she sliced a path through the vines and moved forward. The Lord of Shadows followed behind her, his steps not making any sound whatsoever. It was as if he was not there at all.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Mr_Tyrone
    Replied to VoidGhost

    Makes sense. The soul is corrupt but the body is still a living vessel (assuming it’s not like a wraith of course )

    "The jungle is hidden from the gaze of the sky, but it is much more dangerous than the surface. The Nightmare Creatures of Godgrave are all born on the surface, yet only those who are strong enough to survive there descend into the Hollows. Here, they can exist indefinitely… in theory. In practice, they are all cannibals. The competition for water and nourishment is fierce, so the inhabitants of the jungle constantly fight and devour each other."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Mr_Tyrone
    Replied to Frisk_Pichi

    You mean like travel through the hollows as himself or the body of saint/master and then switch to the sleeper before approaching Sunny? True, I guess he could have done that

    That didn't mean that the Sleeper was harmless, though. He could still be a body Mordret decided to wear… granted, that was very improbable. It would be exceedingly hard to find a Sleeper just a few days after the winter solstice, let alone drag one to Godgrave. And while Mordret was powerful, it would be harder still to traverse Godgrave in a Dormant body, even for him.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Mr_Tyrone
    Replied to Frisk_Pichi

    I’m pretty sure Mordret himself already confirmed his abilities do get limited depending on the rank of his vessel

    That didn't mean that the Sleeper was harmless, though. He could still be a body Mordret decided to wear… granted, that was very improbable. It would be exceedingly hard to find a Sleeper just a few days after the winter solstice, let alone drag one to Godgrave. And while Mordret was powerful, it would be harder still to traverse Godgrave in a Dormant body, even for him.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Mr_Tyrone
    Replied to Good_Hot_Chocolate

    I mean that is true. But for once, I wish things could just be easy. The boy deserves a break. Especially now that Neph has the potential to earn freebie relics

    The secret to Serpent's growth was also rather simple, since that Shadow had always been unique. Its Rank depended on how well Sunny had mastered Shadow Dance, while its Class was equal to that of its master. Sunny could not receive Aspect Legacy Relics anymore… however, he could still advance in his mastery of it. When that happened, Serpent would become Supreme as well. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Mr_Tyrone
    Replied to Good_Hot_Chocolate

    I don’t even know how he’d go about doing that honestly since his legacy relics have been pretty OP: drop of ichor, shadow god fragment, lantern, serpent. He still needs to figure out how to acquire a shadows and finding a divine rank shard to craft a memory like lantern is gonna be next to impossible. This alone honestly makes me want the spell back. I was good with everything else but this is a lot

    The secret to Serpent's growth was also rather simple, since that Shadow had always been unique. Its Rank depended on how well Sunny had mastered Shadow Dance, while its Class was equal to that of its master. Sunny could not receive Aspect Legacy Relics anymore… however, he could still advance in his mastery of it. When that happened, Serpent would become Supreme as well. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Mr_Tyrone

    That…actually really sucks. Honestly I think that’s the worst part about being banished from the spell

    The secret to Serpent's growth was also rather simple, since that Shadow had always been unique. Its Rank depended on how well Sunny had mastered Shadow Dance, while its Class was equal to that of its master. Sunny could not receive Aspect Legacy Relics anymore… however, he could still advance in his mastery of it. When that happened, Serpent would become Supreme as well. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Mr_Tyrone
    Replied to hokeh

    I think at least in this case it has to do with the number of people involved and how likely it is to be someone else. For example, Sunny being part of the first evacuation army can be remembered because there was a bunch of other people, some of whomes deaths were also forgotten. Basically, he’s just another soldier. But there were only a few sleepers sent to the forgotten shore tht year and Cassie has already accounted for all the other ones so remembering that one extra person would be the same as remembering Sunny himself.

    She vaguely sensed what had happened and tried to retrace the steps of her logic, but to no avail. So, Cassie continued to think. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Mr_Tyrone
    Replied to HavenLeeMurphy

    Except you didn't. You just presented a bunch of details of about the story and disjointed ideas with really explaining how it connects to Cass and Lo49 at all. Like, you mentioned Cassie's goal of destroying fate for some reason and how that made you look deeper into things but what purpose did that serve for explaining your theory? And in this comment too you mention Cass's visions of her death and said how terrible would it be if she was the terror and killed her friends but those visions could literally be about anything else. Its a reach to connect it to her being LO49. And Sunny has compared Cass to L049 a grand total of once lol. It may seem like more due to all the comments doing it but the only time Sunny has directly compared them was the one time in chapter 1643. And assuming the sybil Cass took over in the nightmare was indeed the sybil that turned into the terror of LO49, it still doesn't change the fact that Cassie herself isn't actually that sybil. Replacing someone for a nightmare trial doesn't then mean you actually are that person in question. Cause why stop at Cassie then? Are Jet and Effie actually the true river nomads form back then too? And easily the most glaring issue with your theory is still no explanation for two Cassie's existing OUTSIDE the great river. Sunny could barely even explain the existence of the plagues and even stated it to be a paradox and it was only acceptable then because of the way time works in the great river and the fact that it is was a nightmare which we know can make copies of people. That doesn't at all begin to explain how two different versions of Cassie can then be present in the real world at the same time where time is normal. The actually worst part of your theory is honestly the fact that it doesn't offer any additional explanation for things and would only complicate the story for no reason . There's already an established identity for who the terror of LO49 was and there's a much simpler explanation for the fact that her and Cass have similar powers. The story doesn't really connect them beyond that and you trying to is only going to introduce plot hole issues. Nad my counter-argument for your actual theory was never bringing up made up scenarios. That was specifically for your initial response of "anything can happen in the story, its fiction". I already presented you the issues with your theory on multiple occasions and it isn't arrogance to not consider it if you on the other hand haven't given the adequate evidence to at least make it possible. You haven't even tried to address how two Cass's can exist outside a nightmare outside the great river which is the biggest issue with your theory. I'm not gonna consider any and every theory just because this is fiction and G3 can make anything possible if he wants. Like I said before, based on the writing so far, some things are going to be a lot more possible than others and your theory is looking pretty impossible.

    Looking at her delicate back, he could not help but remember the suffocating despair and cold dread of LO49. The sinister powers of the Transcendent Terror that had consumed the station were eerily similar to what Cassie was now capable of. There were differences, of course, but the resemblance was there as well. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Mr_Tyrone
    Replied to Lampent_7206

    It wasn’t only seven, it said dozens. Still a lot less than anvil tho

    The world seemed to shatter from the thunderous roar when countless black javelins tore the swirling snow apart and shot into the depths of the raging blizzard.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Mr_Tyrone
    Replied to HavenLeeMurphy

    You said all that to not even give any extra support for your theory lol. And it’s not condescending to say your theory don’t make sense. You were the one who replied with “so you know the ending to the story right?” as if I need to know that to spot a bad theory. I said it doesn’t make sense and I gave you logical reasons why it doesn’t make sense and you got all butthurt and defensive. If you’re reasoning for a theory being possible is grounded on “anything can happen, it’s fiction”, then of course I’m going to give you a crazy example to show you how some things are a lot less likely than others. If that came across as condescending then my bad I guess but the bottom line is your theory just needs more support than them having similar powers. And people are free to share and come up with crazy theories but other people are also free to criticize and poke holes in it. It’s all part of discussion so you can’t get mad just cause I said it don’t make sense and gave logical reasons why

    Looking at her delicate back, he could not help but remember the suffocating despair and cold dread of LO49. The sinister powers of the Transcendent Terror that had consumed the station were eerily similar to what Cassie was now capable of. There were differences, of course, but the resemblance was there as well. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Mr_Tyrone
    Replied to HavenLeeMurphy

    It’s as possible as Sunny assimilating Effie’s powers by eating her brain. Yes, by technicality anything can be possible if G3 wants it to be but some things are a lot more possible than others given what’s already been established. Sunny returning to the great river doesn’t at all explain 2 Cassie’s being present in the real world. The only place shown where two different versions of someone can exist is the great river and it was stated to be paradox even then. You’re going to need a much stronger connection than them simply having similar powers to even consider this theory. And we were already given the identity of LO49. It’s a whole different seer. Yes, one Cass took the place of in a nightmare but still a whole different person nonetheless. No need to reach for connections that don’t need to be there.

    Looking at her delicate back, he could not help but remember the suffocating despair and cold dread of LO49. The sinister powers of the Transcendent Terror that had consumed the station were eerily similar to what Cassie was now capable of. There were differences, of course, but the resemblance was there as well. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Mr_Tyrone
    Replied to _Achilles_HC

    Was boutta say. Boy just doesn’t care anymore huh

    When he took the second step, his gruesomely torn skin was already healing. When he took the third, the intricate plates of a battered onyx armor covered his mangled body, shielding it from the cold and wind. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Mr_Tyrone
    Replied to HavenLeeMurphy

    My guy, you don’t need get all defensive just cause your theory doesn’t make much sense. It’s not that deep. Like I said, Cass being LO49 would suggest 2 Cassie’s literally existing in the real world at the same time. It barely made sense in the nightmare but that could be excused because of great river time shenanigans and the fact that it’s a nightmare. And Cass taking the place of a seer for a nightmare doesn’t translate to her actually BEING that seer from all the way in the past. Do we then suggest that the entire group are actually all the people they replace in the nightmare? Not to mention the only connection between the two is the fact that they have similar powers but there’s already a perfectly fine explanation for that. Theorize all you want but I’m it gonna entertain something that makes absolutely no sense

    Looking at her delicate back, he could not help but remember the suffocating despair and cold dread of LO49. The sinister powers of the Transcendent Terror that had consumed the station were eerily similar to what Cassie was now capable of. There were differences, of course, but the resemblance was there as well. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Mr_Tyrone
    Replied to Sir_Icarus

    It was a coincidence

    "Huh. Convenient." 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Mr_Tyrone
    Replied to Daeyn

    Besides, that would literally suggest 2 Cassie’s existing outside the great river at the same time which doesn’t make sense nor has that been indicated to even be possible

    Looking at her delicate back, he could not help but remember the suffocating despair and cold dread of LO49. The sinister powers of the Transcendent Terror that had consumed the station were eerily similar to what Cassie was now capable of. There were differences, of course, but the resemblance was there as well. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Mr_Tyrone
    Replied to

    Cass taking over her body for a nightmare doesn’t make it her😂. She’s taking over, she isn’t the person.

    Looking at her delicate back, he could not help but remember the suffocating despair and cold dread of LO49. The sinister powers of the Transcendent Terror that had consumed the station were eerily similar to what Cassie was now capable of. There were differences, of course, but the resemblance was there as well. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Mr_Tyrone
    Replied to Campino_41

    That checks out as memories are an aspect of the nightmare spell which was woven by weaver.

    "I am curious, though. Creating a Memory is not a question of skill. No matter how good I am at runic sorcery, it's not something I can do. The same goes for enchanters of Valor — they are only capable of forging Memories because of the kind of Aspects the members of the main family and its branches tend to awaken, not because of sorcery. So, Sunny… are you, perchance, a bastard son of King Anvil?"
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Mr_Tyrone
    Replied to HavenLeeMurphy

    We already know who LO49 was. It was one of the seers

    Looking at her delicate back, he could not help but remember the suffocating despair and cold dread of LO49. The sinister powers of the Transcendent Terror that had consumed the station were eerily similar to what Cassie was now capable of. There were differences, of course, but the resemblance was there as well. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree