A mother of two little girls. I love to write fantasy novels, but life is too hard to write.
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I will explain why I did it. At first, I really liked your honest review. I appreciated it so much, I even made some revisions based on your criticism, and I did it as I could. But, a girl on my social media said that you laughed a lot while reading my book. And honestly, I was sad after knowing this, sorry to say. She even replied to 3 or 4 comments on my post, all she was saying was that you laughed at my book because of a lot of mistakes in it. I did not know why she did it, but I cried a lot that night after reading her replies to those comments. I did a lot of effort to write this book, but, when I read her comments saying what have you done while reviewing my book, yes, I was very disappointed. I did the translations myself with the help of Google Translate and Grammarly free just because I do not have much money to subscribe to the premium one. I dunno if she told the truth or not, but it broke my heart just to read all her replies about you. But thank you, I did some revisions based on your review, just as little as I could do, and I thought, I will not write this anymore. As you said, it is just full of dumped information. So yes, thank you.
because i am a bad author. thank you for your review.
I like your review, yes I am learning to write, and your review is perfect for me to develop my writing skills more! I thank you for this! Very much!
Humans are type 0,7 in Kardashev Scale, so ... it will be boring if this story only talks about the type IV. βΊοΈ
because... earth is unique! π
ada, nanti, chapter sekian π
cerita tentang jaman sekolah nih, ala cinta monyet gitu. tapi bedanya ini seorang difabel yg bersekolah di sekolah umum. namun ceritanya berbeda dari yg lain, biasanya cuma anak sekolah normal, namun dalam novel ini, karakternya lebih unik dan beda dari yg lainnya.
Novel berbau sejarah dengan ketikan rapi dan diksi yg baik. Dari awal cerita sempat kasihan dgn Frans, namun makin ke sini malah makin penasaran, sebenarnya ada apa dgn Frans di masa lalu, thor?
gurunyaaaaa nyebelinnnnnnn
baru bab 2 udah sedih π