

2022-02-28 JoinedGlobal



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  • Rinz_Sugianto
    Rinz_Sugianto3 years ago

    I like the story, curious about the story that will be experienced by Fredella. I'm waiting for the next chapter to upload.. good job author[img=recommend][img=recommend]

  • Rinz_Sugianto
    Rinz_Sugianto3 years ago

    like the story, the plot is not boring. I'm waiting for the next story. Good job author[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

  • Rinz_Sugianto
    Rinz_Sugianto3 years ago

    l like your story, , I'm waiting for the next story,, [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

  • Rinz_Sugianto
    Rinz_Sugianto3 years ago

    I feel sad for Naya, her lover is very evil, can leave Naya pregnant. I hope Rama can make him happy... I'm waiting for the story next thor ,,,

  • Rinz_Sugianto
    Rinz_Sugianto3 years ago

    good and interesting story. The plot is also not boring, I'm curious about Sabrina's next story, I'm waiting for the author's next story... good luck, ,

  • Rinz_Sugianto
    Rinz_Sugianto3 years ago

    lagi lagi tentang perjodohan, tapi aku suka thor, entah kenapa aku juga suka sama ceritanya, aku tunggu up bab sela jutnya ya thor[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

  • Rinz_Sugianto
    Rinz_Sugianto3 years ago

    I like the story, I'm curious about the next story, I'm waiting for the next chapter, thor [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

    This book has been deleted.
  • Rinz_Sugianto
    Rinz_Sugianto3 years ago

    Ceritanya keren Thor, bahasanya ringan dan penulisnya rapih, kasian sm kristalia,, aku tunggu up bab berikutnya yah thor[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

  • Rinz_Sugianto
    Rinz_Sugianto3 years ago

    Alva memperlakukan ibunya dan adiknya dengan baik, aku yakin dia juga akan memperlakukan Rania demikian, mudah2 an Rania dan Alva berjodoh, hihii[img=recommend][img=recommend]

  • Rinz_Sugianto
    Rinz_Sugianto3 years ago

    penasaran sama kisah cinta mereka, , aku tunggu bab selanjutnya ya thorr[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

Luna dan Pangeran Serigala

Kerisauan yang merundung hati Luna di sebabkan oleh tekanan dari keluarga besarnya yang memaksanya untuk segera menikah. Sedangkan sampai saat ini, belum ada lelaki yang berhasil menakhlukan hatinya. Luna, gadis berusia sembilan belas tahun itu, terpaksa harus menikah dengan lelaki yang belum pernah ia temui sebelumnya. Lelaki tersebut bernama Marck Haugert dan pernikahan tersebut harus terlaksana karena perjanjian dimasa lalu antara kedua belah pihak keluarga. Pernikahan itu bertujuan untuk mengabadikan kekuatan Ibu Marck yang bernama Teodora, karena Luna adalah gadis dari kalangan bangsawan terpilih. Diam-diam gadis itu mencari informasi tentang Marck di kota. Alangkah terkejutnya ia kala mendengar kabar jika lelaki yang akan dinikahinya adalah seorang yang kejam. Pada suatu hari ia beserta kedua orang tuanya memutuskan untuk pergi ke kota mencari kebenaraan informasi tentang Marck. Akan tetapi niat mereka di halangi oleh keluarga besar dari sang ayah. Namun hal tersebut tak membuat Luna gagal pergi menuju kota, ia tetap berangkat bersama kedua temannya. Hingga pada suatu saat ia dan temannya bertemu dengan seorang gadis yang bernama Liora dan membantu gadis ini untuk kabur dari cengkraman keluarga Haugert. Pengawal Haugert mengejar mereka sampai ke tengah hutan pinus. Di hutan inilah mereka bertemu dengan Pangeran Serigala untuk yang kedua kalinya, dan memasuki dunia mereka yang bernama Negeri Wheizt. Pangeran Serigala itu bernama James dan merupakan Kakak kandung dari Liora. Keindahan bak Negeri dongeng dan hal yang kurang masuk akal ada di Negeri tersebut. James dahulunya adalah seorang Pangeran tampan yang dikutuk oleh Teodora sang Ibu Tiri penganut ilmu Hitam demi harta, tahta, dan keabadian. Tak hanya mengutuk orang-orang yang ia inginkan, wanita kejam itu juga mencuri mustika Merah Naga Milik Pangeran Naga dan mengubah pangeran Naga menjadi sebuah batu untuk di jadikanlah hiasan. Semua itu ia lakukan demi mewujudkan ambisinya, tak hanya itu ia juga mengincar air mata putri duyung dan mutiaranya. Semua yang terkutuk akan berubah menjadi seperti sedia kala, jika kekuatan Teodora musnah. Para musuh Teodora pun akhirnya bergabung, dan menyerang Teodora untuk memusnahkan kekuatan nya. Peperangan besar pun terjadi, akankah pihak James yang membawa kemenangan, ataukah sebaliknya?

Rinz_Sugianto · Fantasy
271 Chs

Luna and The Wolf Prince

The worries that plagued Luna's heart were caused by pressure from her extended family which forced her to get married immediately. Meanwhile, until now, no man has succeeded in conquering her heart. Luna, a nineteen years old girl, was forced to marry a man she had never met before. The man was named Marck Haugert and the marriage had to take place because of a past agreement between the two families. The marriage was intended to perpetuate the power of Marck's mother named Teodora because Luna was a girl from the chosen nobility. The girl was secretly looking for information about Marck in the city. How shocked she was when she heard the news that the man she was going to marry was a cruel person. One day he and his parents decided to go to the city to find out the truth about Marck. However, their intentions were blocked by the extended family of their father. But this did not make Luna fail to go to the city, she still went with her two friends. Until one day he and his friend met a girl named Liora and helped this girl to escape from the clutches of the Haugert family. Haugert's bodyguards chased them into the middle of the pine forest. It was in this forest that they met the Wolf Prince for the second time, and entered their world called the Land of Wheizt. A very beautiful country is full of surprises like a fairy tale. That country is not only inhabited by incarnate creatures and other unique creatures, fairies also live there. The Wolf Prince was named James and was the older brother of Liora. James was once a handsome Prince who was cursed by the Dark Arts Stepmother Teodora for treasure, throne, and immortality. Not only cursing the people she wanted, but the cruel woman also stole the Dragon Prince's Red Dragon gem and turned the Dragon prince into a stone for decoration. All that he did to realize his ambition, not only that he was also eyeing the mermaid's tears and pearls. Everything that is cursed will change to what it used to be if Teodora's power is destroyed. Teodora's enemies finally joined forces and attacked Teodora to destroy his power. However, Teodora was also planning the same hall. He even asked hundreds of wizards from around the world to help him. A fierce and great war ensued in this land full of beauty. Who will be the winner, James' side or Teodora's side?

Rinz_Sugianto · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs