

2022-02-28 JoinedAscension Island

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  • Imaslapurass

    Sunny can't lie... is sarcasm a lie? or is William really humble?

    "And humble too," he heard Sunny comment, but he disregarded it in favor of the melodious laughter that was coming out of Cassie.
    Shadow Slave: Diaries of a Stranger in even Stranger Lands
    Book&Literature · John_Doe_777
  • Imaslapurass

    A school have that in their canteen? Despite visiting many academies, campuses, and colleges there's no milk or pizza in there :/

    He'd had a school lunch too! They gave him milk, and a slice of pizza! It was fantastic! The best thing he'd ever eaten!
    Harry Potter and the Tragic Path ((Rewrite))
    Book&Literature · Niggross
  • Imaslapurass

    I just broke another wafer stick reading this.

    He'd learned something new today! Well, he'd learned a bunch of things! The biggest being that his name wasn't 'Freak', but Harry Potter! He'd almost broken down and cried in the middle of class when he realised the teacher was referring to him, but held himself back when he remembered his uncle's words.
    Harry Potter and the Tragic Path ((Rewrite))
    Book&Literature · Niggross
  • Imaslapurass

    This immediately made me stop chewing my wafer stick :(

    "Happy birthday, Freak..."
    Harry Potter and the Tragic Path ((Rewrite))
    Book&Literature · Niggross
  • Imaslapurass
    Replied to Ai_Ai_Ecchi

    Uh, Groselle's Travel being a sub-dimension is completely irrelevant to it being an alternate dimension.Groselle's Travel is in the Mind World so its not physical, where Space-Time is looped, created out of true Godhood, and where fate and history is completely dictated. It has every right to be an alternate reality. In addition, alternate timeline is not possible in LOTM, even true time travel is impossible because Cuttlefish deemed it so, to remove any possibility of space-time headaches.

    "No," Aurore shook her head. "We can also summon creatures affiliated with the spirit world, the real world, and the astral world, as well as creatures from alternate worlds or other planets. Regardless of whether they are spirits or not, this is very dangerous. Most of the Beyonders who have attempted this have died tragically, and a small number have mysteriously disappeared. Only the corresponding notebooks were left behind to prove what they had done."
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Imaslapurass
    Replied to Imaslapurass

    Also, there are some Qidian readers who are trying to corrupt him, make him commit suicide, take Assassin Pathway, convince him that an innocent character is a villain, or that he should become the Napoleon, Genghis Khan, or Hitler.

    This book has been deleted.
  • Imaslapurass

    The original story is in Qidian, and the MC knows that his story is being published as a fanfiction and he can see the comments on the chapters. Meaning, the readers and commenters in Qidian can interact with the MC, guide him, help him, make fun of him, and troll him, essentially influencing the story. I'm one of those commenters in the Qidian site, and I pretty much drop chinese LOTM memes.

    This book has been deleted.
  • Imaslapurass
    Replied to rolov

    Yeah, I've read all Er Gen novels now and he is indeed the most tragic.Also, in Er Gen's latest novel, Beyond the Timescape (Outside of Time), i have a hunch that the MC (Xu Qing) is Old Man Extermination.

    That day marked the first time Su Ming killed someone and the first time he hunted a human for the purpose of killing him. It was the first time in his life that he was experiencing a change in his personality. Yu Chi on the other hand was the only person who would experience the process of Su Ming change.
    Pursuit of the Truth
    Eastern · Er Gen
  • Imaslapurass

    No comments? Well, thank you for the chapter!

    Ch 2 [RW] Chapter II: Of Imps and Men
    Shadow Slave: Diaries of a Stranger in even Stranger Lands
    Book&Literature · John_Doe_777
  • Imaslapurass

    These kids are stupid. Its just few words, is it that overwhelming?

    Narcissa and the other year 3 students seemed thoughtful before nodding their heads slightly. They were obviously still confused and needed a little bit longer to fully digest today's lesson.
    Harry Potter: The art of divination
    Book&Literature · Booggie
  • Imaslapurass

    Gravity, Weak & Strong Force, and Electromagnetism is the 4 true forces in the universe (in real life).

    Spectrum Pathway- Related to electromagnetic Force
    Singularity: Lord of Mysteries
    Book&Literature · Shadow_Magus
  • Imaslapurass
    Replied to Imaslapurass

    If you are actually planning to use it then its title is 'Fanmade Pathway - The Null Pathway'.

    Ch 2 Wonder
    Lord of Mysteries: The Mad God
    Book&Literature · DecietfulAngel
  • Imaslapurass

    Yo bro, my fanmade pathways are Eldritch and Null Pathway. You can use my Null Pathway one :)), the full version is on reddit if you do.

    Ch 2 Wonder
    Lord of Mysteries: The Mad God
    Book&Literature · DecietfulAngel
  • Imaslapurass

    ahahahaha I'm one of those "Lumina" fans.

    The only thing is he knew about the book was the existence of a Character called Lumina from early comments on the book that appeared on his page. He speculated that this character may be the main character's sister as the comments were made really early into the books release.
    Lord of the Mysteries: Father of Disorder
    Anime & Comics · SK20
  • Imaslapurass

    Hmmm... i wonder how this woman will turn into a man...

    Ch 1 Where am I, Annoying Moon
    Lord of The Mysteries: Godfather of Epilogue
    Book&Literature · Zayncerely
  • Imaslapurass

    It should be King, he can cut so fast and precise that atoms doesn't even notice.

    Atomic Samurai was a sword master who could precisely cut opponents into countless pieces. Yami wished to learn these skills, as even his lack of reiatsu made it no less challenging to put theory into practice as it did not require any supernatural power.
    Bleach : The Last Boss Of Soul Society
    Anime & Comics · Akasxh
  • Imaslapurass

    Now i imagine MC at his peak being cosmic garou lol.

    In his quest to improve, Yami looked to heroes for inspiration. Bang, a martial arts master, used a defensive technique called Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist. a defensive art unparalleled in its majesty. A cerulean aura enveloped his extremities, mirroring the fluidity of water. It repelled and redirected attacks, doubling its force like a raging river swelling its banks.
    Bleach : The Last Boss Of Soul Society
    Anime & Comics · Akasxh
  • Imaslapurass
    Replied to DecietfulAngel

    Well, i think Tatot Club is the core of LOTM story, just so interesting to see Klein's image grow, member's misunderstanding, etc. So if you do fanfic make sure you include how the protag will influence Klein and Tarot Club.

    Ch 1 Finally
    Lord of Mysteries: The Mad God
    Book&Literature · DecietfulAngel
  • Imaslapurass

    please don't make the MC suck Klein's d*** like other fanfics, make him join Tarot Club and be lucky enough to be misunderstood as the leader instead of Klein lol.

    Ch 1 Finally
    Lord of Mysteries: The Mad God
    Book&Literature · DecietfulAngel
  • Imaslapurass
    Replied to HypnosGodofSleep

    Elderlys will be hyperactive in their old age and become nutjobs, so taking care of one is like taking care of a child!

    Years ago, Harry remembered craving his relatives' love and approval, hoping to be acknowledged one day as a member of this family, distasteful as it may be. The young boy had grown out of that ridiculous phase. The two elders Dursleys did their best at ignoring him, although for what seemed to be different reasons. Harry didn't understand why his aunt constantly looked at him with a pained expression of distaste and grief, it probably had something to do with his mother. He didn't understand why Vernon Dursley looked at him with fear and rage in his eyes. But one thing was for certain. The Dursleys have done their best to show Harry that he wasn't a part of their family and that he would never be.
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Book&Literature · athass_prkr