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2022-02-23 JoinedGlobal

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  • Will_of_Thousands

    this dude just loves opening pandoras box

    Mhm, mhm, that's exactly what I want... Or at least that's what I want until I create guns. Then these medieval weapons won't be necessary.' Silas nodded to himself and also stood up.
    Limitless Evolution: The Path To Immortality
    Fantasy · Animosity
  • Will_of_Thousands

    I want to start off with this is a great work. it gets repetitive when the enemies became carbon copies of each other at different power levels. I honestly didn't have a problem with the plot until the author started doing this bs with this false arrogance based on power and experience he doesn't have. I've read to 2254 and I can't stand this bs. He gets upset when people underestimate him or kill the people close to him but heaven forbid he actually tries to prevent it by getting stronger before the problem happens. it's total bs that good flushed out characters who genuinely make the story interesting have to die for this dude to get off his ass. it's like the author gave up on creating interesting Villains and decided the mc needed to have a stick so far up his ass that he looks down on people who are perfectly capable of ripping him and everyone he cares about to shreds. all I'm gonna say is that if his girlfriend is truly dead then I'm dropping cause it's total BS. totally not needed and totally could have been avoided. hyped up the enemy, kills off his girl, then in the next paragraph Leonel wins with little to no fight because he's angry now and throwing a tantrum. like wtf happend to the calulatiave, funny, easy going, try hard who was unwilling to take a loss laying down. dude became a crybaby and an emotional wreck in the span of 300 chapters. for those that make it here sorry I ranted but I am just genuinely disappointed that such a solid story has taken this turn which you normally see in low quality novels.

    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • Will_of_Thousands

    bro what is the author preparing him for. at this point he's a walking war machine. not to mention the subordinates he has.

    The Source Sand was now a giant battle engine!
    Fey Evolution Merchant
    Eastern · Amber Button
  • Will_of_Thousands
    Replied to Tetractys


    Lift Marsh grew larger as it consumed more marsh soil. It was now large enough to carry the entire Marsh West Circle. Even the Samsara Realm Dictators, who were known for their large physiques, could not compare to its size.
    Fey Evolution Merchant
    Eastern · Amber Button
  • Will_of_Thousands
    Replied to Tetractys

    every demon starts at the first level and works their way down. at least that's how I understood it. so basically shadow is comparing the temp they just experienced to the temp of the depth he got to before he fled. hope that helps.

    Shadow had said with certainty that the temperature of the first level was much higher than that of the 18th level.
    Fey Evolution Merchant
    Eastern · Amber Button
  • Will_of_Thousands

    this is definitely not what u say to grieving daughters after what they just learned about their parents 💀🤣

    "Love is like a fart; if you force it, it's probably shit. No wonder she stinks so bad," Vaan softly sighed with a shake of his head.
    The Witch Hunter System
    Fantasy · Pointbreak
  • Will_of_Thousands
    Replied to Cate_SithJ

    I'm predicting that his attitude will melt when he sees Monica and then become even more direct and unreasonable if/when he has to leave her for something.

    Khan slightly lifted the bottle to pretend to toast but resumed drinking immediately. Caspar could only leave at that gesture, and Khan didn't move his eyes even after the metal door closed. His thoughts were too loud now, and he wanted to be alone with them.
    Chaos' Heir
    Fantasy · Eveofchaos
  • Will_of_Thousands

    it's back!!!!! ???????? I hope it starts up again consistently.

    The Witch Hunter System
    Fantasy · Pointbreak
  • Will_of_Thousands

    finally a breakthrough 😁👍

    'That!' Khan thought, struggling to believe what he had just heard. 'That was the Nak's language!'
    Chaos' Heir
    Fantasy · Eveofchaos
  • Will_of_Thousands
    Replied to Will_of_Thousands


    As they drove further, Vincent found himself lost in thought. His mind drifted to Elaine and he imagined her by his side, exploring the city together. He pictured them walking hand-in-hand, taking in the sights and sounds of Rome, laughing and talking as they went.
    Lunar Supremacy: Moonlight Overlord
    Urban · MZAF
  • Will_of_Thousands

    bro why am I getting death flags for the rich best friend 😭. he seems to joyfully and important to the main character. prime material for mc character development.

    As they drove further, Vincent found himself lost in thought. His mind drifted to Elaine and he imagined her by his side, exploring the city together. He pictured them walking hand-in-hand, taking in the sights and sounds of Rome, laughing and talking as they went.
    Lunar Supremacy: Moonlight Overlord
    Urban · MZAF
  • Will_of_Thousands

    I have read to the current chapters, and this is an amazing book. the writing quality is top tier. the characters are great and very likable. although their is a harem, it is small and well thought out and not a focus of the story. * This only becomes an issue for me in the later more recent chapters* My only major gripe is that the MC is a punching bag for the world and everyone in it. Example A) MC gets a girl, but don't be happy because everyone and their mom want to kill him for it. Example B) MC wants to be happy and chill, but nah, he gotta stop some extraterrestrial dude who wants to blow up existence itself. Example C) MC wants to take a dump by himself, but nah, he gotta stop everything he's built from being annihilated. It gets to a point where I don't even care if he succeeds because I know in the next chapter or 2 he's going to be on deaths door once more and win for some bullshit reason or circumstance cause the MC's plans never work in the slightest and if they have any semblance of success it will only lead to more pain. So, in short, a punching bag. It didn't bother me until it became an every 5 or 6 chapter event. but to be fair, the comebacks are well written and are probably the only reason I'm still reading.

    Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God
    Action · Awespec
  • Will_of_Thousands

    gawk gawk ♾️?

    A tremendous sucking force came from the mouth of the wolf, the thunder ophidian curse was sucked inside and disappeared within seconds. There was a reason why Fenrir's mouth looked like a black pit, because the mouth of Fenrir was an actual black hole, holding an unopposing vacuum power.
    The Atrocious Werewolf Prince
    Fantasy · The_Novel_Man
  • Will_of_Thousands

    I have read to the current chapter as of now (chapter 9) and I am very impressed. The concept is solid and the characters are interesting so far. it's hard to give an in depth review when there are so little chapters but the book has great potential. my only side comment would be that the story can be vague at times. I can understand as it's just the beginning and is a formative period for the story as a whole but it would be nice if there was a little more detail. overall this is a very minor nitpick and can definitely change as the story progresses so take it with a grain of salt. it didn't stop me from reading all of the chapters in one sitting. very solid book I will be keeping an eye on.

    Reincarnation of the Emperor
    Fantasy · Form
  • Will_of_Thousands
    Replied to Mordiadies

    if you haven't already, you should try out dimensional decent and rebirth of the nameless immortal god. both are 10/10 would recommend, especially if you like chaos heir.

    Strongest Angel's Death Wish
    Fantasy · MisterFlare
  • Will_of_Thousands

    40 chapter review: great story. as far as characters go I am very satisfied. The story could be more flushed out and detailed but overall it was a great story so far. It's unfortunate that the author dropped this. It was a great concept.

    Lord of Mayhem
    Fantasy · Eminent_Vellichor
  • Will_of_Thousands
    "Welcome aboard!" John extended his hand out and gave him a handshake not knowing what Arnold was planning.
    The Rise Of A Porter
    Fantasy · AkshatArpit
  • Will_of_Thousands

    I wonder who's vitality sloth will reach immortal first 😆

    But after developing in the marsh world for some time, she had even contracted the Vitality Sloth so she would not have to sleep as much each day.
    Fey Evolution Merchant
    Eastern · Amber Button
  • Will_of_Thousands
    Replied to Will_of_Thousands

    how old is he? I thought he was around 18-20.

    Lin Yuan was only around 65 kilograms. Even if Rising Lizard's neck only just nudged him, he would be sliced clean through
    Fey Evolution Merchant
    Eastern · Amber Button
  • Will_of_Thousands

    dude needs to hit the gym

    Lin Yuan was only around 65 kilograms. Even if Rising Lizard's neck only just nudged him, he would be sliced clean through
    Fey Evolution Merchant
    Eastern · Amber Button