


Just a random dude who loves to read and writes as a hobby, who just happened to have an idea to get off his chest.

2022-02-21 JoinedArgentina



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  • SouthernPickyEater
    Replied to Jackson_Alucard611

    I think it is quite obvious

    So... yeah. The Speed Force. He is going to be The Flash in Encanto. Why Encanto? Well... my girlfriend had me watch the movie recently and it really fit my idea so I just went with it. Besides, it was either Encanto or Frozen and I really didn't feel like messing with Frozen. Elsa is enough there. I beg people who read this to leave comments with their oppinions on the writing. If you don't like my choice of power or are a fan of those brainless, girl collecting fics, please don't bother commenting. The MC is overpowered enough as it is.
    Encanto... but is that a monster?
    Movies · SouthernPickyEater
  • SouthernPickyEater
    Replied to MajimaMunancho24

    Oh man I am just as sick as you of those. Read too many Madara-fics back to back.

    Ch 6 Gifts x Understanding x Special
    Encanto... but is that a monster?
    Movies · SouthernPickyEater
  • SouthernPickyEater
    Replied to Vastoking

    It is but it isn't. First of all he is helping them solve things faster. Second, with monsters attacking he can't afford to have the Madrigals being broken or losing their powers.

    "You banished the person who loved this family the most, and you chastise the one person who is doing her best to help the family just because she doesn't have a gift herself. And even before that, you go and put extreme pressure on your daughters and grandchildren to be the best they can for their family, completely ignoring their needs and their own happiness." Julio said in one breath, citing one by one each and every mistake Alma Madrigal had made. And he was sure that, unless the situation had been as such, she would've tried to lie to the town's people by saying they had the attackers under control, when reality was very different from that.
    Encanto... but is that a monster?
    Movies · SouthernPickyEater
  • SouthernPickyEater
    Replied to Vastoking

    Yeah, he can basically use all of those abilities that come with the Speed Force because he already knows he is capable of doing them.

    "Making myself intangible by vibrating so fast that my molecules can go through solids? Check." Julio said smugly as he thought of the next thing on his list. Running. "This should be easier... just focus Julio..."
    Encanto... but is that a monster?
    Movies · SouthernPickyEater
  • SouthernPickyEater
    Replied to Vastoking

    I. Am. Sick. Of. Harems.

    So... yeah. The Speed Force. He is going to be The Flash in Encanto. Why Encanto? Well... my girlfriend had me watch the movie recently and it really fit my idea so I just went with it. Besides, it was either Encanto or Frozen and I really didn't feel like messing with Frozen. Elsa is enough there. I beg people who read this to leave comments with their oppinions on the writing. If you don't like my choice of power or are a fan of those brainless, girl collecting fics, please don't bother commenting. The MC is overpowered enough as it is.
    Encanto... but is that a monster?
    Movies · SouthernPickyEater
  • SouthernPickyEater
    Replied to AStrAl_Soul

    The cover

    What Julio didn't know was how his new appearance affected people. After all, he only knew how he looked know based on his memories, which were from a kid who had barely turned eighteen years old. He now looked like a beautiful man, with sharp features and bright green eyes. His skin, which was of a colour similar to Camilo's but more yellow-ish, was unblemished and smooth, giving him even more points in the beauty department. His body, on the other hand, looked manly with wide shoulders and tight muscles. Overall, he was perhaps the only other man besides Mariano Guzmán that could be considered a "lady killer" in all of Encanto. At least, based on what the movie showed. He wouldn't learn of that until a bit later, though.
    Encanto... but is that a monster?
    Movies · SouthernPickyEater
  • SouthernPickyEater
    Replied to SexyBeast

    As someone who loves writing, I can only say: First: English isn't my first language, it's Spanish. Second: thank you so much for this review! I am so glad someone took the time to write an actual review rather than a mindless one. I still appreciate them because they help my story anyways, but this? This helps me improve as an author and see where I can change things for the better. Answering your concern with the pacing of the story: It was rather fast in the first chapters because I needed to get this few things out of the way, and, if you really think about it, those four chapters happened in the span of a single day. So while it might feel rushed, you can expect a lot of history to come. As for the lenght, well, I don't have an "ending" planned yet. I do have a lot of events in mind and do remember that this is not just Encanto, but it has different elements mixed in. Where do the monsters come from? What even are they really? Who sent them? Disney has a huge universe I can play with freely, and I will.

    Encanto... but is that a monster?
    Movies · SouthernPickyEater