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MC x Yasaka o MC x Sona y Serafall
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Selina Kyle y Thalia al Ghul
Thalia al ghul o Selina kyle
Friend, the oc doesn't remember that he is in a zombie apocalypse?? She doesn't come back because no girl/boy would want to be with her family and she rarely sees a boyfriend/girlfriend they've only known for a few months. -As a brother, he gives the feeling that he is just trying to attach himself to important figures as a way to survive." friend, have you seen the complete twd? Almost all couples have the same feeling at the beginning, as they suffer difficulties with their partner and face them together, they surely end up falling in love. -Friend sees the world from an apocalyptic perspective, not from a normal world.
MMMmmmm..... quitaste a maggie como interes amoroso me quitaste el animo de escuchar el fanfic con textaloud mientras hago mis tareas , ahora maximo le dare una lectura rapida y eso que capas lo dejo de leer , revise todos los comentarios de todos los capitulos y no veo quejas de maggie y carley, no sera que ati no te gustan las parejas del mc y culpas a otras personas ?
por favor que su pareja sea Maggie greene vengo de leer tu otro fanfic y el OC lo enparejaste con Alicia clark