


I live for Angst.

2022-02-16 JoinedGlobal

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  • Cookie_TheWookie

    Y'all are forgetting that she's dead. They insulted a dead person. Also his mom. Who is dead. His very dead mom.

    Noah could tolerate without any problem when anyone spoke ill of him, since for all these years, the number of people who mocked his appearance, strength, and "uselessness" in the Fortresses were countless. But if someone spoke ill of the woman who practically gave her life to look after him and the little sister he swore at his mother's grave to protect, Noah would make that person pay somehow. And seeing as he was strong enough now, he wouldn't be anything more than a coward if he allowed a piece-of-garbage like this man say something like that about those whom he loves.
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • Cookie_TheWookie
    Replied to Novel_F9r_lifers

    Yeah but, he's LITERALLY her brother. Family don't do that.

    She knew that without the profit the restaurant would generate for her, it would be impossible for her to pay the interest that that loan would charge, but she had no other choice available. When her brother found out that instead of using the money he gave her to open the restaurant and generate more money to pay the high interest for him, she was using it on a hospital bill, he was pissed.
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • Cookie_TheWookie

    I mean, that kind of makes sense?? The place probs feels a lot cleaner now, or more "pure"

    Looking around and finding nothing but ashes, he gave a smile of satisfaction not even he knew he could make. For some reason, seeing a place that was once completely full of corpses now almost empty, save for some ashes, was a really beautiful sight in Noah's eyes.
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • Cookie_TheWookie
    Replied to VividlyLucid29

    Naw, she got her whole shoulder ripped off

    "Blessed with long range, focus on killing the smaller rats while we hold the King! Be quick, as we won't be able to hold on for long!" The scarred man shouted another command. This time everyone listened quickly, ignoring the woman who had lost part of her shoulder to the Rat King and was now lying still in a dream from which she would never wake up.
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • Cookie_TheWookie

    Wouldn't it have been cool if it was Amy who saved her? Like, just as Wendy was about to have her head bitten off, Amy snaps out of it and jumps in front of her? Maybe this could have been her other hand being bitten off too. And she sacrifices herself for the sake of her friend. Wendy, who was spiting her just moments before, suddenly realizes that her friend still cares about her and feels immediate regret and grief and stands there in shock, but then as the rat's about to eat her head too, MC uses that opportunity to fireball and that's it.I would have loved a she goes grief-stricken rage mode alternative, but then I realized she's a healer.

    However, when Wendy could already feel the hot and extremely stinky breath of the Rat King, she momentarily opened her eyes and a thin white hand came into her field of vision extremely close to the girl's own eyes with an open palm, making a ball of fire launch towards the rat's mouth, so close that Wendy even felt her skin warm slightly due to the heat of the fire before the ball flew.
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • Cookie_TheWookie
    Replied to Marie_Noneya

    Right? And none of this towards Henry? Tho I guess that's kinda cuz they expect she's more likely to be a love interest than him lol

    However, when Wendy could already feel the hot and extremely stinky breath of the Rat King, she momentarily opened her eyes and a thin white hand came into her field of vision extremely close to the girl's own eyes with an open palm, making a ball of fire launch towards the rat's mouth, so close that Wendy even felt her skin warm slightly due to the heat of the fire before the ball flew.
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • Cookie_TheWookie
    Replied to KeiJu

    Wat about Henry?

    "AMYYYY!!!!!" Wendy screamed from the rear when she saw her friend's arm being pulled out effortlessly by the Super Boss. She was still angry at her friend for not letting her go to talk to Noah but not to the point that she didn't care what was happening to the girl at the time.
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • Cookie_TheWookie

    But I can't actually see anything gramatically wrong here?

    "Okay, people with Blessings that favor ranged attacks will stay away from focusing on causing damage to the Boss. Be careful not to spend all your energy in the beginning, since when the Boss enters Berserk mode, everyone will have to do damage as quickly as possible so he doesn't call a huge hoard of rats to himself," said the scarred man as he opened the metal door that led to the King of Rats' lair.
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • Cookie_TheWookie
    Replied to Soonbin

    I would love that honestly

    Even Noah was worried, thinking of a person who depended on him outside, a person who would not be able to support herself, that person for whom he worked and almost killed himself over several times in the past four years. Under no circumstances would Noah allow himself to not leave this fortress alive today.
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • Cookie_TheWookie

    Pretty sure this was his plan all along? Remember he thought up a way to gain exp? Yuh.

    While looking at the little ice chunk coming towards him, Noah simply raised his left hand and a thin stream of flame was launched towards the stone, melting it back into liquid form.
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • Cookie_TheWookie
    Replied to Carlos_Leonelli
    "Hoho, am I useless? So, how about you show the group how useful you were in this invasion?" Noah asked with a sarcastic voice and a raised eyebrow.
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • Cookie_TheWookie
    Replied to rbarbour88

    Tbf it's better than most

    Apparently only the two of them knew what they were talking about, so the other 12 people stood looking at each other, searching between Noah and the man for answers. If even when Harry pissed the man off he didn't lose his temper like that, something really serious was happening this time.
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • Cookie_TheWookie

    I like him a little bit less now. Idk... it just makes me uncomfy that he'd do this to teenagers.

    Seeing that the boy was already ignoring reason just to blame someone, the man who was not obliged to put up with it walked forward towards Harry until his hand grabbed the boy's throat and lifted him off the floor. "Who do you think you're talking to, boy? If you're feeling bad that your little friend died, do you want me to send you to hell with him? We came here to invite you to join us so that we have a better chance of surviving inside here and killing the King of Rats. As we already have 13 people, you will not be missed if an accident were to happen. Do you understand me?" the man asked, as he tightened his grip on the boy's throat.
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • Cookie_TheWookie
    Replied to Trim_2cool


    Hearing Harry's question, the scarred man just raised an eyebrow and answered, "Why should have we?"
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • Cookie_TheWookie
    Replied to Glizzy567

    I'm sorry this is the stupidest argument I've ever seen

    Remembering Noah, Wendy looked around for the Blessed who always came out alive along with someone else, but didn't see him anywhere. She knew that for someone to stay alive for so long in the fortresses oftentimes the person would be the only survivor of the team itself in an invasion. But Noah always left alive with more than one person, so if she stayed with him, she would probably be able stay alive here. But now it was too late; even looking around, she found nothing of him.
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • Cookie_TheWookie
    Replied to SleepDeprivedSloth

    And most importantly, they don't just send untrained and weak people, they send untrained and weak CHILDREN

    At that time, all the teenagers in the group knew they had messed up when they came alone. They thought they could kill the monsters however they pleased because they were blessed with rank E and D Blessings, but life showed them that the only certainty anyone can have is that one day he will die. Otherwise, everything is uncertain.
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • Cookie_TheWookie
    Replied to John_Doe12

    The only thing wrong with this is the fact that they're allowing obviously young and inexperienced teens to make life or death decisions and sending them to fight for their lives in the first place.2 years late but my point still stands.

    Many who had never heard Noah speak raised an eyebrow in amazement. Really, what he said made sense. Some had proposed the idea to go straight to the chief of the fortress, but remembering that this chief had a berserk mode, they could only abandon the idea after hearing what Noah said. With a nod, the man with the scar confirmed that Noah's plan was the best for the group and so they also entered the portal.
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • Cookie_TheWookie
    Replied to Darkoholic

    I doubt he has a choice

    "Actually, I did. They say his blessing just made him beautiful, and that's all: without an increase in strength, without an elemental control, nothing."
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • Cookie_TheWookie

    He's "nOt lIKe tHe OtHeR gIrls"

    Separated from both groups was a young adult of 20 years. He sat alone in a corner of the bus with his head resting on the glass of the vehicle window, watching some sparse bushes and trees pass by while his mind was focused on something that the others besides him could not see.
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • Cookie_TheWookie

    Okay THAT is beautiful

    But oh well, he thought number eight is the best number for the first system that he made, the three number symbolizes the three words which is the "I Love You" and the number eight is the symbolizes the word "INFINITE" which is forever and no ends.
    [BL] SYSTEM, WTF!!!(Hiatus)
    History · justbooks188