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There are several things that don’t make sense. Why give an anonymous name for his book if he's going to reveal it to a bunch of 11-year-olds three chapters later? Or his fight with the troll—if you can even call it that. He performs multiple spells that shouldn’t be possible for the average or even talented first-year, yet he says maybe in one chapter to Hermione that he wants to stay hidden (with his abilities) and not outperform his other classmates. He just wants to be the best in his class, but nothing more. I think I set the bar too high for a fanfiction. It’s good for fanfiction, but it’s nothing compared to some web novels, fanfictions, or most of the books I’ve read. However, it’s still miles ahead of 90% of the Harry Potter fanfiction I’ve read. If you’re reading this, author of the book, it shouldn’t bring you down. These are just a few remarks that may help make the book a bit better. So, here’s a positive review as well: Good grammar. I can't spot any major grammatical mistakes, and it’s enjoyable to read. The characters are relatively well-written, and I would say they are similar to their original counterparts. The story development is similar, if not the same, as the book, but since it’s a fanfiction, there’s some leeway. Overall, I would give it 4.4 stars (I’m at Chapter 16).
Years ? I thought he only worked for half to full year as a antique Handler.
Thanks !
What is supposed to happen if he applies 'weight,' so to say pressure, to his blood?
ha so blue eyes
Green eyes...? I thought she had blue eyes.
Mabye i got it wrong but wasnt homelander only called John by the researchers and madelyn. He hated that name.
😂 What did I just read . Each chapter is getting wilder and wilder .
Tf .... Germany doesnt even have a President. Nur diesen Piraten.
Quite the nice novel. Good grammar and good Story with somewhat likeable charakters. But... you got to hold on and dont just drop the story like many other did. Because it went a lot of effort into writing this Review . Ps: ( like atleast 30 seconds )