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  • bagelpoint_n

    I like how they still find ways to insult the play.

    "I know that your second body is currently enjoying a tasteless theater play that we sponsored, while the third one is somewhere in Song Domain, hiding in the shadows. However, I can't sense the one in Godgrave at all. Curious."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • bagelpoint_n
    Replied to Graysonjansma


    Each of the countless shards of ice had been a part of someone slain by the blizzard once, perhaps.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • bagelpoint_n
    And in the next moment, Sunny gasped.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • bagelpoint_n

    You can't do that to me right after I thought sunny and Cassie are gonna be a thing. [img=nervous]

    Ch 1644 Royal Forge
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • bagelpoint_n
    Replied to Leyland_sunless

    The divine realms are part of the dream realm. All except earth.

    "The real Bastion, of course. Not this mirage we all live in."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • bagelpoint_n

    I think that this confirms that he can't level his shadows up anymore since the only one that improved is fiend and he can level up through eating while we know that he could have made more than enough memories to level up his other shadows.

    "I must admit, you are a fascinating man. Not only do you seem to have appeared out of nowhere, but your establishment is even built inside of an Ascended Devil. How inventive."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • bagelpoint_n


    Ch 1636 Man-Shaped Void
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • bagelpoint_n
    Replied to Preston_Bunn

    There are a few things that you got wrong. Go back to the episode with windflower. There she said that some of the realms were connected and some were not. So the map shows worlds that were connected even before the war. Second, you said that it is the spell that merges the realms, but it is the dream realm that does that. It slowly devours all other worlds through the nightmares which are part of the dream gods influence. Third, not the daemons are the flaw of the gods but the dream god is and since the daemons are a part of him they also are by extension. A divine memory doesn't work on a god who is stated to be above the divine rank so you couldn't use weavers mask.

    Ch 1631 Hidden Menace
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • bagelpoint_n

    Anyone else noticed that she starts to call him lord again.

    Lord Shadow seemed like a solitary man. There was no clan behind him, let alone a Domain. Which meant that whatever technique he possessed had been designed by him, and him alone. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • bagelpoint_n

    I have a theory. Cassie, Sunny and Nephis are gonna become a love triangle. I am not saying that there is gonna be an harem ending or that sunny is gonna fall in love with Cassie. I am just saying that I think such a situation will come to be. Hear me out: The future self of sunny gave a hint to a close relationship with Cassie when he referred to her as 'Cas'. Since this version of sunny is probably the one who just got his fate back, it is safe to say that this closeness developed before others remembered him. Naturally you could just say that he simply got close to the whole cohort again and I am not denying that this will happen to some degree but I don't think it's because of that. Since Sunny decided to work with nephis through anonymity and in a political setting I don't think that this will get him to really be close with her or her friends. I also think that it is near impossible to build the same trust and relationship with neph without their specific backstory. Especially since she loses her humanity more and more. It's another thing for Cassie. Firstly, she is probably the only one to know of him through her writings. Even if she doesn't, she will be the first to find out or connect the dots due to her abilities. So she will get to know sunny not in a political and anonymous setting but a personal one. The Author also hinted at that by first showing an interaction with Cassie as a person and then with nephis as a saint. Secondly, she is lonely. A while back there was a Cassie pov where we learned that she is lonely because she doesn't interact much with people because she knows about their fates. That also makes interactions with them sad. Because of that, Sunny is the best person to get close to and the only one she can be herself around. That would certainly make it easier for her to fall for him. Third, she simply doesn't know about him and Nephis so she has no reason against it yet. A thing that also needs to be mentioned is Effies comment. She wanted to pair one of her friends with Sunny. I think she meant Cassie. That is either a sign that Cassie expressed a desire for romance in confidence with Effie or foreshadowing from the author. I am only grabbing at straws here but I think that this theory is plausible. Also because the author listed Cassie as the third protagonist on Webnovel and I think that it hints on her becoming a bigger part of the story because I don't think that she played much of a bigger role than other parts of the cohort, especially on a personal level. The author has laid the groundwork for this arc. It is going to take place at three places. Ravenheart, Bastion and Godgrave. And both Sunny, and by extension the author, gave all three Sunnys a different purpose in the story. The sunny in Godgrave is the political side of the Arc and interacts with Nephis and Valor. The sunny in Ravenheart is the family part with rain who is probably going to get a bigger role in the story. The Sunny in bastion is the personal and maybe romantic part of the Arc, interacting mostly with Cassie and building this personal relationship that we know will exist later. This part of the Arc will also cover lore of fate and the seventh god.

    Ch 1621 Princes of the Universe
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • bagelpoint_n

    I hope it's mass because when he will be divine he can have his own gravity.

    The fifth element was about another Attribute of his, the Onyx Shell. Among other things, it allowed Sunny to freely change his weight… or was it mass? He could never tell the difference. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • bagelpoint_n

    That's kinda poetic because Odysseus called himself that and he is her favoruritehero

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • bagelpoint_n

    I just thought that if Nephis were to kill sunny the spell would probably announce that she killed "Unknown". I mean it would be sad and the story would end but can you imagine how cool it would be that the spell calls you something that is reserved for a god and beings of the void. Another thought, Sunny now has a way better Aoe skill then Nephis. Sure she makes more damage than him but he can just shout "dream god" incredibly loud with the rock and everything below fallen as far as the sound travels would probably die.

    Ch 1607 Godgrave
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • bagelpoint_n

    That's 1/8 of the circumference of the earth.

    The skull was connected to a white spine, which stretched south from the Hollow Mountains. In fact, it was connected to an entire skeleton of inconceivable proportions. From the top of the skull to the right knee joint, which was the southernmost intact point of the skeleton, it was at least five thousand kilometers in length. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • bagelpoint_n

    If it were her notes there are only a few ways how that could have worked. First she gave them to Effie so that they are stored in the necklace when the nightmare ends and if she wrote on material from the estuary it could be that they weren't destroyed because of their special origin outside of time. The reason why she would only contact him now is probably because she first had to meet Effie to get the notes and by then he was already gone. Another way the notes could have been preserved would be that she asked sunny to make the chest in which they were a memory. That isn't likely since he would have remembered that. But since she got that chest from torment, the mad prince could have made it a memory. That is very plausible because the mad prince also planned on getting freedom so he left Cassie a way to remember him. The third way is that Cassie made the chest a memory or something similar by using runic sorcery.

    Ch 1606 Belated Apology
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • bagelpoint_n

    I thought her abilities related to fate wouldn't work on him anymore. It was said that oracles see the future by sensing the movements in the strings of fate. Since he isn't part of fate she shouldn't be able to see his future.

    Ch 1606 Belated Apology
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • bagelpoint_n

    Maybe queen bee?

    "Awakened Telle. Welcome."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • bagelpoint_n

    With six weavers saint should be great by now, right?

    Ch 1591 Years Later
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • bagelpoint_n

    He often stated that he kinda doesn't trust happy with important things. When he sent his shadow after song he mentioned that he would never let happy do something important. Because of his upbringing he distrusts happy people.

    Sunny said a silent goodbye to the happy shadow and smiled. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • bagelpoint_n

    That doesn't make sense. The good thing about the soul serpent was that it was connected to her soul and so it could go into the first nightmare and the dream realm with her. Sunnys shadow can do neither until she is at least a master. The only thing the shadow can protect her from are enemies in the real world and since no one will probably ever make the connection again, she is perfectly safe except for when a gate opens.

    And as she did, a dark serpent flowed from her shadow into the young man's shadow, unnoticed. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree