

2022-02-04 JoinedGlobal

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  • Super_Me

    now we got two alphas and two omegas, who is whose?

    Theo is a dreamer. From childhood, he had a perfect vision of his future life. He loved music and singing since his mother was a singer. He pursued singing right after his graduation from music school. He loves to travel, meet new people at the same time stay home and sleep. He loves his family, especially his brothers. He is the main provider to his family since his brothers are teenagers and his alpha mother is not in a condition to work. He is strong and determined. He works hard and gives his all in everything. His dream is to provide aid to his family and let them live in luxury. His flaw is trusting people easily or letting others know his weakness unknowingly.
    The Successors (Omega Verse)
    LGBT+ · vasuki_king
  • Super_Me

    sparkle sparkle

    {Thomas: You are his fan too, sister (sparkle... sparkle)}
    The Successors (Omega Verse)
    LGBT+ · vasuki_king
  • Super_Me
    "Aunt, as Uncle stated earlier, Harpers may be forming this alliance with us to grip power in the South. So, if we neglect this, they will look for another way and it could become trouble for us in the future. Harper may be powerful in the North, but the South is the king's territory. In my opinion, if we accept this alliance we can get closer to Harper and keep them under our control. Therefore, I would like to say yes." he answered perfectly that Louis was so happy.
    The Successors (Omega Verse)
    LGBT+ · vasuki_king
  • Super_Me

    come on...

    {Jeon: Honey (his current boyfriend) is not gonna like this. I was not planning to marry him anyway. This offer is indeed tasty. It's like offering me a mountain full of gems and a partner to play with. Anyone would accept it. And my father will definitely pressure me. I don't really want to be dragged into this family drama, yet, why do I feel like this is going to be fun? You are making a face as if I am going to snatch your favourite toy, Oliv. This should be a fun game to play. I enjoyed having competitions with you since childhood. Fighting over an omega is kind of merriment, I want to see where this goes. Shall I say something?}
    The Successors (Omega Verse)
    LGBT+ · vasuki_king
  • Super_Me

    sly snake

    {Oliver: This is big. This is a chance. Harpers are hungry wolves for power, they definitely love to make me the head of the family if I marry their omega. However, do I want to become a puppet in their hand in order to achieve my goal? No, but if I can take the wheel of control if I can make the omega obey me, I can take the Harpers to my side. And by gaining knowledge about Siva's secret with Grandpa, I will be able to dethrone her. This is freaking awesome. I should take this chance, initially, I was not planning to marry or mate someone anyway. If that omega can bring me luck, I don't mind being his dildo.}
    The Successors (Omega Verse)
    LGBT+ · vasuki_king
  • Super_Me

    ok hate her

    Elina is very intelligent from a young age. She admired her brother who was called a perfect kid and aspired to become like him. She also imitated him in every way, including his ideologies and beliefs. She has a lot of friends and is very outgoing. She fell in love with a young Alpha professor one year ago and got engaged recently. She always follows her father and brother. She loves to spend time with her lover. Music, tv dramas, bands and muscular men are her interest areas.
    The Successors (Omega Verse)
    LGBT+ · vasuki_king
  • Super_Me

    one with a little sense in the family

    Jeon is a bodybuilder and trainer. He is also a physical education teacher. He loves to spend his time in the gym. He is a very health-conscious man. His only flaw is his weakness towards omegas. He has a long dating history. Currently, he is dating an omega man. He loves to drink protein shakes or fruit smoothies. He has a neutral stand with Siva since she gave him the full authority of King's sports and fitness department institutions. He respects her, but he is not fond of Oliver. He and Oliver were always rivals since childhood. Jeon likes to listen to music mainly raps. He loves his little brother and is not fond of his mother. He obeys his father but there is a limit and Peter knows that too. He is basically a man of his own rules.
    The Successors (Omega Verse)
    LGBT+ · vasuki_king
  • Super_Me


    "Hahaha... I didn't say it was an alliance for me." Siva smiled and others were confused; "The Harpers certainly did ask for me at first but I have no time to get married now, so I declined. Then they informed me, they are fine with any Alphas of the first two kin of Kings. This means this alliance is for either Oliver or Jeon," Siva smirked. Others were astounded as Oliver gazed at Jeon. He faced Oliver with a sneer as if a challenge between Alphas. Peter and Louis were as baffled as others, they silently glared at each other.
    The Successors (Omega Verse)
    LGBT+ · vasuki_king
  • Super_Me

    there is always one... hahaha

    {Thomas - How can she be this cool? And why do I strangely attracted to her? Is it legal? She is not blood-related. Huh! She is exactly my type} Thomas is a male omega who admires Siva secretly and also has a crush on her.
    The Successors (Omega Verse)
    LGBT+ · vasuki_king
  • Super_Me

    imagine this happening right. All your father's assets go to another person who is not even your family. And you have to live under their rule... frustrating

    Abruptly the door of the dining hall opened and Siva along with Fred entered. She was in her usual elegant suit. Every family that gathered there disliked her, yet they nevertheless followed her orders and held her in high regard. She does, after all, have everything they want. She is the guardian of their future in their eyes. She is the dragon baby that their father reared to protect the treasure that he left behind. The treasure... It is what they want. Everyone discreetly rose as Siva took a position at the head of the table. The others followed once she took a seat. The servants proceeded to serve the food.
    The Successors (Omega Verse)
    LGBT+ · vasuki_king
  • Super_Me

    why do I feel the tension just to stand there

    The banquet dining table was a wooden table specially made for the king's family. It is a rectangular table with the carved history of the King family and the names of forebears inscribed in gold. The family head sits on the golden side of the rectangle's width, while his or her partner is seated on the other side. The first chairs to the left and right of the incumbent head of the family are occupied by the next qualified candidate. Next, their family occupies the chairs. Following the family, the visitor typically occupies the remaining chairs. There were a total of 26 seats, with 12 seats on each side and 2 seats on either end.
    The Successors (Omega Verse)
    LGBT+ · vasuki_king
  • Super_Me

    oh get out

    {Ty - Today too, he was thinking of something else while doing it with me. It's not like I care about those things, it would have been more fun if he sweet-talked a little. He is such a young master. I can't make him mad, after all, he is my cash cow.}
    The Successors (Omega Verse)
    LGBT+ · vasuki_king
  • Super_Me

    focus on what you are doing idiot king

    {Oliver - I have seen her obeying Grandpa's orders without any questions. I have seen her standing emotionless countless times even at the funeral of Grandpa. She is a fucking robot grandpa created to piss us off. We have let her go wild for almost 18 years, that's not gonna happen again. Uncle Peter won't stop trying to end her life, he is a coward and a stupid man. I am not like him, I have been waiting for just this moment. Finally, I got my hands on what I needed. The secret she hides from the family. It's time to say goodbye to the accidental king. Go back to the slums you came from, Siva King.} Oliver thrust harder and harder into Ty.
    The Successors (Omega Verse)
    LGBT+ · vasuki_king
  • Super_Me
    Ty softly licked Oliver's dozing genitalia after caressing them with his palms. He delicately used his moist, slimy tongue from tip to balls. Gradually, the sleeping fellow awoke and stood erect, pointing at Ty, which gave Ty great joy. With delight, he moved it about in his mouth while soaking it with saliva. His hands travelled to his own wet, spilling hole and solid genitalia. He fingered himself while swallowing Oliver's gland. Oliver gradually began to become intoxicated by Ty's alluring aroma and the pleasure he provides. Ty's head was pushed to move more quickly as his hand approached it. He forced his hard member down his throat. Ty's mouth was soon full with a white treat Oliver shared with him. He eagerly enjoyed it as he got onto the bed, revealing his wonderfully greased asshole.
    The Successors (Omega Verse)
    LGBT+ · vasuki_king
  • Super_Me

    you baka....

    "Hahaha... you are really unbelievable aunt. You are like a rat trapped inside a luxurious death trap. You will die if you take a wrong move. I guess you also agree that Grandpa was a strange man. Siva King, this time, I will drown you along with that trap. I will erase your existence from Kings. That Castle is mine," he wickedly laughed as his eyes shone.
    The Successors (Omega Verse)
    LGBT+ · vasuki_king
  • Super_Me

    what? daddy dragon? why?

    Unknown: Yes, as you doubt, there is a code of conduct and rules Siva needs to follow according to your late grandfather.
    The Successors (Omega Verse)
    LGBT+ · vasuki_king
  • Super_Me


    [Warning: This chapter contains sexual content]
    The Successors (Omega Verse)
    LGBT+ · vasuki_king
  • Super_Me

    Yes, I want to know....

    Ch 3 Siva King
    The Successors (Omega Verse)
    LGBT+ · vasuki_king
  • Super_Me
    "Elder brother, I sympathise with your annoyance, but please refrain from yelling at me once again. I'm your boss and the head of this family. "You should listen to me," she said arrogantly, the air filled with her terrifying powerful Alpha aura. No one was able to stand straight up in the congested air. Oliver calmed his father down by patting him. Siva then left with Fred while remaining silent.
    The Successors (Omega Verse)
    LGBT+ · vasuki_king
  • Super_Me
    "You lucky demon bastard! I have been doing this job for more than twenty years. Are you mocking me? I am the eldest Alpha of Kings. You ought to listen to me. You beggar dog!" he shouted at her. Sive didn't flinch or let her calmness leave. She simply stood there accepting all of his anger.
    The Successors (Omega Verse)
    LGBT+ · vasuki_king